What Is Our Greatest Enemy and How Do We Defeat It?

There’s an enemy lurking and seeking to destroy us.  It’s sneaky and can overtake us unawares. This vicious enemy is weariness, complacency, and apathy and is perhaps are greatest spiritual foe. It can weaken and even destroy individuals and a nation. It can weaken us so that we  become sitting targets and victims of the world, flesh and the devil.


We can be very active in spiritual works and ministry, but fall prey to this enemy at the same time. Religious activity devoid of heart, love, passion and the Spirit can leave us like an empty spiritual shell. Europe and America are full of beautiful old churches and cathedrals and denominations that are cold, empty and devoid of spiritual life. The same thing can happen to individuals.

Let me give an example of what I mean by asking a simple question. We may have fallen into the snares of weariness, apathy and complacency without even knowing it. If the answer to this question is yes, then we may be a victim who needs to take a serious look at the state of his or her spiritual life. The question is this: How would your life change today if you knew Yeshua were coming tomorrow?

Most exert great effort to prepare our homes when we know that company is coming to visit us. Why don’t we attach the same priority of effort to our spiritual homes with regard to Yeshua? He could come anytime. Let me explain. Continue reading


The Final Redemption of the 12 Tribes

Genesis 47:28, The Jewish sages recognize that this final portion of Genesis chronicles Jacob’s wish to reveal to his sons prophetic understandings pertaining to Israel’s long and numerous exiles, culminating in the final redemption (return of Israel from her exile in “Babylon” at the end of the age prior to the return of Messiah at which time the two houses of Israel will be reunited under Messiah Son of David). Jacob states this in 49:1 when he gives his prophecies relating to what will befall his sons “in the last days.” Prior to the establishment of the Messianic Age (Millennium) all Israel would go into a time of darkness, gloom and exile. The sages teach that this idea is implicated in the fact that the Torah scroll fails to place the customary nine spaces between the last word of the previous parashah and the first word of the present one. There is only a one space gap in Hebrew letters which predicts the “closing in” of Israel as they go into exile and captivity in Egypt.


Here’s an excerpt from a larger, yet unpublished, article on the timing of the return of the 12 tribes to the land of Israel in the last days. This extract deals with the concept of redemption in Israel’s long history, and specifically with the final redemption of the last days.

I hope you enjoy this Shabbat-day study.

The Repeating Paradigm of Israel’s Redemption

Biblically, the concept of the return of exiled and scattered Israel (including Ephraim) to the land of Israel is tied to the idea of redemption. Biblically, the concept of redemption involves a stronger person (the redeemer) intervening on behalf of a weaker person (the enslaved, i.e., the one needing redemption), defeating the captor of the slave thus allowing the enslaved to go free.

The first biblical example of this process occurred when Elohim redeemed Israel out of Egypt. The biblical prophets compared this first exodus to a greater, or second exodus that is yet to occur in the future. In Jewish thought, the exodus out of Egypt is called the first redemption, yet the biblical prophets also speak of Israel going into captivity again — this time not to Egypt, but into the exile of the nations. From this place of exile and spiritual Continue reading


Joseph, Ephraim, Manasseh & Benjamin in End Times Prophecy

Here are a few of my thoughts on who Joseph, Ephraim, Manasseh and Benjamin represent in end times Bible prophecy.

In studying the Jewish sages of old, I am amazed at how prescient they were about end time events. They gained this understanding often as they studied the lives of notable biblical characters.The sages had the strong sense that history would repeat itself— often again and again for the people of Elohim. This they observed in the cyclical patterns of Israel’s own history where YHVH gave them the truth, they remained faithful to it for a while, and turned from it, were punished and then returned to Elohim only to have the cycle repeat itself again and again.

As I have studied their method of predicting the future based on past events in Israel’s history, this has led me to some of my own speculations, which I present to you below.

Joseph as ruler1

There is much more to learn on this subject and I try to remain teachable.

Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh Antetypical of Christianity

Joseph’s wife was the daughter of an Egyptian priest. Jospeh married into the religious system of Egypt. He is a picture of Christian church, which has married itself to Babylon by syncretizing itself with certain pagan traditions and belief systems. Joseph is a picture of the end time lukewarm church. Ephraim and Manasseh were products of the union of Joseph (an Israelite) and Potifera (an Egyptian). Though they were Israelite, they were genetically a mixture of both Israelite and Egyptian blood. In fact, they resembled Egypt so much that Jacob, when blessing them, didn’t even recognize who they were. They were strangers to him. Though they were spiritual mulattos, their spiritual destiny was to identify wholly with their Israelite heritage, which would necessitate their renunciation of their Egyptian ties. In the end times, YHVH is calling Christians to renounce the pagan ties they Continue reading


Update: The Underground Church Is Coming…to America


Woman thrown off metro for singing spiritual hymns

According to a lawsuit, the guard accused her of “publicly singing spiritual hymns.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/10/govt-in-massive-push-to-crush-religious-freedom/#YMV1UDT2gWWFmGpD.99


New Video: The Underground Church Is Coming to America

A cosmic battle is going on between the forces of Satan and Elohim for the soul of America. Spearheading the devil’s agenda are the dominant political, economic, educational, entertainment, industrial structures that govern this nation and even certain religious elements. Their main enemy? Bible followers. The true saints are being marginalized societally and will be driven underground if repentance and spiritual revival fail to occur. These fires of persecution will only refine YHVH’s saints and prepare them to be the bride of Yeshua at his second coming. Are you ready? Watch the video and find out.


New Video: Surviving in the New World Order of Babylon the Great

The Babylon the Great New World Order as described in the Bible is being crammed down the throats of Americans whether we like it our not at the expense of biblical values. Bible believers are the enemy just as the Book of Revelation predicts. This video discloses what is coming shortly economically, politically, and religiously, and what you can do to prepare for it.



Will the Saints Go Through the Great Tribulation?

Genesis 7:9, After seven days. Noah was a preacher of righteousness for 120 years prior to the flood (Gen 6:3). He no doubt endured the mockery and persecution of those who did not believe his message about a coming flood, and the need for an ark of safety when that generation had never experienced rain or floods (Heb 11:7; 2 Pet 2:5).

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In Genesis 7:4 YHVH allows Noah to experience seven more days of persecution before the rains of judgment come upon the earth after which YHVH shut Noah and his family up in the ark of safety (Gen 7:16) after which the ark “was lifted above the earth” (Gen 7:17).

Yeshua likens the end times just prior to his return to the days of Noah (Matt 24:37–39). Yeshua further teaches that his saints will not only go through tribulation on this earth (Matt 24:3–22), but that his people will even go through “great tribulation” (Greek: megathlipsis, v. 21).

After this, Yeshua teaches that the saints will be lifted up above the earth to meet him in the air after the great tribulation (Matt 24:29–31). The Scriptures reveal that Noah endured another seven days of tribulation before the wrath of Elohim was poured out upon the wicked inhabitants of the earth. This may be a prophetic picture of a seven-year tribulation period the saints will have to go through before the wrath of Elohim (which is different than the tribulation period) is poured out upon this earth (See Rev 11:15–18 [compare with 1 Cor 15:51–53] and chapters 15 and 16 where the seven last plagues are called the wrath of Elohim).

The Scriptures clearly teach that YHVH’s people will not have to endure his wrath (1 Thess 1:10; 5:9), but conversely teaches that all will go through tribulation (John 16:33; Acts 14:22; Rev 7:14). Scripturally, tribulation and wrath are two different words and concepts.