Genesis 42–46 Two Brothers and the Two Houses of Israel in End-Time Prophecy (Pt 1)

I post this  teaching nearly every year. Some of you have read it before, but we have many new readers to this blog who haven’t read it. Hopefully this post will be a blessing to both our old and new … Continue reading

Spiritual Boot Camp: Entering the Ministry Means Preparing for War

Mark 1–3 It is interesting to note the order of events as Yeshua was launching his ministry. He was about to enter a war zone! After John baptized Yeshua and he received his heavenly empowerment (Mark 1:9–11), he first went … Continue reading

Do we have to keep all 613 Torah commands?

Got this email question today: Nat[e], are you saying that christians are required to keep all 613 Torah commandments? I understood that Yeshua was the only one who followed these perfectly and met the requirement. My answer: Yes. This is … Continue reading

Revelation and the Olivet Prophecy (Matt 24 and 25) Compared

Not unlike treasure hunters examining a map for clues leading to a buried treasure, or an archeologist carefully scrutinizing ancient artifacts for information about lost civilizations, or an engineer diligently studying blueprints in order to construct a mechanical device or … Continue reading

“Remember Lot’s Wife!” What We Can Learn from Lot’s Life

Lot had a lot, and cast in his lot with the lot of them and ended up losing a lot. Is Lot a picture of the typical modern born-again believer whether Christian or Messianic? I believe so. In saying this, … Continue reading

Yom Kippur: Past, Present and Future

Introduction Yom Kippur is a day of contradictions and contrasts: Joy and sorrow. Rewards for the righteous and judgments for the wicked rebels. Joy for the righteous when Satan and his demons, death and Babylon are destroyed by the King … Continue reading

Modern Golden Calf Worship Among YHVH’s People

Let’s look at a series of events that occurred as the children of Israel were leaving Egypt, which have major relevance to what is occurring in mainstream Christianity in our day. If we fail to learn the lessons of history, … Continue reading