The Sin of Sodom and Gay Pride

Genesis 18:20, Their sin [Sodom and Gomorrah’s] is very grievous. What was the sin of Sodom? Genesis 19:5 gives us the answer. The men of Sodom were so morally perverted that Paul says of such a human condition in Romans 1:24–29,

Wherefore Elohim also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of Elohim into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this cause Elohim gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature, and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain Elohim in their knowledge, Elohim gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness …


Ezekiel 16:49–50 speaks of the symptoms of a society that has given itself over to a spirit of sodomy (homosexuality) because it has become abundantly wealthy, proud and obsessed with idleness (entertainment and pleasure). As a result it has become inwardly focused and self-absorbed, which leads to an obsession with self-gratification instead of helping the poor and needy.

It shouldn’t be hard to see parallels between Sodom’s society before it was judged and the moral and spiritual decline we see occurring in America and the rest of the western world. America, for example, has become obsessed with the concept of pride—especially since September 11, 2001. Notice, for example, the many car bumper stickers expressing the idea of national “pride” since 9/11? Not only that, our culture has also become obsessed with promoting “gay” (homosexual or sodomite) rights and agendas calling it “gay pride.” It’s Sodom all over again! This begs the question: Is America and the rest of the western world ripe for Elohim’s judgment?


The Church in America Is Being Driven Underground

The Cosmic Battle for the Soul of America and the Emergence of the Underground Church in America

Why is it that there seems to be an all out war by local, state and federal government (all three branches) as well as our educational, major media, most major entertainment outlets and many of our social institutions against the traditional values of this nation that made it what it is? If something is antagonistic to the family, the Christian church, or biblical values, it gets a pass. Laws are passed in favor of it, the courts uphold it, the people are legally mandated to be able to litigate against it, it is celebrated, paraded proudly in our streets, is headlined and lauded by the major media outlets.

Here are a few examples of the anti-biblical agendas that have been foisted upon the American people over the past forty plus years, and many of them in the last several years: Continue reading


New Video: Yom Teruah Past, Present and Future

In this video, I discuss Yom Teruah vs. Rosh Hashanah, the end-time prophetic implications of YT relating to the resurrection and second coming, and everything you want to know about the shofar including how it was used historically, why you should have one, how the shofar is at the center of the YT celebration.


New Video: Mount St. Helens & God’s Coming Judgment on America

America wake up and turn away from your sins! See actual on-site video footage of Mount St. Helens 33 years after its 1980 eruption. This video is a brief documentary on its volcanic eruption with my personal memories of that day, and how this relates to God’s coming judgment on America, and how you can be saved out of this judgment.



New Video: Islam—YHVH’s Judgment on Christians to Bring Spiritual Revival

This video discusses how the biblical prophets predicted the rise of the demonic religion of Islam in the days before the second coming of Yeshua the Messiah. This would coincide with the end-times spiritual apostasy of Jews and Christians, and would be part of Elohim’s divine plan to lovingly discipline his wayward children and bring them back to him through repentance resulting in spiritual revival and the eventual demise of Islam.


Islam: YHVH’s Judgment to Bring Jews & Christians Back to Him

This is a hard message. Few will be able to receive it. But the watchman must give it anyway (Ezekiel 33:1–11).

The Ancestry of Modern Arabs

In Genesis 32, Esau and his army stood in the way preventing Jacob and his descendants from returning to their homeland — the land YHVH had promised to them. This historical event is prophetic of what will happen in the end times as the Jews and the rest of the Israelites endeavor to receive their promised inheritance and the kingdom of Elohim.


Not only that, YHVH used Esau to test Jacob’s who had grown overly self-confident due to his business acumen and his ability to produce a large family clan. In the ancient world, he had reached the pinnacle of wealth and power. However, what mattered to YHVH more than these things was the character of a man. Would Jacob have faith in his Creator, or would he trust in his own abilities to outwit his adversaries and come out on top as he had done twice previously with his brother Esau and Laban, his uncle? Jacob’s confrontation with his brother at the threshold of the land of Israel and his wrestling with the Messenger from heaven were the two tests that he had to pass. The Bible calls this Jabob’s Trouble and prophesies that something similar will occur in the end times to Jacob’s descendants (Jer 30:7).

According to Genesis 32, Jacob divided his wives and children into two camps (Gen 32:1, 7). This was prophetic of what would eventually occur to the nation of Israel after the death of King Solomon. The one nation of Israel became two houses or kingdoms — the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Israel. The descendants of these two kingdoms are presently — loosely speaking — the Jews and the Christians. But who are the descendants of Esau historically and, more importantly, today. Why is it important to know?

Many, if not most of the modern Moslems (especially the Arabs) trace their lineage back if not biologically then spiritually to Ishmael, the son of Abraham by Hagar. Islam in its religious book, the Koran, claims that it was Abraham and Ishmael who founded the religion of Islam and built the Kaaba, which is the small building containing a stone that supposedly fell from heaven. This shrine is located in the midst of the great mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Of Ishmael and his descendents, the Bible prophesies in Genesis 16:11–12,

The Messenger of YHVH said to her further, “Behold, you are with child, and you shall bear a son; and you shall call his name Ishmael, because YHVH has given heed to your affliction. And he will be a wild donkey of a man, his hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand will be against him; and he will live to the east of all his brothers.”

The Koran has further twisted the biblical account to declare that the biblical patriarchs were Muslims and that Abraham gave the birthright blessing to Ishamael instead Isaac. Both Israelites and Arabs, therefore, believe that they have a right to the Promised Land of Canaan, and, hence, thus forming the basis for the modern Arab-Israeli conflict. Continue reading


My Independence Day Blues

Ever get the Independence Day blues — reflecting on how America has gone to the dogs spiritually! I did this year. Why are we so backslid spiritually? Why are our leaders so preoccupied with forcing evil agendas upon us? Where are we going from here? What does the future hold for us? What’s the solution to the problem? What can I do about it?


The Bible speaks of living in perilous times in the last days (1 Tim 4:1; 2 Tim 3:1–9) where men are living in total rebellion against YHVH, abandoning their biblical faith for demonic belief systems, and have become lovers of money and themselves. They are blasphemers, unholy, unloving, pleasure seeking God-haters.

By in large, Americans, and most people in general don’t care about YHVH. They’re too self-absorbed and caught up in the pursuit of materialism, pleasure, and self-gratification to care about that out-of-date religious, Bible stuff.

What’s more, the church is sick—lukewarm to the core. Most churches are more concerned about their building fund and the pastor about his denominational status and retirement than about preaching the hard truth of the Bible. Most Christians are only a few steps behind the values of the world. The lordship of Yeshua? What’s that? Follow the Bible? What an archaic idea. Few read or study the Bible or pray anymore. Few really seek YHVH with their whole hearts. You’re considered a weird throw-back if you do.

It seems as if YHVH is far away, uninvolved and disinterested in the affairs of men—that Yeshua will never return as the Bible promises. Where is the promise of his coming as Peter opined in his second epistle? There will be scoffers pursuing their own lusts feeling that all things continue as they have from time immemorial (2 Pet 3:3–4). It’s easy to acquiesce to this mentality. However, the day of YHVH’s judgment is coming unexpectedly as a thief though (v. 10).

Yeshua prophesied that a time is coming just before his second coming when men’s hearts will fail them for fear. Great distress will come upon nations (Luke 21:25–28).

But what about America? What about the other so-called Christian nations? Is there hope for them? What does the Bible prophesy will happen to them in the end times? This is what I was pondering on July 4th this year.

Because Bible believers have backslid, become fat and lazy, self-absorbed and given over to pursuits of materialism and hedonism and have forsaken the God of the Bible, he is now dealing with them as a loving parent deals with his wayward child—through tough-love discipline. He is now spanking them, and he, among other things, is using Edom to do it!

Who is Edom? Perhaps you recall that name from the back corners of your memory as being a biblical personality. But what could that have to do with you and me? Ah-ha! That’s where the timelessness of the Bible comes in. The Bible gives us the answers!

Next:  Islam Is YHVH’s Paddle to Provoke the Jews and Christians to Repentance