The Rise of the Babylon the Great New World Order—Past to Present

Here it is folks, my most recent YouTube banned video, which I have just uploaded to my new channel on the free speech platform known Rumble. From now on, I will use this channel to post my more controversial videos that go against the mainstream narrative of the so-called “Liberal World Agenda” (to quote the current resident [not President] of the White House).

If I continue to upload such videos to YouTube, strike one, two, three and I’m out and there goes this media platform, which is the modern Roman road opportunity to spread the gospel far and wide. So we want to be wise as serpents, harmless as doves as we get the Word of Elohim out, while being careful too fly under the radar of Satan and his fascistic and demonic minions.

Please subscribe to Hoshana Rabbah on Rumble and spread the word to those you know who are woke—that is, are awake to the light of YHVH’s Truth!

Thank you for your love, support and prayers as we go forward for the glory of our Master and Savior, Yeshua the Messiah! — Nathan

In this YouTube banned video, Nathan Lawrence gives a brief historical overview of the rise of the biblical Babylon the Great New World Order (aka the Global Reset, Liberal World Order, etc., ad nauseam) from Karl Marx to the present. He explains its step-by-step implementation from Marx to the Federal Reserve Act, to WW1 and the League of Nations, to the Great Depression, to WW2 and the United Nations, to the Cold War, 9/11, the COVID “plandemic”, to the WEF’s Global Reset, to the infamous mark of the beast and into the future. We’re seeing 2,000 year old Bible prophecies coming to pass before our eyes. If the Bible is accurate about this, then just maybe it’s also accurate about Yeshua the Messiah/Jesus Christ, his death on the cross to pay for our sins, and his free gift of salvation and eternal life and our need to love and obey him…just maybe??!! Watch this video and think about where your life fits into this whole scenario and what you need to do about it. It’s time to wake up to reality and to get real with your Creator. Grace and peace…

Now here’s the video that the God-hating, truth deniers and cowards at YouTube didn’t have the courage to leave up because these night creatures can’t stand the light of day. Be blessed…


Free Helpful Resources from Hoshana Rabbah—Our Love Gift to YOU

You can find our current Bible reading schedule for this year (ending 10/15/22), and next year’s Bible reading schedule (for 2022 and 2023) as well as the projected dates for the upcoming biblical festivals on the “Helpful Links” section on the right side of the blog’s front page. Sandi, Nathan’s wife and behind-the-scenes ministry partner, keeps these up to date for your blessing and convenience.

For your help, here are the links:

Bible reading schedule for 2022-23

2022 fall feasts


My Thunderbird Tee-Shirt Explained

Several people have had some questions about a tee-shirt I was wearing during a recent video I made with an embroidered thunderbird on it. One person expressed legitimate concern about my wearing an image of what they took to be an idol—something Scripture forbids. Actually, the thunderbird image is not an idol but, as far as I know, a non-religious, symbolic artistic depiction of heaven. Let me explain.

I purchased the tee shirt on my recent trip to Alaska. This was my fifth trip to that state. On the shirt is some native art from the Tlingit Indians picturing the mythical thunderbird, which is similar to an eagle. In my trips to Alaska, I have studied Tlingit art, talked to Tlingit natives and inquired about their beliefs and spiritual practices. The thunderbird (look it up oh Wikipedia), was not an object of worship but rather was a mythical creature (like sasquatch/Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster, the abominable snowman, the Phoenix bird, the biblical Leviathan and the unicorn, or the griffen or winged lion (which is a representation of the Cherubim in the throne room of Elohim). Moreover, the thunderbird (not an object of worship) represented the good powers of heaven, while in other native cultures the the great horned serpent represented the lower powers of darkness, hell or Satan (now that’s one tee shirt that I would never wear!). 

Moreover, the Tlingit art (like all of the art of the coastal indigenous peoples of the NW Pacific coast including Canada, Washington state and Oregon—where I live) is a highly stylized art that looks pagan but is not. These are highly caricaturized pictures of animals such as whales, ravens, eagles and salmon that represented their nation, clans, subclans. My wearing a thunderbird is no different than wearing a stylized eagle, which is a patriotic representation of America, since the eagle symbolizes America. Since I am an artist, I like artistic things, and I like native art (as long as it’s not pagan), since it often represents natural elements in YHVH’s creation (such as wind, rain, fire, trees, mountains and sky, earth, etc.) in a stylized way. I rather think that YHVH was keen on symbolic art himself. For example, look at all of the implements in the Tabernacle of Moses. They are are symbolic of many things!!!! Since I am an outdoorsman and make my living working with trees and plants and have spent much time in the forests and mountains, I tend to like things that depict or symbolize natural elements or aspects of YHVH’s creation. After all, doesn’t Romans 1:20 tell us that by his creation, which points to him, we understand his invisible attributes?

One more thing. Even the Christian cross is a pagan symbol going back to sun god worship, but now is a symbol for Christianity. I tend to think that the cross symbol goes back, potentially, to the Paleo-Hebrew letter tav which may mean “sign of the covenant”. So we potentially have a good symbol that was taken over by the pagans and corrupted as part of their idolatry, then they crucified Yeshua on their altar to their sun god, and now it’s a Christian symbol. What came first, the chicken or the egg? You see, symbologies can be complicated, since our world is full of them, and many of our words we speak, clothes we wear, things we eat, cultural practices and traditions come out of ancient paganism. Whole books have been written about this, and some Torah-minded people in their search for truth tend to get overly hung-up on this and begin to get legalistic and start judging others on what they say or do. (Look at some of the extremists in the sacred names movement where you’re forbidden to say “Jesus” or even have a Bible that has “Jesus” or “God” or “Lord” in it. As one can see, we want to avoid any pagan symbology that is overtly pagan, but to avoid it all we’d have to live naked in the woods and speak our own invented language, right?

When I was living in Europe, I knew a man in my church who hated organ music because it reminded him of the Catholic Church that he came out of. Does that mean the organ and its music is an evil because it’s associated with Roman Catholicism? There was another man who criticized me for wearing a red carnation in the lapel of my suit because this happened to be the symbol of the French communist party. So now we can’t listen to organ music and have red carnations??!!! It goes on and on!

I pray that this addresses the issue satisfactorily.

Here are some other examples of Tlingit (as all as art from other Pacific Northwest coastal tribes, which is part of the native cultural tradition in the area where I live) artistic depictions of Pacific Northwest coastal animals. This art may not be your cup of tea, but I rather like some of it. Different strokes for different folks!

Some seals
A bear
A raven and whale
a fox or wolf?
An eagle
A salmon and a whale or two whales, not sure.
Another whale
A beaver?
Another raven
Obviously a turtle
An otter
A salmon

The Bible Speaks Out on So-Called “Conspiracy Theories”

In the modern mainstream media, one can hardly go a day without hearing the term conspiracy theory as a label applied to anything that does not fit the government-media complex politically correct narrative. What should be the saint’s view of the concept of so-called ­conspiracy theories? Actually, the Bible, the Word of Elohim and the foundation of all knowledge, has much to say about secret and evil plots by wicked cabals of like-minded individuals to thwart the plans and purposes of Elohim. As in all things, the saints of the Most High Elohim are advised to let Scripture inform them on everything they think, say and do, and this is true when it comes to “conspiracies theories” as well.

Even though the phrase conspiracy theory was apparently coined during the American Civil War, it was introduced into modern parlance in 1964 after criticisms surfaced concerning the Warren Report that “officially” explained how U.S. President John Kennedy was assassinated1. More recently, the phrase has been typically and cavalierly lobbed at anyone who suggests a narrative that explains the whys and wherefores of current political and economic events that diverges from that of the major government-media complex narrative, or what one might call “the party line”. The problem with this is that the use of such knee-jerk pejorative labels or epithets tends to shut down any questioning about, critical thinking concerning and discussion of a subject that is not “politically correct”. However, the greater problem with labeling any and every idea that one disagrees with is that this mentality ignores a key biblical truth which instructs the saints to “prove all things and hold fast to that which is good” (1 Thess 5:21). Moreover, it ignores the fact that from the beginning of time, there have always been nefarious schemes by evil people, who hate YHVH Elohim (and his saints), and to undermine and subvert the plans and purposes of the Creator. In fact, the Bible chronicles this from the beginning to the end including and even until the very return of Yeshua the Messiah as we shall see below. 

By dictionary definition, a conspiracy theory is,

A theory seeking to explain a disputed case or matter as a plot by a secret group or alliance rather than an individual or isolated act. A hypothesis alleging that the members of a coordinated group are, and/or were, secretly working together to commit illegal or wrongful actions including attempting to hide the existence of the group and its activities. In notable cases the hypothesis contradicts the mainstream explanation for historical or current events. Hypothetical speculation that is untrue or outlandish.2 

On the surface, this definition seems logical and almost incontrovertible, but upon closer examination, it reveals some serious flaws and begs some fair-minded critical analysis. The main and most obvious flaw in this definition is that it assumes that if we cannot see something in front of our eyes this means it does not exist. This is like saying that when we are in a boat on the ocean that if we cannot see the marine life below the waves’ surface, it must not exist. Of course, to any rational person, this is a foolish and ignorant proposition. Therefore, the typical definition of “conspiracy theory” is a non sequitur or a fallacious and illogical one.

The common and accepted definition of conspiracy theory is further flawed because it assumes that business, political and religious cabals do not exist or have never existed that have secret, ulterior and even subversive motives to gain control, power and wealth over other people. Anyone who has even a cursory understanding of history and current events knows that this assumption is patently false. If this were the case, then why do governments have secret spy and intelligent agencies such as the American CIA and FBI, the British MI6, the Israeli Mosad, or the former Soviet KJB now the FSB to name a few?

Further fallacies in the common definition of the term conspiracy theory reveal themselves like a flashing neon sign. For example, in Wikipedia’s article entitled “New World Order”, the title is followed by the parenthetical phrase “(conspiracy theory)”3. The lead paragraph in the article reads,

The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government.

The glaring fallacious lie in this article is that high profile people (such as U.S. President George Bush) have publicly used this term New World Order as early as the late 1980s and early 1990s in reference to the very thing that Wikipedia denies exists. More recently, the so-called global elite political and economic power-brokers are using phrases like “a global reset” or “a liberal world order.” On the one hand, we are told that a new world order does not exist, and on the other hand, we are told that it is coming whether one likes it or not, and will impose upon humanity such things as a global tax, a digital global currency and cashless society, global social credit scores, a global initiatives to deal with climate change, global biometric tracking of humans, and the list goes on. The United Nations has even publicly documented such agendas in its Agenda 2021 report on the Earth Summit on “Sustainable Developments” and its similar Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals5. These publicly stated agendas by those who control the direction of affairs on planet earth are not conspiracy theories, but stated and undeniable facts that are being implemented and imposed on the human population as we speak!

Continue reading

Congregation Elim Online Shabbat Fellowship Invite

Nathan Lawrence, along with co-leader Donna Nash (from North Carolina), is hosting a regular online Shabbat gathering via Zoom. If you are interested in joining the group, please send me a request at

This online gathering is only open to those who are serious about living in accordance with YHVH’s written Torah, and who are believers in and lovers of Yeshua the Messiah, the Living Torah.

If you make a request to join the group, please share with Nathan your personal testimony of your salvation (how you came to faith in Yeshua the Messiah) and a statement about your basic biblically-based beliefs. Nathan may then ask you a few questions follow-up questions via email or by phone if clarifications are necessary.

To date, we have a wonderfully geographically eclectic group of polite and respectful folks from all over the U.S. and some foreign countries as well. Nathan (and sometimes Donna) gives a Bible teaching, and there is plenty of questions and answers as well as discussions where folks share their edifying insights on various biblical topics as led by the Spirit of Elohim. We also pray for one another and sometimes even have a little praise and worship.



Alaska—From the Arctic Circle Southward

Several days ago, Sandi and I returned from our most recent trip to Alaska—our first non-road trip since COVID hit. Our goal: the Arctic Circle. From there we worked our way south and ended up in Sitka—the extreme SE corner of that vast land. We traveled by air, water, rail, car and bus and snapped a few photos along this varied and barely populated region of America’s last frontier.

Each time we visit Alaska, we can’t wait to return. Maybe I share some bizarre genetic kinship with the Alaskan salmon who, no matter where he wanders, he is always instinctively drawn back via some mystical attraction to that spot. But unlike the salmon that returns to the same stream where it was birthed, we are drawn to new discoveries. This time, it was the Arctic Circle. However, this was merely the first leg of our journey.

Please enjoy a few of my favorite pics of places we visited to recharge our physical and spiritual batteries away from the craziness of Babylon.

Behold the Arctic Circle!

This is the Dalton Highway—the only road that goes north from Fairbanks to the Arctic Ocean. It stretches for hundreds of miles of gravel, washboard roads and boreal and taiga forests like this then into tundra until it reaches the oil fields of the North Slope and Prudhoe Bay.
The further north in the Arctic Circle you travel, the fewer and smaller the trees. In some places, the permafrost where the ground is frozen solid perpetually is only a few inches below the tundra. Technically, tundra is technically treeless or it may contain very miniature trees that are more like small shrubs. Beyond that, it is composed of tufts of grasses, mosses and lichens, sedges and small plants including many types of berries (e.g., lingonberry, crow berry, blue berry).
The Dalton Highway was constructed a few decades ago for the famous Alaska pipeline and to service the oil industry of the North Slope at Prudhoe Bay.
This is a typical sight in the southern portions of the Arctic Circle. Mountains, clouds and miniature taiga forests growing here as far as the eye can see.
Lingonberries growing in the tundra in the Arctic Circle. The soil was totally frozen about 14 inches below this plant.
Even though the petit and diminutive blue forget-me-not is Alaska’s state flower, it was the fireweed that was ubiquitous from the Arctic Circle down all the way down to the extreme SE. It’s literally everywhere and covers whole mountainsides. Next to to the ever-present fireweed, you will often find a constant companion—the frilly white yarrow flower.
This is one of the few rock outcroppings (near Finger Rock) that we saw in this area of the Arctic Circle. Notice the ever-present fireweed.
When you think of the Arctic Circle, what comes to mind? Eskimos? Igloos? Whale blubber, polar bears, walruses and ice bergs? Well, those sights are further north about another 300 miles! In this part of the Arctic Circle, there are still forests just like this with one type of conifer (black spruce) and four type of deciduous trees (aspen, cottonwood, birch, willow). I didn’t what to expect when I came here, but my idealistic images of it sure changed!
Here is a close-up of the low-growing vegetation that grows over the top of the shallow permafrost just south of the tundra regions.
When driving in the Arctic Circle (and we were only in the extreme southern regions of it), one falls in love with the cloud formations, since that is often what you see the most of!
Here’s a final pic of a miniature forest just inside the Arctic Circle only 200 plus miles north of Fairbanks. I’m a tree guy, so this is what I geeked out on the most while up north.

Stay tuned for more pictures of our trip to America’s 49th state as I take you southward.


Congregation Elim Online Invitation

Nathan Lawrence, along with co-leader Donna Nash (from North Carolina), is hosting a regular online Shabbat gathering via Zoom. If you are interested in joining the group, please send me a request at This online gathering is only open to those who are serious about living in accordance with YHVH’s written Torah and who are believers in and lovers of Yeshua the Messiah, the Living Torah. If you make a request to join the group, please be prepared to share with Nathan your personal testimony of salvation and a statement about your basic biblically-based beliefs. Nathan will ask you a few questions via email or by phone. Shalom.