New Video: Gen 18:1– 22:24 Parashat Vayera (A Gospel-Oriented Torah Study)



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May your face shine like the sun!


Matthew 13:43, Shine forth as the sun. The reward of the resurrected and glorified saints will be that they will shine forth like the sun or stars (Dan 12:3), and like Yeshua (1 John 3:2), whose face shines like the sun (Rev 1:16), for he is the Sun of Righteousness (Mal 4:2), and the light of the world (John 1:6–9; 8:12; 9:5; 12:46), and he will be the light of the New Jerusalem shining in place of the physical sun (Rev 21:23; 22:5; Isa 60:20).

Paul speaks of the resurrection of the saints and their glorification that will occur at that time, and he likens the saints’ appearance to the stars. As stars have different levels of brightness, so too will the saints (1 Cor 15:41–43) in accordance with their levels of rewards commensurate with their level of obedience to the Torah (Matt 5:19; 16:27; Rom 2:6–11; 2 Cor 5:10; Eph 6:8; 1 Pet 1:17; Rev 19:8; 22:12–15).


What is the yoke of Yeshua and why is it easy?

Bow Yoke for Oxen

Matthew 11:29, Take my yoke. This is an invitation to the marriage covenant with Yeshua; to become yoked to him in love, voluntarily through love, not compulsion or fear (see notes at Song 8:6).

Here Yeshua is inviting his followers to take on themselves the yoke of the marriage covenant (the New, Renewed or Everlasting Covenant of Jer 31:31, 33 and Heb 8:8); that is, to accept him as their heavenly and everlasting spiritual Bridegroom. This is the yoke of the bondservant to which all the apostolic writers made reference when they called themselves the bond servant of Yeshua.

Men have only two choices: Be a bond servant to Satan or to Yeshua. The former leads to judgment against sin which is death, while the latter leads to mercy and forgiveness, deliverance from death and sin through Yeshua resulting in eternal life.

The marriage covenant or New/Renewed/Everlasting covenant isn’t one of compulsion (based on the fear of death), but is based on voluntary servitude and is a freewill choice. Love can’t exist under an atmosphere of compulsion, but only when there’s freewill choice.

This freewill choice to take on oneself the yoke of Torah is evidenced in the decision of the apostles vis-à-vis the Gentiles inclusion into covenantal relationship with Yeshua and the rest of the believers in Acts 15. The Pharisee believers were compelling the Gentiles to follow the Torah as a prerequisite for salvation and inclusion into the community of believers (Acts 15:1). On the contrary, the apostles made it clear in their verdict that only certain minimum requirements be imposed on the Gentiles to be granted entrance into the community of believers. The Gentiles needed to be drawn into the Torah covenants, not by compulsion or fear, but through invitation and freewill choice based on love. The apostles go on to say in Acts 15:21 that on this basis, the Gentiles will learn to take on the yoke of Torah little-by-little out of love for Elohim and Yeshua their Bridegroom, and not out of fear and compulsion.

Matthew 11:30, My yoke is easy. The farmer of biblical times when plowing his field with a team of oxen had to ensure that the yoke was not ill-fitting, but that it fit comfortably on the necks of the animals pulling the plow. An ill shaped and a heavy yoke would irritate the oxen making the task of plowing difficult for both the animals and the operator, while a comfortable, well-fitting yoke made the task much easier.


Yeshua’s View on the Torah-Law


Matthew 5:17–19 are three of the most important verses in the Testimony of Yeshua (New Testament) on the subject of the Torah. These are Yeshua’s instructions about the Torah. The words of Yeshua’s apostolic disciples cannot contradict the words of the Master! Christians theologians have twisted the words of Paul and then taken the words of Yeshua and crammed them to fit and painted them to match their twisted interpretations of Paul’s anti-Torah teachings. Millions of Christians one the millennia have been brainwashed into believing the lies of the theologians. How sad! Now, however, the truth is beginning to emerge as more believers are actually looking into the Scriptures and seeing what they really say instead of taking someone else’s word for it.

Here is my commentary on Yeshua’s words regarding his Torah.

Matthew 5:17, The law and the prophets. Yeshua mentions two of the three subdivisions of the Hebrew Scriptures in this passage: the Law or Torah and the Prophets or Neviim. The Jews have traditionally subdivided the Hebrew Scriptures into three sections: the Torah, Prophets and the Writings. We see Yeshua referring to this threefold subdivision in Luke 24:44. In fact, the Jews of today do not refer to their Hebrew Scriptures by the Christian term of “Old Testament,” but rather by the Hebrew word TaNaKh, which is an acronym Continue reading


Did Adam and Eve’s children commit incest?

Genesis 5:4, Sons and daughters. How did Adam and Eve’s children have children without committing incest, which is a sin according to the Torah (Deut 27:22). Does this fact prove the inconsistency of the Torah, thus invalidating it as a standard to be followed today?

As an example of this belief, one Christian teacher claims that YHVH’s law, “changes all the time.” As ‘proof’ he points to incest between Adam and Eve’s sons who had to marry their sisters for life to continue. Another example of this, the teacher claims, is Abraham marrying his half sister. Theses examples of incest appear to be direct contradiction of Deut 27:22, where we see the command that those who lie with their close family members will be cursed.

My response is as follows:

This teacher’s logic is very weak. This is arguing from a weak position and trying to leverage it into a strong argument. This a fallacious or specious argument, and shows little understanding of the rules of Biblical interpretation or basic logic. To take a weak or obscure verse out of the Bible and to use it as a pretext to disprove the validity of the rest of Scripture is a dishonest method of interpretation and fails to pass the scrutiny of solid scholarship.

First, it’s fallacious to take one obscure example out of the Scriptures and then use it to attempt to invalidate thousands of others strong, direct passages about the validity and inviolate nature of the Torah. There are so many scriptures to the last book of the Bible that shows that Torah is the standard of righteousness by which all humans are to live and by which YHVH will judge humans.

Second, underlying the whole of Torah is the heart, mind and will of Elohim. Torah reflects the character and nature of the Creator. Torah is a vast ocean or universe because it’s the mind of Elohim, which is limitless. Humans only have Continue reading


Torah Central—A New Paradigm From Which to View the Bible

Boy reading a scroll

The Living and the Written Torah Is the Central Theme of the Bible

The Living and Written Torah is the dominant theme of the Bible. They are one in the same thing—totally unified and absolutely indivisible, which is why I used the singular verb is and not the plural are in the previous sentence. Another way to say this is that whole Bible is about Yeshua the Torah-Word of Elohim who was made flesh (John 1:1, 14).

To illustrate this point, as we shall discuss later, we find this dominant theme prominently highlighted at the beginning, middle and end of the Scriptures.

In this study, we will focus more heavily on the Written Torah, as opposed to Yeshua the Living Torah, although in our minds, without Yeshua, it’s impossible to fully understand, much less obey the Written Torah. Furthermore, it is only Yeshua, the Living Torah and not the Written Torah who is capable of saving us from our sins and giving us eternal life.

The Written Torah Defined

Let’s first define our terms. What does the word Torah mean as defined in the Bible? The primary meaning of the Hebrew word Torah is “teaching, precept, instruction” and not law, although it is translated as such some 219 times in the Tanakh (Old Testament). What is the fuller meaning of the word Torah?

According to Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Torah, as already noted, signifies primarily direction, teaching, instruction (Prov 13:14). It is derived from the verb yarah meaning “to project, point out” and hence to point out or teach. The law of Elohim is that which points out or indicates Continue reading