The “Worldwide Web” Prophesied?

Isaiah 25:7, The surface of the covering. This is a cryptic passage. What does it mean? Other translations render it as follows:

And on this mountain He will swallow up the covering which is over all peoples, even the veil which is stretched over all nations. (NAS)

On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations. (NIV)

And swallowed up hath He in this mountain The face of the wrapping that is wrapped over all the peoples, And of the covering that is spread over all the nations. (YLT)

Before YHVH establishes his millennial kingdom on earth, he will have to remove something evil that has been covering the earth and its people like a veil. Is this referring to the web of lies that Satan and his Luciferian stooges on earth have woven to control the minds of earth’s inhabitants, so that they could accomplish their nefarious schemes to enslave the human population spiritually, economically and politically? Or could it refer to an electromagnetic web put in place by the global power elite or something similar that covers the earth to enslave the human population for its evil purposes of power and control? Maybe it’s both. Whatever it is, Yeshua will destroy it at his second coming.

The context of this passage is millennial. Chapter 24 prophesies of Elohim’s impending judgment on the whole earth followed by his reigning from Mount Zion in Jerusalem (v. 23). Chapter 25 continues the same prophecy. In verse nine, we read that, “We have waited for him, and he will save us…We will be glad and rejoice in his salvation [Heb. Yeshua].” This is speaking of the second coming of Yeshua and the establishment of his millennial kingdom on earth after having destroyed the end times Babylon the Great New World Order.

So what is this veil or web that will cover the earth like a veil in the end times just before the second coming of the Messiah that the Spirit of Elohim revealed to Isaiah the prophet? Well, we’re all familiar with the term, “the worldwide web.” In and of itself, this is not evil. It can be used for both good and bad purposes. The worldwide web or internet has been hugely instrumental in helping to spread the gospel and awaken lost and scattered Israel to return to its biblical roots and heritage. However, do you think that this pleases Satan and his minions who hate Elohim and his word, and don’t want to allow their developed technology to be used to counter the spirit of antichrist?

Don’t be surprised if controls aren’t put in place to greatly restrict or even curtail the use of the internet as a vehicle to spread the gospel. In the mean time, as the saying goes, “Make hay while the sun shines!”

But there’s more. In the book of Revelation we read about an end time Satanic world governing and economic system that will control the entire earth including all nations and most people. Satan the devil empowers this system (Rev 13:2), and many people will be so in awe of it that they will literally worship Satan and his antichrist new world order system (Rev 13:3–4). 

During this time, for three-and-one-half years, Satan and his human minions will wage war against the saints and will even overcome some of them (Rev 13:5–7). This will be a time of both great persecution and spiritual refinement for the saints of Elohim. Only those who patiently persevere will come through victoriously (Rev 13:10). This patient perseverance involves loving Yeshua and keeping his Torah-commandments (Rev 14:12). Satan will persecute those who don’t love Yeshua by keeping his Torah-commandments (Rev 12:17 cp. John 14:12; 1 John 2:3–6). 

An aspect of this persecution relates to “the image of the beast” by which “he deceives those who dwell on the earth” (Rev 13:14). At the same time, a false religious system that resembles a lamb, but which is a demonically inspired wolf in sheep’s clothing (Rev 13:11–12), will arise and join forces with the political and economic system that’s led by Satan and his minions as previously discussed. 

Through the combined efforts of the political, economic and religious systems several things will happen. False signs and wonders will occur that will be visible to all men (Rev 13:13). This will lead to the deception of earth’s inhabitants (Rev 13:14), and the image of the beast will be humanesque in appearance causing awe and wonderment among those who are deceived resulting in men worshipping it (Rev 13:14–15; 16:2). This demonic antichrist economic-political-religious system that controls the earth will force men to worship this image and receive this system’s mark or seal of approval and membership on their bodies, thus allowing them to participate (and survive) economically in it (Rev 13:16–17 cp. 19:20). This seal or mark will likely involve men being required to take an oath of allegiance such that they will have to deny the true Yeshua of the Bible in favor of the false antichrist messiah. James seems to be warning against this when he writes, “But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath. But let your ‘Yes,’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No,’ lest you fall into judgment.” (Jas 5:12). This is why those who take the Antichrist’s mark will never have a chance at eternal life in Elohim’s kingdom, but are destined for the lake of fire (Rev 14:11 cp. 20:1–15).

In light of the prophecies of the Bible discussed above, and in light of the recent advances in modern science, it seems likely that modern biometric, instant digital communication and artificial intelligence combined with robotic nanotechnology involving the internet of all things (or IOT) will all come together to form a global oligarchic technocratic net or veil over this earth that will politically, economically and spiritually attempt to control all life to the exclusion of the true saints of YHVH-Yeshua the Messiah. 

This is coming upon us like a freight train, and it seems that thousands of years ago, YHVH may have revealed this to Isaiah the prophet. 

Sadly, however, most people, including the Torah-obedient disciple of Yeshua, are too sound asleep in their spiritual complacency eating, drinking, giving in marriage and pursing their middle class lifestyles to give any of this much thought. They are modern day obscurantists. The Bible calls them Laodiceans. They don’t have time to study their Bibles, to fast or to pray, but they sure have time to plan their vacations, play their video games, talk to their “friends” on social media and watch NetFlix! As long as they’re smugly wearing their Christian, Messianic or Hebrew Roots label for all to see, they feel they’ve done their duty. Yeshua called them white-washed sepulchres and empty cups! He said, “You draw near with your lips, but your hearts are far from me.” Peter called them clouds without water! John refers to them as naked, blind, poor and miserable.

Of course, none of this applies to anyone reading this. It’s always the other guy. Right?!?


Unveiling the Evil Forces Behind Babylon Then and Now

Genesis 10:8–9; 11:1–9, Nimrod…Babel .Comparisons can be made between Nimrod and his rebellion against Elohim (and apostasy from the faith of his fathers) with that of the man of sin (literally, “man of Torahlessness” in 2 Thess 2:1–12) in the end times. We can also compare the formation of Babylon and the building of the Tower of Bavel to the end-time one-world system called Babylon the Great (Rev 18). For the present, let’s explore how Satan, the devil-serpent, has been the motivating force behind collectivization and organization of humans in his rebellion against YHVH Elohim, the Creator. 

Secular Humanism:
The Devil’s Original Lie and the Religion of the New World Order

We are presently watching unfolding before us an epic and cosmic struggle between the forces of evil and good. The world system or cosmos of the devil is pitted against the unalterable and immutable plans, purposes and Word of the sovereign Creator of the universe, YHVH Elohim. 

At the center of this battle is man. He was created in the image of Elohim and destined to become a son of Elohim. The Adversary, on the other hand, wants to make man into his image—a son of perdition. Man has to choose whom he will follow. To sit on the sidelines, ignore the battle and not to choose is, by default, to choose the side of the devil. Man must carefully choose his course of action, for the consequences are eternal. Inaction—not to choose—is to ignore the battle and by default to choose the side of the devil.

That battle will reach its nexus at the end of the age, just prior to the return of the Messiah. Will man fall for the lies of the counterfeit Messiah, or remain faithful to the Truth and Word of the real Messiah? To resist the deceiver and not fall for his lies one must know the face of his enemy: his tactics, game plan and the nature of his deception. The lies he will use in the end times to woo the multitudes to his side are not new. The tactics and game plan are the same, for it has never changed from the beginning. What are the lies he will use to seduce man to his side of this struggle? When did the deceiver first ply his trade? The answers are in the Book of Life.

The Big Lie and Its Origin

The Scriptures Speak of a “Lie”

There are those who turn from the revealed truth of Elohim and turn to believing a lie as Romans 1:24–25 states:

Wherefore Elohim also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of Elohim into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen

The Man of Sin/Lawlessness will cause many to turn from YHVH’s truth and believe a lie as 2 Thessalonians 2:7–12 states:

For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only he who now restrains will do so, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom YHVH shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause Elohim shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Outside of the New Jerusalem will be those wicked ones who believe a lie as the Book of Revelation states:

And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defiles, neither whatsoever works abomination, or makes a lie, but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life. (Rev 21:27)

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and makes a lie. (Rev 22:14–15)

The primary meaning of these passages is referring to those who have exchanged the truth of YHVH for a lie. But what lie? Who did Yeshua say was the father of lies (John 8:44)? The devil is, of course. So, ultimately all lies that humans believe had to have originate from those lies the devil through the serpent told the first humans in the Garden of Eden.

What Was This “Big Lie”?

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The Truth Behind Castles, Palaces and Mansions

Dunrobin Castle, northern Scotland

Castles, palaces and mansions dot the landscape in many regions of Europe. These edifices are silent monuments of the wealth that has been concentrated into the hands of a few over the millennia. The sizes of these homes are staggering. It becomes especially evident when one tours these palatial residences—some of which boast hundreds of rooms and vast acreages. What are castles, palaces and mansions really all about? What’s behind it all. How does YHVH Elohim view what they represent? These are the questions I found myself asking on my recent trip to the British Isles, Ireland and Paris.

Kensington Palace in London where Queen Victoria was born and England’s royalty lived until they moved to Buckingham Palace.

In many cities you visit, the castles, palaces and mansions of the wealthy “elite” top the list of the most popular tourist attractions. Everyone wants to experience the lifestyles of the rich and powerful if only vicariously. People the world over flock to them in droves as they purchase their tickets, board buses and often travel great distances to some remote and exclusive location with commanding view on a mountain or cliff top,  beach or lake side or some other venerable piece of real estate, where they will spend the better part of a day touring the extravagant grounds, gardens and residences. We did! Some palaces are so elite that photography is even forbidden. It’s hard not be awed at the sight of throne rooms, mirrored ballrooms with frescoed ceilings and dozens of yards of rich tapestries, exotic wood carvings and paneling and marbled flooring and enormous art galleries with paintings up to the gilded ceilings. 

Formerly a palace for the kings of France, now the Louvre Museum in Paris—one of many such rooms.
A ceiling in Kensington Palace, London

But all of this richness is, in reality, a pathetically thin veneer covering, in most cases, a sinister and evil side of palaces, castles and mansions. The tour guides, while giving the awestruck tourist the front story, will every so often allude to the backstory of how these wealthy “elite” obtained their vast lands and wealth. Yes, this background information paints a completely different story that betrays the rich but superficial patina of tree lined boulevards leading up to these grand estates as you drive past the high stone walls and gate houses, through the wrought iron gates to these homes surrounded by formal botanical gardens with their lakes, fountains, statuary and Greek-styled columned verandas, porticos and even garden sheds.

Buckingham Palace in London where Queen Elizabeth II lives.

Yes, the tour guides don’t want to ruin the fun for their bedazzled paying guests, but the honest guides, when pressed with questions, will let slip out the truth of how these rich folks often acquired their land, and it’s not a pretty picture—certainly not as nice as the homes they left behind.

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Russian Patriarch Warns ‘Antichrist’ Will Control Humans Through Gadgets

I can’t disagree with this Russian spiritual leader and have said the same thing myself based on what I see in the book of Revelation regarding the Babylon the Great New World Order. —Natan

From the Moscow Times at as picked up by the Drudge Report and the Associated Press.

Russian Patriarch Warns ‘Antichrist’ Will Control Humans Through Gadgets

Mikhail Dzhaparidze / TASS

The leader of the Russian Orthodox Church has said that humans’ dependence on modern technology will result in the coming of the Antichrist.

In an interview with Russian state media, Patriarch Kirill explained he does not entirely oppose gadgets, but warned against “falling into slavery” to smartphones.

Patriarch Kirill said that the collection of user data including “location, interests and fears” will make it possible for humans to be controlled by external forces.

“Control from a single point is a harbinger of the coming of the Antichrist,” Kirill toldthe state-run Rossia-1 TV network on Orthodox Christmas Monday.

“The Antichrist is a personality that will be at the head of the world wide web controlling the entire human race. Thus, the structure itself presents a danger,” he said.

The church leader stressed that “if we don’t want to bring the apocalypse closer, there should be no single [control and access] center.”


The Babylon the Great New World Order Matrix and YOU

The “Matrix” Revisited

The matrix. You’ve heard of the movie series by that name, but let’s go beyond that to see what the Bible has to say about another matrix that shares similarities with the movie, but is much more sinister, is soul-damning and which is actually described in the prophecies of the Bible. 

So what actually is a matrix? Let’s answer this question by doing what Yeshua often did when answering the religious philosophers of his day: Answer a question with another questions to get people to think. The question is this: Who is your mother?

Everyone had a physical mother who birthed, nurtured and raised you. She was your source of life and sustenance while your were young. But now that you’re grown up, who is your mother now? Who is your source of life? Who instructs you on what to do? Who do you rely on for wisdom and direction? From whom do you receive your physical and spiritual sustenance? Who do you want to become like ultimately? Who is the motivating force in your life that is guiding you spiritually, and is helping you to formulate your life vision—who you are, who or what will you become, where you’re going, and what is your purpose and destiny in life? In this regard, who is your mother?

To answer these questions, let’s first define the English word mother. Mother derives from the Latin word mater, which literally means “breeding female, womb and mother.” We find this word mater in many familiar English words such as maternity, alma mater (loving or beloved mother), matriarch, matron, maternal, matriculate and matter, material and matrix.

As in many spiritual realities, there is an earthly and heavenly or spiritual counterpart—as above, so below. There are also satanic counterfeits of the heavenly patterns. In order to confuse and to ultimately destroy humans, Satan, the god of this world, has created counterfeits that feign themselves as being the genuine thus deceiving many people! Let’s explore this truth.

A Great Satanic Counterfeit

The Bible speaks about the (New) Jerusalem “who is the mother of us all” (Gal 4:26). Satan has his counterfeit version of the New Jerusalem as well. The Bible calls it Mystery Babylon the Great, which is likened to a city (Rev 13, 17, 18). This end times Continue reading


Jacob Versus Laban = YHVH’s Saints Versus End Times Babylon

Is the greedy, idolatrous and enslaving grasp of modern Babylon holding you back from your spiritual destiny? It’s time to begin breaking free!

Genesis 31:43, These daughters are my daughters. Laban claims that Jacob’s wives and children belonged to him. Laban was also steeped in the idolatry of Babylon having in his possession idols or images called teraphim (Gen 31:19, 34–35), which legal symbols of his wealth, since they were actual title deeds to his property. These gods of one’s property also acted as good luck charms insuring the land’s prosperity. 

Is there a modern-day counterpart to this? Yes. Doesn’t modern Babylon want to control and possess the wives and children of redeemed Israel, indoctrinate them in its pagan religious system, and then keep Jacob’s modern descendants (Christians and Jews) from returning to their spiritual and physical homeland and birthright inheritance, and from returning to the Torah-faith of their fathers? Are governmental institutions (e.g. public educational institutions and state and federal Child Protective Services agencies, social welfare programs, various government regulations that have greatly diminished or eliminated many of our personal freedoms along with Elohim-given parental rights), socio-political organizations (e.g. ACLU, UN) and greedy corporate systems (banking systems that enslave people through debt, corrupters of our food supplies that destroy people’s health, pharmaceutical companies and the mainstream medical establishment that enslaves and destroys people’s minds and bodies through drugs) modern-day Labans who want to kill, steal and destroy for the benefit of money, power and control? Again, yes. 

Revelation 18:13 says that end times Babylon the Great will traffic in the bodies and souls of men. This is likely a reference to the trafficking in human body parts (for medical purposes, no doubt) and the enslavement of men’s hearts and minds. This speaks at some level of the modern day enslavement of people—of their religious expression, freedom of thought and action. In these end times, the saints of Elohim must protect themselves and their loved ones from the idols and the evil machinations of the Elohim-hating, devil worshiping idolators. 

Let us not forget John’s closing words in his first epistle: “Little children, keep yourselves from idols” (1 John 5:21). An idol is anything that gets between us and Elohim, and which moves us downward and away from him on our spiritual path instead of upward and closer to him.

Laban and Balaam. It is quite possible that the false prophet Balaam, who heard from YHVH and had a sense of righteousness, though was still steeped in paganism, was a descendant of Laban. Both Laban and Balaam were from Aram (part of greater Babylon) and only 280 years separated them. One of the Aramaic Targums (Targum Jonathan) equates Balaam with Laban, while other scholars view Balaam as Laban’s grandson. Both were involved in a mixed-religious system—some truth and some error, some good and some evil. This is the nature of religious Babylon (meaning “mixture” or “confusion”). A mixture of what? Of good and evil. Remember the tree by that name in the Garden of Eden? Who was the one who enticed man to indulge in that fruit in rebellion to YHVH’s commands? 

Even today, Satan the serpent is at the helm of spiritual Babylon trying to lure people into his system of good and evil. Like the tree of knowledge, the religious Babylon of today, out of which YHVH is calling his people (Rev 18:4), is just that—a mixture of truth and pagan lies. How else, for example, do we account for the name of the Christian festival called Easter or Ishtar named after the Babylonian sex goddess of fertility? Or how else do we account for the Christmas tree phallus symbol that also originated from Babylonian sex worship? Or how about the Easter egg (an ancient Babylonian fertility or sex symbol) or the egg on the Jewish Passover Seder plate? All these are symbols of pagan sex worship. 

As YHVH called Jacob away from Babylon back to Beth-el (the House of El), and as YHVH turned Jacob’s heart back to the ways of his fathers, is not the same YHVH likewise now calling his people to come out of religious Babylon (Rev 18:4), to separate themselves from that which is unclean or not kosher (2 Cor 6:17)? 

Yes, YHVH is pleading for the modern descendants of Jacob (redeemed Israelites or the Israel of Elohim, Gal 6:16) to not succumb to the lying forked-tongued Labans and Balaams of today who always over-promise and underdeliver—who would through deceptive lies pull Elohim’s back into their religious systems that are a mixture of truth and error. Elohim is urging his people to remember the good, ancient and blessed paths of the Torah of Moses his servant and to listen to the spirit of Elijah as the children’s hearts re turned back to the Hebraic fathers of their faith (Jer 6:16, 19; Mal 4:4–6).