Noah—A Prophetic Picture of the End Times

Genesis 6–7, Noah’s flood provides allegorical insights relating to end-times prophecy. In Matthew 24:37, Yeshua compares the end times to the days of Noah. The story of Noah has allegorical implications that give hints about end-times prophecy. In 1 Peter … Continue reading

Shavuot — What, Why and When?

On May 27, 2012, we will be celebrating the biblical feast of Shavuot (aka Pentecost and the Feast of Weeks) as did the ancient Israelites, and the Book of Acts believers, and Paul (Lev 23:15–22, Acts 2:1; 20:16). What is Shavuot All About? In the roughly … Continue reading

Nuggets in Isaiah

Here are some precious pearls and gold nuggets from the first several chapters of Isaiah. Bon appetite! Isaiah 6:3, Holy, holy, holy. (Also Rev 4:8.) Since these are the words of worship being proclaimed to Elohim in his throne room continually, … Continue reading

“Hosanna in the Highest”: You know the words, now what’s the meaning?

Mark 11:10, Hosanna in the highest. The simple Hebrew phrase hoshana rabbah has more depth and spiritual significance than first meets the eye. Let’s explore it. First of all, it was this phrase—hosanna in the highest—(Heb. hoshana rabbah) that the … Continue reading