Confronting the Homosexualization of Our Society

Culture Wars Series — The Battle for the Soul of America

Today I looked at the headlines of a number of major Internet news sources (as I do every day). These included both conservative and liberal news outlets as well the major mainstream media outlets along with some smaller, yet respectable news networks. I was amazed at how many headlined stories relating to “gay” issues I found. Some news sites actually had several stories on their front pages on the subject. This phenomenon is no longer a unique occurrence.

The fact is that even though homosexuals make up a tiny minority of the population, they get a disproportionate amount of news coverage. Whether the “gay” agenda is being pushed on the majority of Americans who are heterosexual or not by a vocal and powerful minority isn’t the issue. Rather, it’s that “gay rights” is a front and center issue in America’s culture war pitting the clash of traditional Christian values with the post-Christian, more morally loose, modern generation.

It’s obvious to see that government at all levels along with the public educational system, the major media and the entertainment industry are actively forcing homosexuality as a normative and acceptable behavior on the American people. Those trumpeting the homosexual cause have as their weapons punitive so-called antidiscriminatory laws, the threat of lawsuits as well as boycotts and other means of exerting social pressure. In their cross hairs are any who oppose them including organizations, businesses, churches, schools, or individuals who dare oppose them. Already, the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts have caved in to the pressure. The traditional family is being redefined by homosexual activists, as well as the concepts of “male” and “female.” Restrooms and locker rooms are now the new battlefield for those wanting to erase the lines between the sexes.  Regardless of one’s stand on homosexuality, we have to deal with it. Ignoring this issue isn’t an option!

With the current lay of the cultural landscape in mind, I would now like to express my views on the subject of homosexuality from a loving, yet solid biblical position. Continue reading


Update: The Underground Church Is Coming…to America


Woman thrown off metro for singing spiritual hymns

According to a lawsuit, the guard accused her of “publicly singing spiritual hymns.”



Franklin Graham: ‘Greed, Lust’ at Heart of Political Chaos

By John Jessup

CBN News Washington Correspondent
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Evangelist Franklin Graham says greed, lust, and wickedness are at the heart of Washington’s woes. In an exclusive interview with CBN News, the leader of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association says America is in crisis because we’ve taken God out of the picture.

To read the rest of the story, go to:


Billy Graham Warns Americans


Rev. Billy Graham Prepares ‘Perhaps … My Last Message’

 Sunday, 06 Oct 2013 09:46 PM
In an exclusive interview, the Rev. Billy Graham tells Newsmax that President Obama’s “hope and change” mantra is nothing more than a cliché and warns that the nation faces increasing threats to civil and religious liberties from its government.
Says Graham, “Hope and change has become a cliché in our nation and it is daunting to think that any American could hope for change from what God has blessed. Our country is turning away from what has made it so great, but far greater than the government knowing our every move that could lead to losing our freedom to worship God publicly…”
Graham, who is preparing for possibly his last crusade, this time via video, said America is drenched in a “sea of immorality” and suggested that the second coming of Christ is “near.”
Regardless of how you view Billy Graham, he is, admittedly, one more voice warning  Americans to get right spiritually with their Creator.

The Church in America Is Being Driven Underground

The Cosmic Battle for the Soul of America and the Emergence of the Underground Church in America

Why is it that there seems to be an all out war by local, state and federal government (all three branches) as well as our educational, major media, most major entertainment outlets and many of our social institutions against the traditional values of this nation that made it what it is? If something is antagonistic to the family, the Christian church, or biblical values, it gets a pass. Laws are passed in favor of it, the courts uphold it, the people are legally mandated to be able to litigate against it, it is celebrated, paraded proudly in our streets, is headlined and lauded by the major media outlets.

Here are a few examples of the anti-biblical agendas that have been foisted upon the American people over the past forty plus years, and many of them in the last several years: Continue reading


Is Koran Burning Scriptural?

Question: In Acts 19:13–19 we read about a public book burning of occult books. The Scriptures commend this act and reveal that as a result, “the word of God prevailed.”

13 Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth.  14 And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so. 15 And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? 16 And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. 17 And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. 18 And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds.

19 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. 20 So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.


In todays news we read the following:

Florida pastor arrested before he could burn 2,998 Korans

Associated Press

I don’t know this pastor, but based on what I read in the Scriptures, and based on the fact the Koran is a demonic book (I have read it cover to cover), I for one will be praying for this  pastor. Will you join me?

In the mean time, take a look at one of my earlier posts entitled, “What the Koran Really Says,” at

I am in no way advocating violence against Muslims. We are to love them along with everyone else for whom Yeshua died. As YHVH gives us the opportunity, we should share the gospel with them (along with all people) in a loving and powerful way as directed by the Holy Spirit. Many of them are enslaved in a demonic system and don’t know better. Pray for them.

At this point, the big question is this: If this were a Muslim cleric, or an atheist burning Bibles instead of Korans, would they be arrested? Would it make national headlines? Would anyone care besides Bible believers? I think you know the answer — sadly!

Guys, in our society, we all know that it’s open season on anyone or anything having to do with the Bible. The real enemy isn’t that human who is standing against Elohim and his Word, but the devil who is motivating them. Let’s never forget who that is!


This Just Out From Israel: Bloodthirsty Edom on the Loose


July 7-2013
As the world goes completely crazy, we seem to look first one way and then the other for the truth of what is happening, when in fact there is only one source of truth and that is God’s Word. Today we see how the descendants of Ishmael (Arabs) are killing each other to please their God Allah in Egypt, Syria, and even throughout the Muslim world as well. It is also interesting to note that they are killing each other for the right to kill us (you and me, non-Muslims)

Islam 1-20794873

You may want to take a couple of minutes and read Gen.16, paying close attention to the 12th verse “and he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” The Chapter is only 16 verses long and it will give you a fresh and better understanding of who the Arabs are.

The fall of Morsi in Egypt will not be an easy thing for the Egyptians; the Muslim Brothers will not go down easily. They are the evil Satanic bloodthirsty descendants of Ishmael and it is built into their genes by God to be as they are. If that sounds cruel to you just think about the possibility of the day you could be laying on the ground with your hands tied and Ishmael standing over you with a doubled edged knife to cut off your head. Thousand’s face that reality daily around the world. Their crime; they were not worshippers of Allah. They were namely Jews and Christians labelled in the Koran as “the people of the Book”.

In Israel we are caught between the Syrians and Egyptians. They both sprang from Ishmael and are both raving crazy mad with blood before their eyes. Once they settle down a bit they will once again turn all their forces against Israel. They simply can’t stop killing. They love death more than we love life. But when they do turn their combined forces against Israel they will face their greatest defeat. They will be destroyed. Egypt and Syria are not part of Ezek. 38:5-6 Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. The war we are about to experience will be terrible – and worse than any before it. Yet it is not the battle of Ezek 38:5-6. It will however set the stage for that great war. In the meantime Obama is doing all he can with little to no resistance from the American people to destroy the USA.

In past reports I have spoken of smokescreens. Some of these are themselves very dangerous and Islam is one of them. But there is a far greater threat to your life and your lifestyle and that is what is commonly called the New World Order, Illuminati, Bilderberger. or whatever you care to call it. They are simply using the Islamic terrorist to accomplish their goal of world domination. That however does not lessen the terrible danger the Islamist poses to you. They want you dead and they will do anything to accomplish that goal. We here in Israel have lived with that reality for decades and know the only way to survive is by strength, or at least that is what most Israelis believe. When in fact the only reason we are survivors is that by the Will of God He has determined to perform and fulfil His end time prophetic Word.

The ugly head of anti-Semitism is rising across Europe in the form of Islam and it has already gained a death-grip in many countries there. It is far stronger and with far more power in the US than many want to believe. Cities have already been taken over and Islamic Jihad training camps are now covertly springing up across the U.S.

You may be wondering what can you do about all of this. Globally, very little, if anything. Personally, however, there is a lot and very important things for you to do.

The first is; to assure yourself of your personal salvation and there is only one way for that – through the door that is Yeshua, (Jesus). If you are not certain of your relationship with God now is the time to bow your head and with your heart open to the move of the Holy Spirit ask Yeshua to come into your life and to be the center of your life, confessing your sins and asking for forgiveness of those sins.

There is another thing you need to do and quickly. Prepare for your loved ones and your family. I-Tim. 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

You are a wild olive branch grafted into a Jewish root. If you love Israel and the Jewish people you know of this supernatural love that can only come from God. God will bless those who bless Israel. Gen. 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

God is bringing the Jews back to Israel. Many are coming today by air. That possibility will soon close and the only possible way will be by sea. We pray that God will touch you today and show you how important your support of this Ministry is.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for our son Joel and all the IDF soldiers. Pray for this ministry and your part in it.

Shalom, Jerry Golden