The Real Truth of Being a Prophetic Intercessor & Standing in the Gap

YHVH Elohim is currently raising up real, Bible-Truth based prophetic intercessors in the perilous times of these last days, who will stand in the gap for those around them. These people are coming in the spirit Elijah and the John the Baptist as prophetic watchmen and prayer warriors as voices crying in the wilderness urging people to repent of sin and to prepare for the second of Yeshua the Messiah. What does it really mean “to stand in the gap”?

Many well-meaning people claim to be doing this, but don’t have an idea of what it means based on an ancient and Hebraic biblical context. What is the gap or breach that the Bible talks about, where is it, and how is the gap filled, and why is this necessary? Moreover, Who is the ultimate Repairer of the Breach and how can we also be repairers of the breach to prepare ourselves and other people for the coming Messiah?

The answers to these questions and more are revealed in this video.