Leviticus Chapters 1 to 7—What Was the Purpose of the Sacrificial System?

The concept of animal sacrifices may be a hard for modern people to comprehend—especially for those who are squeamish when it comes to death and blood. This ancient ritual, rooted in the nomadic lifestyles of the inhabitants of the Middle … Continue reading

Do You Live in a “God” Bubble or a Fortress of Self?

John 17:11…14, In the world…not of the world.  When I first wrote this article a few years ago, I viewed the idea of creating and living in one’s own so-called “God (or Elohim) bubble” as a defensive mechanism for dealing … Continue reading

How to Prepare YOURSELF for Passover

Passover is just around the corner. It is the first step in YHVH Elohim’s plan of salvation or redemption of sinful humans to reconcile fallen man back to him. Did you ever wonder how this process really works? There is … Continue reading

Why study and celebrate the biblical feasts?

The spring biblical feasts are just around the corner. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread are the first of seven biblical celebrations or festivals that lay out YHVH Elohim’s plan of salvation or redemption for humankind. Not only that, … Continue reading

The Tabernacle of Moses and the Deification or Theosis of Man

The Tabernacle of Moses from its front to back represents one’s progression in their spiritual journey starting with their initial salvation leading to the glorification of the physical body and eternal life in YHVH’s eternal spiritual kingdom. Entering through the … Continue reading

Golden calf worship is alive and well in the Christian church today!

Exodus 32 Exodus 32:1, Moses delayed coming. Moses is a prophetic picture of Yeshua. Moses’ descending from Mount Sinai is a prophetic picture of Yeshua descending from heaven to the earth the first and second time. When the people presumed … Continue reading