Child Sex Trafficking Epidemic : Protect Your Children!

Are you a parent or grandparent? Do you have minor children under your care? Then read this article; it speaks for itself.

Child sex trafficking is an unimaginable and unspeakable evil!

Yeshua talked about children in the most positive terms as it relates to the kingdom of heaven; our Lord even equated himself with a little child (Matt 18:3–5; Mark 9:36) and blessed the children (Matt 19:13–15). On the other hand, he spoke in the most disparaging and condemning ways of those who hurt and abuse children (Matt 18:6).

The internet is now the main way that evil individuals make contact with innocent children and lure them into criminality. Parents and guardians of children: Protect your little ones by assiduously controlling their access to the internet through their electronic devices. At the same time, surround them with loving guidance, for their life depends upon it. Build a strong spiritual foundation under your children by training them in the ways of YHVH through biblical training resources like Torah Explorers ( Their physical and spiritual life depends on it!


Little Barbies: Sex Trafficking Of Young Girls Is America’s Dirty Little Secret

Authored by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

They’re called the Little Barbies.

Children, young girls—some as young as 9 years old—are being bought and sold for sex in America. The average age for a young woman being sold for sex is now 13 years old.

This is America’s dirty little secret.

According to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children,Children are being targeted and sold for sex in America every day.”

Sex trafficking—especially when it comes to the buying and selling of young girls—has become big business in America, the fastest growing business in organized crime and the second most-lucrative commodity tradedillegally after drugs and guns.

As investigative journalist Amy Fine Collins notes, “It’s become more lucrative and much safer to sell malleable teens than drugs or guns. A pound of heroin or an AK-47 can be retailed once, but a young girl can be sold 10 to 15 times a day.”

Consider this: every two minutes, a child is exploited in the sex industry.

According to USA Today, adults purchase children for sex at least 2.5 million times a year in the United States.

Who buys a child for sex? Otherwise ordinary men from all walks of life.

They could be your co-worker, doctor, pastor or spouse,” writes journalist Tim Swarens, who spent more than a year investigating the sex trade in America.

In Georgia alone, it is estimated that 7,200 men (half of them in their 30s) seek to purchase sex with adolescent girls each month, averaging roughly 300 a day.

On average, a child might be raped by 6,000 men during a five-year period of servitude.

It is estimated that at least 100,000 children—girls and boys—are bought and sold for sex in the U.S. every year, with as many as 300,000 children in danger of being trafficked each year. Some of these children are forcefully abducted, others are runaways, and still others are sold into the system by relatives and acquaintances.

“Human trafficking—the commercial sexual exploitation of American children and women, via the Internet, strip clubs, escort services, or street prostitution—is on its way to becoming one of the worst crimes in the U.S.,” said prosecutor Krishna Patel.

This is not a problem found only in big cities.

It’s happening everywhere, right under our noses, in suburbs, cities and towns across the nation.

As Ernie Allen of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children points out, “The only way not to find this in any American city is simply not to look for it.”

It is estimated that there are 100,000 to 150,000 under-aged child sex workers in the U.S.

Every year, the girls being bought and sold gets younger and younger.

Social media makes it all too easy for young people to be preyed upon by sexual predators.

As one news center reported, “Finding girls is easy for pimps. They look on MySpace, Facebook, and other social networks. They and their assistants cruise malls, high schools and middle schools. They pick them up at bus stops. On the trolley. Girl-to-girl recruitment sometimes happens.” Foster homes and youth shelters have also become prime targets for traffickers.

With a growing demand for sexual slavery and an endless supply of girls and women who can be targeted for abduction, this is not a problem that’s going away anytime soon.

In fact, this growing evil is, for all intents and purposes, out in the open: trafficked women and children are advertised on the internet, transported on the interstate, and bought and sold in swanky hotels.

Indeed, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the government’s war on sex trafficking—much like the government’s war on terrorism, drugs and crime—has become a perfect excuse for inflicting more police state tactics (police check points, searches, surveillance, and heightened security) on a vulnerable public, while doing little to make our communities safer.

So what can you do?

Educate yourselves and your children about this growing menace in our communities.

Stop feeding the monster: Sex trafficking is part of a larger continuum in America that runs the gamut from homelessness, poverty, and self-esteem issues to sexualized television, the glorification of a pimp/ho culture—what is often referred to as the pornification of America—and a billion dollar sex industry built on the back of pornography, music, entertainment, etc.

This epidemic is largely one of our own making, especially in a corporate age where the value placed on human life takes a backseat to profit. It is estimated that the porn industry brings in more money than Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Yahoo.

Call on your city councils, elected officials and police departments to make the battle against sex trafficking a top priority, more so even than the so-called war on terror and drugs and the militarization of law enforcement.

Stop prosecuting adults for victimless “crimes” such as growing lettuce in their front yard and focus on putting away the pimps and buyers who victimize these young women.

Finally, the police need to do a better job of training, identifying and responding to these issues; communities and social services need to do a better job of protecting runaways, who are the primary targets of traffickers; legislators need to pass legislation aimed at prosecuting traffickers and “johns,” the buyers who drive the demand for sex slaves; and hotels need to stop enabling these traffickers, by providing them with rooms and cover for their dirty deeds.

That so many women and children continue to be victimized, brutalized and treated like human cargo is due to three things: one, a consumer demand that is increasingly lucrative for everyone involved—except the victims; two, a level of corruption so invasive on both a local and international scale that there is little hope of working through established channels for change; and three, an eerie silence from individuals who fail to speak out against such atrocities.

But the truth is that we are all guilty of contributing to this human suffering. The traffickers are guilty. The consumers are guilty. The corrupt law enforcement officials are guilty. The women’s groups who do nothing are guilty. The foreign peacekeepers and aid workers who contribute to the demand for sex slaves are guilty. Most of all, every individual who does not raise a hue and cry over the atrocities being committed against women and children in almost every nation around the globe—including the United States—is guilty.


Franklin Graham warns of deep state coup against President Trump

Please just pray…!


One of the nation’s most prominent Christian leaders said he fears President Trump is facing a grave domestic threat by forces who want to take over the White House.

“I believe we are in a coup d’etat,” Franklin Graham said Wednesday on the “Todd Starnes Radio Show.” “There are people in this country who are wanting to destroy the president and take over the government by force.”

Click here for a free subscription to Todd’s newsletter: a must-read for Conservatives! 

Graham revealed his concerns as congressional Republicans ramp up accusations that deep state actors within the FBI and the Justice Department may have been plotting against the president.

The evangelical leader did not name names, but he suggested the mainstream media was complicit in the silent coup. Click here to listen to the shocking interview.

“They are not going to use bullets. They are using the media – to plant thoughts in people’s minds that he’s incompetent, that he’s dangerous, that you can’t trust him with nuclear weapons, that he is mentally unstable,” Graham said.

Graham and other Christian leaders have been targeted in recent days by the mainstream media for their unwavering support of the president. Many have been accused of hypocrisy for backing a man who is accused of cheating on his wife and using profanity.

“I have a very simple admonition at this point,” Michael Steele said on MSNBC’s “Hardball.” “Just shut the hell up and don’t ever preach to me about anything ever again. I don’t want to hear it.”

Steele, the former head of the Republican National Committee, was furious at evangelicals.

“After telling me how to live my life, who to love, what to believe, what not to believe, what to do and what not to do and now you sit back and the prostitutes don’t matter? The grabbing the you-know-what doesn’t matter? The outright behavior and lies don’t matter? Just shut up.”

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, drew fire after he said evangelicals gave President Trump a second chance.

“Yes, evangelicals, conservatives, they gave him a mulligan,” he told CNN. “They let him have a do-over. They said we’ll start afresh with you and we’ll give you a second chance.”

Both Graham and Perkins pointed out that Trump’s alleged sinful transgressions occurred long before he took the oath of office. On the other hand, Bill Clinton’s admitted indiscretions not only happened during his presidential term – they literally happened in the Oval Office.

“Just shut the hell up and don’t ever preach to me about anything ever again. I don’t want to hear it.”

– Michael Steele, former head of the Republican National Committee

So how does Graham respond to Trump’s admitted sinful past?

“We are all flawed people,” he told the “Todd Starnes Radio Show.” “The president is a sinner. Franklin Graham is a sinner. We are not perfect people.”

He called the accusations against the president unfortunate and distracting.

“Has he had scandals in his life? Sure he has,” Graham told me. “These scandals happened a number of years ago. That doesn’t make it right. I don’t condone bad language. I don’t condone adultery.”

But for now – Graham said he still supports President Trump.

“He’s not perfect, but he’s our president,” Graham said. “He said he didn’t do it. I have to take his word over that of the media – that is trying to lynch him.”

However, should evidence come to light that Trump had engaged in such behavior while in office, Graham said he would speak out with condemnation.

“We need to pray for those that surround the president that God will protect them and keep them safe,” he said.

“I believe that he’s the president of this nation because God allowed it,” Graham. “And I think on election night, God intervened. He wasn’t supposed to win — he was supposed to lose. And I think it was God who worked in a mysterious way on election night to turn the tables.”

During the 2016 presidential election, Graham declined to endorse a candidate. He also held non-political prayer rallies at every state capitol in the nation. There was a reason for that.

“The only hope for this country is God,” Graham said. “I don’t have any faith in the Republican Party. I don’t have any faith in the Democrat Party. The only hope for this nation is God.”


Atheist Organization Targets White House Bible Study

More Persecution of Christians in America!

These God-hating atheists (they’re really closet satanists!) care nothing about religious liberty, free speech, live and let live, freedom of assembly, are another personal and inalienable freedoms. They hypocritically demand these freedoms for themselves, but attempt to forbid them for anyone who follows the Bible. That’s how full of blind arrogance and hypocritical hatred they are. They are of their father the devil who, Yeshua said, was a liar and a murder from the beginning who comes to kill, steal and destroy.

Please pray that those in our government who participate in these Bible studies will boldly rise up against these wicked evil doers, and that YHVH Elohim will confuse their efforts and, if necessary, bring judgment agains them.

 Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him.  As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice. (Ps 68:1–3)

Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? (Ps 94:16)

The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear; which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely. Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O LORD. Let them melt away as waters which run continually: when he bendeth his bow to shoot his arrows, let them be as cut in pieces.  As a snail which melteth, let every one of them pass away: like the untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun. Before your pots can feel the thorns, he shall take them away as with a whirlwind, both living, and in his wrath. The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth. (Ps 58:3–11)


Amanda Casanova | Religion Today Contributing Writer | Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Atheist Organization Targets White House Bible Study



The Freedom From Religion Foundation and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington is suing the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development over information about a weekly cabinet bible study.

The suit comes after the group had asked for Freedom of Information Act requests to agencies led by Cabinet secretaries who attend the weekly bible study. A press release says the FFRF wants to investigate how government resources are being used and if employees in the agency feel “coerced into organizing and even participating in the event.”

The Bible study is for cabinet secretaries only. Employees do not attend the studies, according to CBN News.

The FFRF and CREW filed suit when HUD refused to waive fees for the FOIA requests. HUD provided responses to the requests but said the fees were needed because the records were “not in the public interest or related to HUD operations or activities.”

The leader of the bible study is Capitol Ministries founder Ralph Drollinger, who has led the studies for years.

Drollinger said the FFRF could find the materials discussed at the studies at his site, He also said all related Bible study expenses are paid by Capitol Ministries.

Cabinet secretaries who attend the Capitol Ministries Bible Study include Attorney General Jeff Sessions, CIA Director Mike Pompeo, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, HUD Secretary Ben Carson and Energy Secretary Rick Perry.


The Left’s Love Affair with Tyrants, Murderers, and Terrible People

From AMAC at

Castro tyrants murderers terrible left love







In their pursuit to erode our culture of its established values, American leftists continue to expose themselves and their insidious brand of moral relativism through their disturbing idol worship of notably evil figures throughout world history.

Call it sympathy for the devil, call it willful ignorance, call it plain evil. Whatever you decide to call it, these people just don’t seem to understand why we justly criticize despots and dictators.

To help out the leftists and their historically-challenged ilk, here’s a nifty guide laying out why these figures are so heinous. Remember kids, reading is fundamental.

Fidel Castro

The American left has always shown sympathy for Castro, former prime minister of Cuba and known mass murderer.

Leftists love to praise the man as a secular hero, and glorified him for his socialist policies while he was alive and in power. It seems they’ve all conveniently forgotten that Castro oversaw the murder of tens of thousands of Cuban citizens. The man banned free press and religious liberty, and was known to imprison his political opponents, as well as journalists who criticized him and anyone else who challenged his status quo. Castro was also notorious for punishing his critics with long-term prison sentences, arresting human rights defenders, and endorsing termination of employment for citizens who went against him.

But hey, maybe American lefties skipped that chapter of their history books. They can’t really be that delusional to think that Castro was somehow a good guy… can they?

In a statement following Castro’s death, Barack Obama spoke of “the countless ways in which [Castro] altered the course of individual lives, families and of the Cuban nation.” I wonder how the thousands of people who risked their lives fleeing Cuba to escape Castro’s deadly regime feel about that statement — sure, Obama, I guess you could say Castro altered their lives.

Leftists also like to believe Castro bettered the Cuban education system. However, they forget that under his authority, it was stipulated that anyone who received universal education would have to actively promote Castro’s government policies both during after their schooling. Pupils were required to take government-approved courses that forbid any criticism of socialism as a way of life. Castro viewed education as a crucial element of his revolution, and believed that universal education was the best way to create a population that was loyal to the government.

Sound familiar?

Karl Marx

The father of socialism is the same man behind much of the modern-day communist rambling from the American left.

Marx, in his writings, envisioned the creation of a new, superior individual who would go on to create a new society. This vision of a “new man” and “new society” apparently involved creating a communist revolution complete with mass murder, enslavement, torture, and the subjugation, starvation, and suffering of millions around the world. Historians have estimated that in their attempt to create a “better” world, Marxist and communist regimes have killed as many as 200 million people in the twentieth century alone.

These deaths cannot be dismissed as acts of rogue dictators who weren’t following the “true tenets of Marxist philosophy” either, since Marx taught his followers that it was necessary to kill a large segment of the population in order to attain the basic objectives of communism.

Furthermore, Marx had little regard for the rights of the individual; his disdain for personal liberty was evident in his writings. By calling for legislative absolutism of the state and advocating a classless society, Marx supported the suffering of millions, since by its very nature, socialism cannot exist without an oppressive government.

This is why I can’t help but groan when American leftists praise Marx as a great thinker and political theorist, especially when they talk about how they wish to continue his legacy. His “legacy” is one of cruelty, murder, and hypocrisy.

I suppose, however, that these are just the normal elements of a socialist utopia.

Che Guevara

I knew a self-identified socialist in college, the kid thought that the poster of Che Guevara on his wall and his dog-eared copy of The Communist Manifesto made him a bona fide revolutionary. Alas, the poor kid was mistaken. Do these young idealists realize that when they go to chain stores and buy mass-produced merchandise with Che Guevara’s face screen-printed on, that they’re contributing to the very same cycle that Guevara himself denounced? (I know — asking self-awareness from leftists is a lofty request, nigh impossible — but hey, I can dream).

Many overlook the fact that Guevara was not an “icon” or a hero, but a murderous ideologue with a tyrannical streak who desired absolute military power and called for death to all of his dissenters. Guevara banned books he felt “encouraged delinquency”, and he banned music that challenged his regime, including jazz and rock and roll. He lined up his enemies before firing squads, punishing them with death simply for speaking out against his tyrannical worldview.

Guevara hated hippies, artists, and free thinkers. He was a known racist and bigot who treated homosexuality as a crime. And he was more than willing to kill anyone he deemed “delinquent”. This is, perhaps, the strangest part of the left’s idol worship of Guevara: those who admire and venerate the man today are the same folks Guevara himself likely would’ve jailed (or even killed) if they had lived under his regime. Guevara’s ultimate goal was to make individualism disappear from the nation.

Why do leftists continue to worship a man who was openly against everything they supposedly stand for?

The Takeaway

The left’s hero worship of these three figures is particularly alarming, as it not only displays their lack of historical knowledge, but proves how their sense of “morality” is completely inconsistent. Leftist values are based upon spreading and normalizing their destructive dogma, and thus are always fluctuating. The ethical boundaries of American leftists will always be subject to change, as they are completely dependent on however they can justify their ideological motives.

Larceny, treason, exile, murder, political suppression, rape, starvation, and torture are all condemned by leftists… until one of their idols is guilty of such a crime.

Is anyone else tired of this blatant hypocrisy? Of the left’s two-faced conduct, their performative rhetoric, and their “say one thing and do another”-style politics? I know I certainly am.

Until leftists come to terms with historical reality, it’s time to stop venerating villains.

“How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.” — Ronald Reagan


President Trump—First President to Attend March for Life

No wonder the devil-worshipping, murderous, pro-abortion “progressive” left hates President Trump so much and want to destroy him!  When all the God and Bible haters in a country non-stop hate someone as much as they do Donald Trump, maybe it means that that person isn’t so bad after all. Think about it. No more commentary is necessary. This article speaks for itself.  Natan



Trump first president to attend in 45 years

President Donald Trump speaks at the March For Life anti-abortion rally in Washington D.C. where over 100,000 are expected to be in attendance.Trump will be the first president to attend the march in 45 years.Meanwhile, the left is holding another women’s march, which focuses on abortion rights among other issues.

Read a transcript of the President’s pro-life speech:

Thank you very much, that’s so nice, sit please.

We have tens of thousands of people watching us right down the road – tens of thousands – so I congratulate and at least we picked a beautiful day. You can’t get a more beautiful day.

I wanna thank our Vice President Mike Pence for that wonderful introduction. I also want to thank you and Karen for being true champions for life. Thank you and thank Karen.

Today I’m honored and really proud to be the first president to stand with you here at the White House to address the 45th March for Life – that’s very, very special – 45th March for Life. And this is a truly remarkable group.

Today tens of thousands of families, students and patriots – and really just great citizens – gather here in our nation’s capital. You come from many backgrounds, many places, but you all come for one beautiful cause: to build a society where life is celebrated, protected and cherished.

The March for Life is a movement born out of love. You love your families, you love your neighbors, you love our nation and you love every child born and unborn because you believe that every life is sacred, that every child is a precious gift from God.

[ applause ]

We know that life is the greatest miracle of all. We see it in the eyes of every new mother who cradles that wonderful innocent and glorious newborn child, in her loving arms.

I want to thank every person here today and all across our country who works with such big hearts and tireless devotion to make sure that parents have the care and support they need to choose life.

Because of you, tens of thousands of Americans have been born and reached their full God-given potential. Because of you, you’re living witnesses of this year’s March for Life theme, and that theme is “Love saves lives.”

[ applause ]

As you all know, Roe v. Wade has resulted in some of the most permissive abortion laws anywhere in the world. For example, in the United States, it’s one of seven countries to allow elective late term abortions along with China, North Korea and others.

Right now in a number of states, the laws allow a baby to be born from his or her mother’s womb in the ninth month. [sic] It is wrong, it has to change. Americans are more and more pro-life, you see that all the time. In fact, only 12% of Americans support abortion on-demand at any time.

Under my administration we will always defend the very first right in the Declaration of Independence and that is the “right to life.”

[ applause ]

Tomorrow will mark exactly one year since I took the oath of office and I will say our country is doing really well. Our economy is perhaps the best it’s ever been.

You look at the job numbers, you look at the companies pouring back into our country you look at the stock market at an all-time high, unemployment 17-year low, unemployment for African American workers at the lowest mark in the history of our country, unemployment for Hispanic at a record low in history, unemployment for women, think of this, at an 18-year low.

We’re really proud of what we’re doing and during my first week in office I reinstated a policy first put in place by President Ronald Reagan, the Mexico City policy.

[ applause ]

I strongly supported the House of Representatives’ “Pain capable” bill, which would end painful, late-term abortions nationwide.

And I call upon the Senate to pass this important law and send it to my desk for signing.

[ applause ]

On the National Day of Prayer, I signed an Executive Order to protect religious liberty. Very proud of that.

[ applause ]

Today I’m announcing that we have just issued a new proposal to protect conscious rights and religious freedoms of doctors, nurses and other medical professionals – so important.

I have also just reversed the previous administration’s policy that restricted states’ efforts to direct Medicaid funding away from the abortion facilities that violate the law.

[ applause ]

We are protecting the sanctity of life and the family as the foundation for our society, but this movement can only succeed with the heart and the soul and the prayer of the people.

Here with us today is Mary Anna Donario from Greensboro, North Carolina. Where is Mary Anna? Come on up here. Come. Nice to see you.

Mary Anna was 17 when she found out she was pregnant.

At first she felt like she had no place to turn, but when she told her parents they responded with total love, total affection, total support… great parents, right?

I thought you were going to say that. I had to be careful.


Mary Anna bravely chose life and soon gave birth to her son. She named him Benedict which means blessing. Mary Anna was so grateful for her parents’ love and support that she felt called to serve those who were not as fortunate as her. She joined with others in her community to start a maternity home to care for homeless women who were pregnant. That’s great. They named it “Room At The Inn.”

Today Mary Anna and her husband Don are the parents of six beautiful children, and her eldest son Benedict and her daughter Maria join us here today.

Where are they? Come on over. [ applause ] That’s great.

Over the last 15 years Room At The Inn has provided housing, child care, counseling, education and job training to more than 400 women.

Even more importantly, it has given them hope. It has shown each woman that she is not forgotten, that she is not alone and she, really now, has a whole family of people who will help her succeed. That hope is the true gift of this incredible movement that brings us together today. It is the gift of friendship, the gift of mentorship and a gift of encouragement, love and support.

Those are beautiful words and those are beautiful gifts.

And most importantly of all, it is the gift of life itself.

That is why we march. That is why we pray, and that is why we declare that America’s future will be filled with goodness, peace, joy, dignity and life for every child of God.

Thank you to the March for Life – special, special people – and we are with you all the way.

May God bless you and may God bless America. thank you.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

[ applause ]


Christian Teacher Gets Fired for Her Pro-Bible Facebook Post

In too many of our public educational institutions, anti-Christian and anti-Biblical speech along with expressing every perverse and ribald idea under the sun is permissible. At the same time,  exercising one’s freedom of speech in favor of biblical truth and values is not.

What’s wrong with this picture? Simply this. The devil and his gang have never been fair, and they hate the truth of Elohim. They’re evil, hypocritical liars who are intent on killing, stealing and destroying. Though they loudly beat the drum of civil  rights, they could care less about human rights such as freedom of speech.

Bottom line? They hate Elohim, his ways and his people, and will stop at nothing to trample on the rights of others to further their demonic agenda. To these devil-loving, atheistic secular humanists, the ends always justify the means. Period.

Yeshua said,

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. (John 8:44)

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)

Bravo for this Christian teacher for standing up for truth and for exercising her right of free speech. May YHVH deliver her from the hands of her enemies!

Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? (Ps 94:16)


NJ Gives Christian Teacher 3-Year Suspension After Facebook Post on Homosexuality

(SCREENSHOT: CBS2) Jeyne Viki Knox (left) and her husband Gene Knox (right)

A Christian teacher in New Jersey is now serving a three-year suspension of her teaching certificates all because she posted critical remarks about homosexuality on social media.

Jeyne Viki Knox, a 56-year-old long time special educator and faculty adviser to the Bible club at Union High School, has come to an agreement with the state’s Department of Education on a proposal to have her three teaching certificates revoked for a period of three years.

Knox, who is an ordained minister, has held certificates for elementary school, nursery school and handicapped teaching since 1990, according to the Associated Press.

Knox’s troubles began in October 2011 when she took to Facebook to criticize a display at the high school honoring LGBT history month.

According to, Knox participated in a back-and-forth with other Facebook users in which she reportedly called homosexuality a “perverted spirit” that also “breeds like cancer.”

“Why parade your unnatural immoral behaviors before the rest of us?” Knox was quoted as writing on Facebook. “I DO NOT HAVE TO TOLERATE ANYTHING OTHERS WISH TO DO. I DO HAVE TO LOVE AND SPEAK AND DO WHAT’S RIGHT!”

Knox was placed on administrative leave and about three months afterwards, the Union Township Board of Education filed a tenure case against her. Knox resigned from her position in 2012.

According to, Knox’s agreement with the New Jersey Department of Education comes after she appealed the department’s decision to revoke her certificates to the New Jersey Office of Administrative Law. After filing an appeal against the department of education’s decision, Knox submitted the proposal to have her certificates suspended for only three years.

The agreement between the New Jersey Department of Education and Knox was officially approved by the New Jersey Board of Examiners on Dec. 8, reported on Sunday.

Knox filed a lawsuit in 2013 against the Union Township Board of Education on grounds that her religious freedom rights and free speech were violated by the school board’s actions against her in response to her Facebook posts. Knox was seeking reinstatement and backpay.

A settlement was reached in the lawsuit in September, notes. However, very few details about the settlement have been made publicly available.

Demetrios Stratis, an attorney representing Knox, said that the settlement includes a confidentiality agreement.

“These Facebook posts that she made were done on her time, at her home, after school hours, on her home computer, and it was addressing a matter that could arguably be of big societal concerns,” Stratis told

Although LGBT activists called on the school board to take action against Knox for her Facebook posts, even representatives of the American Civil Liberties Union defended Knox’s right to free speech.

“Although we do not agree with the sentiments expressed on Ms. Knox’s personal Facebook page, her comments are protected by the First Amendment,” Ed Barocas, the legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey, told in 2011. “The ACLU believes that the response to offensive speech is not the restriction of speech, but more speech.”

Knox is not the only teacher in New Jersey who has faced backlash for posting what others have deemed to be “anti-LGBT” comments online.

In 2015, Patricia Jannuzzi, a religion teacher at the Roman Catholic Immaculata High School in Somerville, New Jersey, was suspended by the school in March 2015 after she posted about her opposition to same-sex marriage and ranted about the LGBT agenda.

However, Jannuzi was later reinstated in April 2015.