The High Price to Pay for Worshipping in “High Places”

Ezekiel 6:3–5, High places…idols…corpses.As a judgment against the backslid and idolatrous “mountains [nations or governmental seats] of Israel” (Ezek 6:1), YHVH promises to bring a sword against his people as they are worshipping their idols instead of him. The “mountains of Israel” in this instance is a poetic and prophetic Hebraism for the nations of Israel that YHVH has scattered around the world because of his judgments against their sin. 

In this modern age, few people bow down to literal idols, but idolatry is as rampant now as it was in ancient times. Any person, thing or idea that gets in the way of or hinders a person from worshipping and obeying Elohim is an idol to that person. It may be money, sex, drugs, education, power, sports, philosophies, entertainment, pleasure, material possessions or false religions. 

The “mountains of Israel” today are largely the so-called and formerly Christian nations of the world, which are backslid spiritually. 

Typically and biblically, YHVH raised up Israel’s enemies to punish his backslid people in hopes that they will repent of their sinful ways and return to him. The biblical Edom (or the modern jihadist Moslems) and along with other terrorists is one YHVH’s end times paddle by which he is spanking his wayward people. 

So what are the high places of the Christian nations where their idols are located that Edom is attacking resulting in slain corpses being strewn about? Think of the places where Edom and its satanic terrorist fellow travellers who are bent on killing, stealing and destroying have been detonating bombs and spraying bullets in their attempts to massacre the “people of the book” (as the Koran calls them), who are the Jews and the Christians. The West’s high places of idol worship include sports arenas and sporting events, Christmas parties, schools, night clubs, “gay” night clubs, financial centers, churches, educational centers, places of business and other places of religious activity, places of governmental authority and military installations to name a few. All these high places where idolatry occurs represent the gods and idolatrous concepts of post-Christian Israelites who have rejected Elohim for their idols. These are YHVH’s judgments upon his people to bring them to repentance and back to him.


The sins and false gods of a nation catch up with it!

Exodus 7:14, The ten plagues. The ten plagues were Elohim’s judgment against the gods and idols of Egypt (Exod 12:12; 33:4; Num 33:4). Here are the list of plagues and possible suggestions as to which gods of Egypt YHVH was judging. Modern man worships these same false gods, and YHVH will bring his judgements against them in the last days. 

  • The first plague was the water turning to blood. This may have been a judgment against abortion (the Egyptians threw their babies into the Nile for sacrificial purposes) and against materialism (since fewer children mean fewer expenses for a family, and the Nile River was the source of Egypt’s prosperity).
  • The second plague was frogs. This may have been a judgment against pride (frogs puff themselves before they croak) and environmentalism or animal worship. In America, for example, after 9/11, how many bumperstickers did we see that had the words “pride” on them, and “God bless America” as if YHVH is duty-bound to bless America? How can YHVH bless a nation that refuses to repent and turn from its arroant and wicked ways?
  • The third plague was lice. This may have been a judgment against pride and narcissism (self worship), since the Egyptians were highly focused on their personal appearance and hygiene, their appearance and in shaving of body hair.
  • The fourth plague was flies, which may have been a judgment against devil worship, occultism and witchcraft (i.e. the whole religious system of Egypt). A biblical name for Satan was Beelzebub, or lord of the flies (Matt 12:25–27; Luke 11:15–19).
  • The fifth plague was the death of the livestock. This may have been a judgment against transportation and commerce.
  • The sixth plague was boils, which may have been a judgment against the Egyptians obsession with their bodies and faith in medical science.
  • The seventh plague was hail, which may have been a judgment against their agriculture industry and earth worship.
  • The eighth plague was locusts. This may have been a judgment against Egypt’s food production. The Nile River and its delta was one of the bread baskets of the ancient world and a source of great wealth to Egypt.
  • The ninth plague was darkness. This may have been a judgment against Egypt’s intelligentsia and religious system, which was spiritually devoid of the light of truth.
  • The tenth plague was the death of the firstborn, which was a judgment against Egypt’s future and posterity.

The destruction of Pharaoh and his armies in the Red Seawas a judgment against Egypt’s political and military might. 

Is YHVH Elohim bringing America and other “Christian” nations under judgment for the sins they have committed against him, even as he brought judgment against the gods of Egypt? What are the similarities between the gods of ancient Egypt and those of western and (formerly) Christian cultures? In America, for example, in recent years, there has been a marked increase in adverse weather conditions (e.g. droughts), natural disasters (e.g. wild fires, mass deaths of different kinds of animals, earthquakes in unlikely places), terrorism, bank and financial failures, personal and corporate bankruptcies, economic inflation, cost of living increasing, high foreclosure rates on homes, private and government financial debt, government scandals and corruption and, mass invasion by illegal and criminal, persecution of Christians, an invasion of demonic religions (e.g. Islam) just to name a few of the possible judgments against a nation that has turned its back on Elohim and the Bible.


The Proud and the Mighty Will Fall!

Exodus 10:3, Thus says YHVH Elohim of the Hebrews. What Moses did would be similar in our day to going to the president of the U.S., who is the head of the most powerful and advanced nation on earth, and saying, “The God of the people of El Salvador says to you…” How much impact would such a demand have on the president? However, when YHVH deputizes a person for a divine mission, YHVH, the Creator of the universe, and just one person make a majority!


How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? The sovereign Creator ultimately demands that everyone submits to his will and purposes. Those who refuse to do so imperil themselves. The Scriptures record that YHVH held other leaders accountable for exalting themselves against him—for refusing to humble themselves: Nebuchanezzar (Dan 4:19ff), Belshazzar (Dan 5:22), Zedekiah (2 Chron 36:12), Lucifer (Isa 14:13ff) and Herod (Acts 12:21–23).

Furthermore, those who put their trust in false gods will come under the judgment of the one supreme and true God or Mighty One whom the Bible calls Elohim. As Elohim judged the false gods of Egypt one by one and brought that arrogant nation down, he will do the same in the end days with Babylon the Great and the gods of this world. We see a striking parallel between the plagues YHVH brought upon Egypt and those he will bring upon the rebellious inhabitants of earth just prior to Yeshua’s second coming. For example, the seventh plague of the seventh vial is an ultimate expression of the fierceness of Elohim’s wrath upon a rebellious and still blaspheming world (Rev 16:17–21). Seventy five pound hailstones will fall from heaven and the earth will quake beneath. There will be no hiding place from Elohim’s wrath. Additional end-time plages that replicate those of Egypt include grievous sores to come upon men (Rev 16:2), the seawater and fresh water turning to blood (Rev 16:3–4), and darkness upon the earth (Rev 16:10). After this, Babylon the Great will fall (Rev 18:2), even as ancient Egypt fell under the mighty blows of YHVH’s judgment.

Psalm chapter two summarizes the rebellious arrogance of men, and their conspiracy against the Creator to keep control of their kingdoms. Elohim will laugh at them from heaven and will send his Son to judge them and to break their kingdoms in pieces with a rod of iron. Kiss the Son now and worship him if you expect to escape these judgments (v. 12)!

What gods do we have in our lives that we are holding on to? Each of the plagues against Egypt was a direct strike against one of the many gods of Egypt (Exod 12:12; Num 33:4). (See notes at Exod 7:14.)