New Video: Your Life Is Like a Ladder, But Where Will You End Up?

Everyone spends their entire life climbing a ladder from birth until death. Some people are climbing a ladder that ultimately leads to the grave resulting in eternal death. In this live, outdoor preach to Mexicans at a migrant camp, Natan shows how to climb the ladder that leads to our Father in heaven resulting in eternal life.


New Video: Are You a Light on a Hill?

Yeshua  commanded  his disciples (that’s you and me) to take the gospel message to the world and to make disciples. This is called the Great Commission. Sadly, many view it as the Great Suggestion, and as such, for most believers, spreading the gospel has become the Great Omission. In this video, Natan will challenge you to help spread the good news of Yeshua (Jesus) by being like a light on a hill to those around you.


“Go Ye Therefore Into All the World”—A Guide to Sharing Your Faith

With the summer months upon us and the weather improving, people begin to interact more with each other. Here’s a practical guide to sharing your faith with others—on how to let your light shine in the darkness around you. After reading this, please share with this blog audience any ideas you have about sharing the gospel with others.


Motivation to Evangelize the Spiritually Lost

What should be our motivation to evangelize the lost?

Yeshua commanded his disciples (that’s us) to share our faith with those around us. This is called evangelism. Yeshua’s imperative command in Mark 16:15 to “go into all the world and preach the gospel…!” is not “the great suggestion,” but “the great commission!” To many, it has become “the great omission.” We’re often afraid to share our faith with others because we’re afraid they might think negatively of us if we do.

Human need demands that we reach out to the lost and hurting people around us. Like Yeshua, we must seek to save the lost (Luke 19:10). Like Yeshua, we must meet people at their point of need by finding the need and meeting it with the gospel message, the Word of YHVH and the love of Yeshua.

Compassion and love for the lost and hurting will compel us to share the good news with others. This is something Yeshua demonstrated (Matt 9:36; 14:14; 15:32; 20:34).

We must have a love for the lost. Pray to the Father that he gives you a supernatural love for the lost as Yeshua had. Love sensitizes us to the needs of others. Love makes you want to reach out to others. Love makes you forget about yourself and casts out the fear of witnessing or the fear of what others may think (1 John 4–18).

We will have an easy time sharing the gospel of Yeshua with others if we still have the joy of our salvation. If we have lost that joy, pray for it to come back as David prayed in Psalm 51:12–13. Perhaps sin, the cares of this life, fear or other things are blocking that joy.

The New Testament Model for Evangelism

A study of the Testimony of Yeshua (or New Testament) reveals that the dominant model Continue reading


New Video: The Gospel of Yeshua in the Sanctuary of the Tabernacle of Moses

In this video, Natan begins to decode the mysteries of the Tabernacle of Moses and shows how YHVH’s plan of salvation and the gospel message of Yeshua are encrypted within the tabernacle’s ceremonies and furnishings. The focus of this teaching is on the tabernacle sanctuary.

Learn how the following things point to Yeshua and relate to your spiritual journey to the New Jerusalem:

  • The door to the Tabernacle of Moses
  • The menorah
  • The table of showbread
  • The altar of incense
  • The veil
  • The ark of the covenant
  • The glory cloud

A free study guide is available at

Watch this video at


Yeshua in the Passover Lamb

A miraculous occurrence and a physical impossibility, 1500 years, two continents, and several hundred miles separated the Israelites’ first Passover in Egypt and Yeshua’s (Jesus’) death on the cross, yet the first Passover lamb perfectly foreshadowed Yeshua’s sacrificial death to take away our sins.
This video will either help you to find faith in Yeshua the Messiah, who has come to save you from your sins and to grant you eternal life, or it will substantially strengthen your existing faith.

Welcome to the Tabernacle of Moses

If you were the Creator of the universe, what means would you use to communicate with those that you had created through love in your likeness and image? In a remote way, it’s like a human standing over an anthill trying to communicate with the ants. What’s more, how does an all powerful, Spirit Being, loving Father in heaven relate to his mortal children who are but mere dust without vaporizing them with his raw power? The difficulty is compounded when fearful humans don’t want to hear the voice of Elohim, which is what happened when YHVH Elohim’s voice thundered from Mount Sinai. The children of Israel begged him not to talk to them, lest they die. They asked the Almighty One to speak to them instead through Moses (Exod 20:19).

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When man sinned at the tree of knowledge and YHVH kicked them out of the Garden of Eden, direct communications between man and his Maker were hampered, if not all but cut off. However, Elohim had a plan to restore the loving relationship he had with man before the rebellion. But if men refuse to hear you when you speak, what are you do?

To be certain, the Almighty doesn’t lack for ways to communicate with men. Man is without excuse when it comes to hearing Elohim, for even the heaven’s declare the glory of the Creator and the plans he has for mankind. The visible things of this creation shout loudly about the spiritual mysteries heaven desires to reveal to its earthly subjects. Furthermore, Elohim speaks to select servants through dreams, visions, signs, wonders, angels, and even jackasses! But how does he speak to a whole nation, if that nation is plugging its ears refusing to hear its Master’s voice?

Enter into the picture the Tabernacle of Moses, which was literally a three-dimensional gospel message tract. It is the visual demonstration Continue reading