What Is the Second Exodus & When Does It Occur?

The children of Israel left Egypt on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and crossed through the Red Sea on the last or seventh day of this feast. This was the first exodus. But there’s more! The … Continue reading

An Analysis of NT Scriptures that Purport to Invalidate the Biblical Dietary Laws

Fasten your seat belts … here we go! Matthew 15:11 and Mark 7:18-19 And he saith unto them, Are ye so without understanding also? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile … Continue reading

If Yeshua Calls You a Priest Then Act Like One!

Shabbat shalom everyone! Here’s a long, meaty teaching for you to chew on today that will hopefully bring you into a closer spiritual walk with YHVH Elohim by giving you a deeper understand of his ways and expectations of us. … Continue reading

The Final Redemption of the 12 Tribes

Genesis 47:28, The Jewish sages recognize that this final portion of Genesis chronicles Jacob’s wish to reveal to his sons prophetic understandings pertaining to Israel’s long and numerous exiles, culminating in the final redemption (return of Israel from her exile … Continue reading

Prophetic Implications of the Miracle of the Five Loaves and Two Fishes

Matthew 14:13–21 explained: (An excerpt rom Natan’s yet unpublished commentary on the Gospels.) This account appears to be an allegory pertaining to end-time events—specifically, the regathering of the Israelite exiles, and is another allusion to the final redemption. John the … Continue reading

Yeshua’s Commissioning the Twelve…and YOU?

Matthew 10:5ff, Yeshua sent out. The Commissioning of the Twelve Disciples. There are several notable aspects to consider when Yeshua commissioned his disciples. As modern-day disciples of Yeshua, we need to take these into consideration when assuming a ministry role. … Continue reading

Book of Joel Overview & End Times Prophecy

Analysis of the Book of Joel Joel 1:1–20 chronicles the physical and spiritual desolation that will exist in the land of Israel (1:6, 10) just prior to the day of YHVH, the destruction of the Almighty (1:15). Israel’s pitiable condition … Continue reading