Snippets from Natan’s Upcoming Book: The Gospels Decoded—Prophetic Pictures of End Time Events


This author believes that the earthly ministry of Yeshua had prophetic implications pertaining to end time events. In other words, I will now attempt to show the reader that behind, if you will, the literal events surrounding Yeshua’s earthly ministry including his miracles and teachings, there was an entire prophetic or allegorical subtext or message. Yeshua’s life was literally a walking prophetic shadow-picture. Understanding these divinely engineered, yet hidden clues from a Hebraic context will yield a literal treasure trove of understanding into end time events as prophetically prefigured in the fall festivals of YHVH.

For the record, let it be known that such a study in no way denies the historicity of the literal events surrounding Yeshua’s life. Both Jewish and Christian scholars have been interpreting literal biblical events in an allegorical light for thousands of years. This is not a new exercise. (For a discussion of this, please refer to our brief study of the Jewish rules of biblical interpretation at the end of this book.) Not only have the biblical exegetes derived understanding from the biblical record through this means of interpretation, but numerous examples can be cited from the apostolic writers themselves interpreting various scriptural passages from the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures or Old Testament) in this manner as well.

What is different about the following study is that it will allegorically examine the entire life of Yeshua—his ministry activities, the meaning of the geographical names of the places where he ministered and his parables for the purpose of deriving insights into end time events such as the great tribulation and wrath of Elohim periods, the resurrection, the second coming, the regathering and reunification of the exiled Israelites, the marriage of the Yeshua to his bride and the establishment of his kingdom on earth. It is hoped that the insights gained may clarify some of the difficult passages in the writings of the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures as well as the prophecies found in the Testimony of Yeshua including the Book of Revelation.

John the Baptist Coming in the Spirit of Elijah Prepared the Way for Yeshua 

Matthew 3:2, John preached the message of, “Repent for the kingdom of Elohim is at hand.”

Matthew 3:7–12, John confronted the hypocritical religionists of his day and castigated them for their spiritual smugness, selfishness and pride. He then proclaimed that judgment was coming upon them for their lack of repentance and spiritual fruitlessness.

Matthew 3:11, 13–17, John’s mission was to prepare the way for the Messiah.

As John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah the prophet (Matt 11:14) to prepare the way for Yeshua’s first coming, so the prophet Malachi declared that YHVH would send the prophet Elijah (figuratively speaking) to this earth before the great and dreadful day of YHVH’s wrath, and that he would turn the hearts of the children back to the fathers (Mal 4:5–6). In partial fulfilment of this prophecy, the heavenly messenger proclaimed to Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, that his son would be that Elijah (figuratively speaking) to which Malachi referred (Luke 1:17). Yeshua confirmed this angelic prediction (Matt 11:14; 17:12). However John didn’t fulfil the every aspect of Malachi’s prophecy. Malachi’s prophecy was dual in nature, for it also contained elements that referred to Yeshua’s second coming.

What would be the mission of that future “Elijah,” or the one who would come in the spirit of Elijah in the end times? Malachi prophesied that “Elijah” would bring the law or Torah of Moses back to the remembrance of the people of Israel, who had in one way or the other forgotten it. Most Israelites of the Northern Kingdom had forgotten the law when they split off from the Southern Kingdom in the time of King Rehoboam. Others had forgotten it later on when they went into captivity and assimilated with Gentile cultures. Still later on, many Jews and later early Christians from the second century onward had forgotten YHVH’s Torah-law when they began adding layer upon layer of man’s religious traditions over the top of YHVH’s simple instructions in righteousness, so that these laws eventually became voided or were functionally made of none effect (Matt 15:6; Mark 7:6–9). Still other religionists developed cunning and humanistic rationales and, disguising them behind philosophical theologies, the mind of man was in essence exalted over the clear and direct revelation of YHVH thus obscuring the Creator’s Torah-Truth. Eventually Christian theologians came along and cloaked their complex and clever anti-Torah theologies in terms that the unlearned and common man could understand and then brainwashed their unwitting and naive Christian disciples into regurgitating such phrases as “nailed to the cross,” “done away with,” “fulfilled in Christ,” “not under the law,” “for the Jews only,” “Judaizing” and “legalistic” such that these terms become the lingo of the laity to explain away the Torah of Elohim. 

The effect was still the same: religious men forgot the Torah of Elohim, which is why YHVH, through the prophet Malachi, told his people to “remember the Torah of Moses my servant…” because they had obviously forgotten it (Mal 4:4, emphasis added). This is also why the sovereign Creator insured that the Book of Malachi would be the last book in the Christian Bible’s Old Testament (by comparison, 2 Chronicles is the last book in the Jewish Bible). You see, the last verses in this book as well as the entire the Old Testament (or Tanakh) speak prophetically to the Christian church, which has forgotten the Torah YHVH gave to Moses. This prophecy is both a plea and a warning for Christians to return to the Torah. This prophecy of Malachi also dogmatically states that in the last days before the great and terrible day of Elohim’s wrath just prior to the second coming of the Messiah, there will be those Christians who will remember the Torah and will turn back to the Hebrew roots of their faith (Mal 4:4–6 cp. Rev 12;14; 14:7).

Amazingly, according to Malachi, all of this would begin to occur before the great and terrible day of Elohim’s wrath. Eventually, all those so-called Bible believers who refuse to accept YHVH’s Torah-law will be burned up like stubble and become ashes under the feet of the righteous. This will occur during the time period when King Yeshua will have been ruling over the earth as the Sun of Righteousness with healing (or salvation) in his wings (Mal 4:1–3). Since this prophecy was not totally fulfilled with John the Baptist at Yeshua’s first advent, there obviously is a future aspect to it that is yet to be fulfilled that pertains to the second coming of Yeshua.

While there very well could be a literal Elijah or John the Baptist-type individual who will arise on the earth in the last days (perhaps the two witnesses of Rev 11) to “cry aloud and spare not” and who will be a “voice crying in the wilderness to prepare the way” for the Messiah and urging the saints to make their spiritual paths straight (Matt 3:3), as John did for Yeshua, there will doubtless be a company of individuals who will come in the spirit of Elijah and John, who will fulfil this mission as prophesied by Malachi.

The Book of Revelation reveals some distinctive characteristics about the end time saints­­—those who will be on the earth just prior to the second coming of the Messiah, and who will likely help to fulfil that Elijah and John the Baptist mission.­­ Of these future saints, the Word of Elohim reveals that they will have not forsaken the commandments or Torah of YHVH and, at the same time, they will have the faith or testimony of Yeshua (Rev 12:17; 14:12). 

We believe that these end time Torah-keeping and Yeshua-loving saints will be those who will come in the spirit of Elijah and will help to prepare the way for the return of the Messiah by turning the hearts of the children (Christians) back to the fathers of their faith (i.e., their Jewish apostolic fathers, who established the Messianic faith as modelled in the Book of Acts; cp. Mal 4:4–6). These spiritual forerunners will help YHVH’s people to restore the ancient paths of Torah-based obedience and worship.

Additionally, they will continue the mission of the apostles to preach the message of repentance (Acts 2:38; from sinning, i.e., breaking YHVH’s Torah-commandments, see 1 John 3:4), and the restoration of the kingdom of Elohim or heaven (Matt 10:7), which involves the regathering of the lost sheep of the house of Israel, which Yeshua came to do, and commanded his disciples to do as well (Matt 15:24; 10:6).

The message of the kingdom of Elohim (an aspect of the gospel message that the Christian church has largely ignored) was on the forefront of the disciples’ minds, based on their final question to Yeshua in Acts 1:6 before his ascension. As we shall see later, the disciples’ question in Acts chapter one about the “restoration of the kingdom of Israel” (an aspect of the kingdom of Elohim) is a reference to the return of the lost Israelites to the land of Israel, who until then had been lost among the Gentiles. The term Gentilescan sometimes be a reference in the Scriptures to the lost or exiled Israelites. The restoration of the kingdom also involves Israel’s return to the Torah and to a covenantal relationship with YHVH (see Eph 2:11–12), which they had forsaken and from which they had become alienated. This resulted in their being dispersed and exiled among the nations of the world (i.e., becoming part of physical and spiritual Babylon). That is why YHVH in the Book of Revelation admonishes his people to “come out” of the spiritual Babylonian religious systems where they have been held as spiritual captives (Rev 18:4, 13).

The preaching of the message of repentance, coming out of Babylon, and the restoration of the kingdom of Israel is a precursor to Yeshua’s return to rule as Messiah Son of David over the nation of Israel—a nation comprised of both the houses of Judah and of Ephraim (Ezek 37:15–28). Luke refers to this as the restitution (or restoration) of all things that must occur before Yeshua can return to the earth from heaven (Acts 3:19–21). In the last days, those who come in the spirit of Elijah the prophet are those who understand these things, and who are helping to fulfil these prophecies.

What You Can Do

Has YHVH called you to be a modern-day John the Baptist or Elijah to help prepare the way for Yeshua the Messiah before that great and terrible day of YHVH’s wrath that will burn like a fire? Through Bible study, prayer and fasting, YHVH will divinely reveal to his saints how they can be part of this great spiritual company and what they can do to support each other in this divine end times mission.

The Young Yeshua Speaks With the Jewish Leaders in the Temple

Luke 2:41–49, “Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the Passover. And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast. And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Yeshua tarried behind in Jerusalem. And Joseph and his mother knew not of it. But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day’s journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintances. And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him. And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the [Torah] teachers, both hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers. And when they saw him, they were amazed and his mother said unto him, ‘Son, why have you thus dealt with us? Behold, your father and I have sought you sorrowing.’ And he said unto them, ‘How is it that you sought me? Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?’” 

Prophetic Points to Analyze

  • verse 46— after three days
  • verse 46— in the temple
  • verse 49— my Father’s business
  • verse 51— Nazareth
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The Gospels Decoded—Prophetic Pictures of End Time Events (Pt 3)

This is the third in a series of videos containing the subject matter of Nathan Lawrence’s upcoming new book entitled, “The Gospels Decoded—Prophetic Pictures of End Time Events”. In this book, we will discover who we are as a people and what the future holds for us as we look at Yeshua’s ministry and teachings through the lens of the third level of biblical interpretation. You have never heard anything like this before. This is not hyperbole. I invite you to check it out for yourself.


The Gospels Decoded—Prophetic Pictures of End Time Events (Pt 2)

This is the second in a series of videos containing the subject matter of Nathan Lawrence’s upcoming new book entitled, “The Gospels Decoded—Prophetic Pictures of End Time Events”. In this book, we will discover who we are as a people and what the future holds for us as we look at Yeshua’s ministry and teachings through the lens of the third level of biblical interpretation. You have never heard anything like this before. This is not hyperbole. I invite you to check it out for yourself.


The Gospels Decoded—Prophetic Pictures of End Time Events (Pt 1)

This is the first in a series of videos containing the subject matter of Nathan Lawrence’s upcoming new book entitled, “The Gospels Decoded—Prophetic Pictures of End Time Events”. In this book, we will discover who we are as a people and what the future holds for us as we look at Yeshua’s ministry and teachings through the lens of the third level of biblical interpretation. You have never heard anything like this before. This is not hyperbole. I invite you to check it out for yourself.


The Gospels Decoded—Prophetic Pictures of End Time Events (Intro)

This is the introduction to a series of videos containing the subject matter of Nathan Lawrence’s upcoming new book entitled, “The Gospels Decoded—Prophetic Pictures of End Time Events”. In this book, we will discover who we are as a people and what the future holds for us as we look at Yeshua’s ministry and teachings through the lens of the third level of biblical interpretation. You have never heard anything like this before. This is not hyperbole. I invite you to check it out for yourself.


Woke-ism, Progressivism, the Great Reset, CRT, ESG, AI, LGBTQ+ Unmasked

The serpent-headed Greek mythological monster called the Hydra

The Manifestations of the Spirit of Antichrist


Like the mythical Greek Medusa monster, the hair of whose head was comprised of numerous serpents, or the Hydra monster who had a body with multiple serpent heads, the Babylon the Great, Antichrist system of the New World Order has numerous manifestations that all stem from the same source—Satan the devil, YHVH Elohim’s chief adversary. If we focus on the grotesque, individual manifestations of this evil spirit (e.g., Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Big Pharma, the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, ESG, AI, the WEC, Progressivism, Leftism et al), the pieces of this puzzle can appear disparate and confusing. However, when we realize who and what the source behind it all is, then the picture comes into clear focus. This is simply the Babylon the Great, global Satanic, Leviathan system that the Bible prophesied long ago would control the earth in the end times and that the Warrior-King Yeshua the Messiah will destroy at his soon coming return. This short article helps tie all of the pieces together into one, simple cohesive, Bible-based picture.

Below is a glossary of terms that are labels for current demonic societal trends, movements and ideologies that are working synergistically under Satan’s authority to promote the destruction of whatever moral and spiritual biblical Judeo-Christian values remain in our formerly Western, Christian culture and to replace it with devil worship or Luciferiansim. 

Antifa—This is merely locally-based movement of criminal malcontents that promotes anarchy, God-hating leftist, communist and Marxist ideologies as well as the abolishment of law and order through street violence, vandalism, intimidation and thuggery. They are, in fact, what they claim to be against—fascists.

Big (Tyrannical) Government—This is the opposite of the idea of small or limited government. Big government or the concept of Statism, often referred to colloquially as “Big Brother” or the “Nanny State” occurs when governments attempt to control many aspects (e.g., political, economic, sociological, philosophical, moral and sometimes even spiritual) of people’s lives, which usually occurs at the expense of civil liberties, personal freedoms, free choice and individualism.

Big Pharma—The major pharmaceutical companies are a mixed bag situation. True, they produce some drugs that help people, but they also produce many drugs that have serious deleterious side-effects. Of the greatest concern to Bible believers is a troubling prophetic passage in the Book of Revelation that seems to speak condemningly of drug or pharmaceutical companies in the last days. This is an end times prophecy concerning international business leaders controlling or socially engineering earth’s population through pharmaceutical drugs for their own malevolent purposes in a similar manner as witch doctors, shamans, witches and sorcerers endeavor to control people through their herbal often mind-altering concoctions and potions (Rev 18:23). This scripture indicates that these drug pushers are an aspect of Babylon the Great’s efforts to enslave and control earth’s population (Rev 18:11–13), which is something that YHVH detests and will destroy at his second coming.

Black Lives Matter—This is merely a less violent, community-organizing movement (than Antifa) that promotes leftist, communist or Marxist ideologies through street demonstrations, looting, vandalism and intimidation of those who disagree with them.

Cancel Culture—This is a leftist, “progressive” (actually regressive) concept where those people, businesses, institutions or organizations that do not go along with the prevailing ideas of leftism, “progressivism” or wokism must be boycotted, discriminated against, resisted through violence and ultimately destroyed. 

Climate Change—Climate change has been occurring as long as the earth has been in existence whether that is for thousands, millions or billions of years. Who know? The earth and its inhabitants (plant, animal and human) have been adapting to the vicissitudes of the climatological, astronomic (i.e., sunspot) and geological cycles of nature during this time. Now all of a sudden, the earth is threatened with destruction because of so-called man-caused global climate change. The critical and knowledgable thinker can hardly swallow this theory. No. Climate change is a politically motivated agenda by the globalists to bring the world’s inhabitants under the control of global governance. These global power brokers care nothing about the environment as they leave their huge carbon footprints jetting and yachting around from one mansion to another preaching the religion of environmentalism. It is all about money, power, control and world domination for satanic purposes pure and simple. 

Critical Race Theory—This is nothing more than a form of revisionist history that promotes racism against white people. Any serious and well-educated student of history can plainly see this.

Diseases and Pandemics—The recent “pandemics” whether real or constructed emergencies are tools by the globalists where the masses through fear and government control can forcefully be brought into alignment with New World Order ideologies. The so-called “vaccine passports” that are required to travel, buy and sell, and to engage in certain social privileges are nothing more than preparatory social engineering for the purpose of conditioning the masses to accept the mark of the beast.

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Have a Joyous Yom Teruah/Day of Shouting or Shofar Blowing!

Here are some free resources to help you have a most meaningful and joyous Yom Teruah with understanding of YHVH Elohim’s divinely revealed Truth. What is the past, present and future significance of Yom Teruah and what does it have to do YHVH’s end time saints? Read Nathan’s teaching article on the subject at

Check at the several videos teachings that Nathan has given on Yom Teruah when he was pastoring a local congregation at by see his playlist on The Biblical Feasts and the Sabbath at or