The Bible or handcuffs? There are only two choices!

When men fail to govern themselves from within by a higher moral and spiritual code to which they have chosen to adhere—namely the laws of Elohim as represented by the Judeo-Christian ethic, they, by default, will have to be governed by the secular humanistic laws of men as officiated by human tyrants.


In other words, men will either exercise self control and self-restraint by adhering to an internal moral and spiritual compass, or they will be forced to endure the legal chains of slavery foisted upon them by an overbearing and oppressive overreaching human  government.

This is what happened when the children of Israel rejected Elohim as their spiritual leader and governor and chose to be ruled by a human king. In a sense, they chose the king as their god and master instead of YHVH Elohim.

The same thing is happening in America as this nation turns away from YHVH Elohim, the God of the Bible, and big government by default becomes their new god or master. Europe has long been going down this spiritual path, and look at the resulting judgments!

Simply stated, men have two choices: freedom and the Bible or the handcuffs of man’s government!


New Video: Should You Make Moral Choices Based on Feelings?

Do your feelings determine your actions? What are feelings and can they be trusted? More and more people are basing what they do on their feelings and those of others, instead of on objective logic and truth. This video discusses how feelings-based choices is causing many people in our society to make wrong, even devestating life decisions.