The Gospels Decoded—Prophetic Pictures of End Time Events (Pt 1)

This is the first in a series of videos containing the subject matter of Nathan Lawrence’s upcoming new book entitled, “The Gospels Decoded—Prophetic Pictures of End Time Events”. In this book, we will discover who we are as a people and what the future holds for us as we look at Yeshua’s ministry and teachings through the lens of the third level of biblical interpretation. You have never heard anything like this before. This is not hyperbole. I invite you to check it out for yourself.


The Gospels Decoded—Prophetic Pictures of End Time Events (Intro)

This is the introduction to a series of videos containing the subject matter of Nathan Lawrence’s upcoming new book entitled, “The Gospels Decoded—Prophetic Pictures of End Time Events”. In this book, we will discover who we are as a people and what the future holds for us as we look at Yeshua’s ministry and teachings through the lens of the third level of biblical interpretation. You have never heard anything like this before. This is not hyperbole. I invite you to check it out for yourself.


Congregation Elim Online Shabbat Fellowship Invite

Nathan Lawrence, along with co-leader Donna Nash (from North Carolina), is hosting a regular online Shabbat gathering via Zoom. If you are interested in joining the group, please send me a request at

This online gathering is only open to those who are serious about living in accordance with YHVH’s written Torah, and who are believers in and lovers of Yeshua the Messiah, the Living Torah. 

If you make a request to join the group, please share with Nathan your personal testimony of your salvation (how you came to faith in Yeshua the Messiah) and a statement about your basic biblically-based beliefs. Nathan may then ask you a few questions follow-up questions via email or by phone if clarifications are necessary. 

To date, we have a wonderfully geographically eclectic group of polite and respectful folks from all over the U.S. and some foreign countries as well. Nathan (and sometimes Donna) gives a Bible teaching, and there is plenty of questions and answers as well as discussions where folks share their edifying insights on various biblical topics as led by the Spirit of Elohim. We also pray for one another and sometimes even have a little praise and worship.



Deuteronomy 33 V’Zot haBerachah—Torah’s Final Word to Us

In this video, Nathan discusses the two cloven tongues of fire aspects YHVH’s Torah, how this Torah portion proves that Yeshua is the one who gave the Torah-law at Mount Sinai and how it also proves that the Torah is for Christians today, and what it means to be the priest, prophet and king in your own home. We also learn what the Bible has to say about retirement—or rather, what it does not say on this subject, and what the saints are to be doing until the day of their death. Please enjoy and be edified.