The Torah Connection

The Link Between the Infinite and the Finite — A New Paradigm in Which to View the Bible

The Torah Connection

If you were the infinite, omniscient and loving Creator of the universe who made man in his own image to have a relationship with him, how would communicate with finite man? How could you pour all that you know and are into man, so that he could experience the love, joy, peace, goodness, holiness, wisdom, understanding and truth that you have? It would be like trying to pour the world’s oceans into a thimble. The best you could do would be to distill down the essence of who you are and what you know into the simplest and most basic form and then give it to man in hopes that he would accept and understand it and then apply it to his life.

Torah scroll open 2

This is exactly what YHVH Elohim did when he gave man his Torah. The Torah is a small kernel representing the essence of the very mind, will, character and heart of the Creator, and it’s his gift to man, for man to live an abundant leading to immortality in Elohim’s eternal kingdom.

How do we know this? The Bible likens the Torah that emanates from the Eternal Creator to divine light that pierces the spiritual darkness of the man’s physical existence. Moreover, the Torah is like a path that leads man to YHVH Elohim, the Creator. It is the epitome of all wisdom, knowledge and understanding that when embraced and obeyed leads man to the fulfillment of his highest desires. This very Torah is revealed in the pages of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Yes, not just in the books of the law of Moses, but in the New Testament or Testimony of Yeshua as well! It is there for those who will remove their religious blinders and open their eyes to the truth that has always been there.

The Living and the Written Torah Is the Central Theme of the Bible

The Living (Yeshua the Messiah) and Written Torah (specifically the biblical books of Genesis to Deuteronomy, and in the larger sense, the entire Old Testament or Tankah) is the dominant theme of the Bible. They are one in the same thing—totally unified and absolutely indivisible, which is why I used the singular verb is and not the grammatically correct plural form of the vert to be in the previous sentence. Another way to say this is that the whole Bible is about Yeshua the Torah-Word of Elohim who was made flesh (John 1:1, 14).

To illustrate this point, as we shall discuss later, we find this dominant theme prominently highlighted at the beginning, middle and end of the Scriptures. This brief study is, by no Continue reading


What Is the Greater or Higher Torah?

Matthew 23:23, Weightier matters of the Torah. What are the weightier matters of the Torah? Torah is not an end-all. It is a vehicle that leads us to something. What is that? What really matters to YHVH when all is said and done???? It is the greater Torah or the higher Torah. The Gospel of Matthew (23:23) records that Yeshua rebuked the religious leaders of his day for their not following the higher Torah. What did Yeshua really mean by “the weightier matters of the Torah”?

The Deeper Meaning of the Word “Torah”

Almost every place where you see the word “law” in the Tankah, it is the Hebrew word “Torah.” This word is used 219 times in the Tanakh or Hebrew Scriptures, and in almost every case it is translated in the KJV and in most other English Bibles as “the law.” Is this all the word law (or Torah) means? Is “law” even Torah’s main meaning?

Torah reading in a synagogue with a hand holding a silver pointer

As a test of your understanding (or, perhaps, your preconditioned biases), when you think of the term “the laws” what comes into our mind: good thoughts or bad thoughts? Do you think of a list of dos and don’ts—what you can do and cannot do? Do you think of red and blue lights flashing and a siren? Do you think of a man in a blue uniform with a badge and a gun, or judge in a black robe with a gavel, or a prison? These can be scary thoughts!

Let’s see what the word Torah really means according to the Scriptures.

Let’s start understanding the full scope of this word by first reading Proverbs 13:14. There we read that the Torah is the foundation of life.

Next start reading in Proverbs 1:7 where we read that the fear of YHVH is the beginning of Continue reading


Let’s Go to the Movies: Torah Paradigm

At this movie, you’ll have to get your own popcorn and soda—hey, but the price is right! The admission is free. Plop yourself down into favorite chair, get a cup of hot stuff and sit back and get spiritually fed for some no-guilt entertainment. Okay, it’s not exactly brainless entertainment, but it’ll hopefully be a sweet dessert for your spirit man.


The marquis on this billboard reads as follows:

Torah Central—A New Spiritual Paradigm Through Which to View the Bible

Here’s the description:

Do your spiritual glasses obscure or improve your view of the Bible? Do you view the Bible through the perspective of the church and its traditions of men, or through the lens of the heart and Spirit of YHVH Elohim, the God of the Bible? This teaching discusses viewing the Bible through the paradigm of Torah—both the Written Torah and Yeshua the Living Torah as revealed in Genesis 1, Psalms 119 and Revelation 21 and 22.

This is our third video. Each one, hopefully is getting a tiny bit better in quality. It’s our desire that the content will make up for the lack of cinematic sophistication. Nonetheless, I’m playing with camera angles and lighting, and critiquing myself on my delivery and trying to improve in that department as well. Constructive suggestions from the audience—especially from those who have some background in filmmaking—would be appreciated.

Our next flick will hopefully be a live presentation at our congregation this coming Shabbat.

When watching the video, and check out the rooster.
