Clean and Unclean Meats or Vegetarianism?

Romans 14:2, One man has faith…eats vegetables. Is Paul teaching in this passage that it is permissible for believers to eat “all things” including unclean meat, which includes rats, bats, scorpions, lizards and cockroaches?  First let’s examine the greater context … Continue reading

False Teachers and Destructive Heresies

2 Peter 2:1, False teachers…destructive heresies. When did several prominent but destructive, non-biblical heresies creep into the early church, which are now major doctrines in mainstream Christianity? Here is a partial list along with the approximate times the early church … Continue reading

Who is the bride of Yeshua? (The answer many surprise you!)—Part One

What does the Bible say about the spiritual bride of Yeshua the Messiah? Many biblically informed The Messiahians believe that all who are “saved” will automatically become the bride of the Messiah. Is this what the Bible really teaches? In … Continue reading

What Paul’s view on circumcision?

Acts 16:3, Circumcised him. Evidently circumcision or uncircumcision wasn’t an issue for Paul. He had Timothy, who was half Jewish, circumcised, but not Titus who was non-Jewish (Gal 2:3). Both men were elders and teachers in the assembly of believers. … Continue reading