Dividing and Conquering the Torah—Was the Torah Fulfilled (or Abrogated) By the Messiah?

Divide-and-conquer the enemy is a well known and often used offensive military strategy. The enemy may be too large and powerful for a direct frontal assault, so the idea is to break up the enemy’s army or defenses into bite-sized … Continue reading

Chag HaMatzot (The Feast of Unleavened Bread): An Overview

Chag HaMatzot or the Feast of Unleavened Bread is the second annual festival on YHVH’s biblical calendar, and occurs on the fifteenth day of the month of the Abib, which is the day immediately following Passover (or Pesach, Lev 23:5–8). … Continue reading

From A.D. 70 to A.D. 135 — How the Church Became Divorced From Its Hebraic Roots

This is a long read—good for a Shabbat afternoon! But it’s important to know the historical facts. Knowing this truth will help us to better understand the background of the NT church and how the early second century church cut itself off from … Continue reading

Overview of the Book of Leviticus/Vayikra

Outline of Leviticus Leviticus is divided into to several main parts. Chapters one to 16 deal with laws of sacrifice and purification. In the second section (chapters 17–25), Elohim sets forth his demands for holy living that his people might … Continue reading

Parashat Ki Tisa Exodus 30:11-34:35 Outline & Study

Parashat Ki Tisa (when you take) Exodus 30:11-34:35 Outline & Study Sheet Haftorah Reading 1 Kings 18:1–39 The Testimony of Yeshua On the gifts of the Spirit: 1 Corinthians 12:1–31 On keeping the Sabbath: Hebrews 4:9 On the golden calf and idolatry: Acts … Continue reading

Golden Calf Worship Among YHVH’s People Today

Let’s look at the series of events that occurred as the children of Israel were leaving Egypt, which have major relevance to what is occurring in mainstream Christianity in our day. If we fail to learn the lessons of history, … Continue reading

The Seven Steps of Redemption or Salvation in Exodus

Exodus 6:1–9, YHVH redeems Israel. The stage is set for Israel’s redemption in Exodus 5:22–23. Yet Moses’ first venture to Pharaoh was a disaster. The plight of the children of Israel had deteriorated instead of improved. Discouraged, Moses almost takes on … Continue reading