What Are the Fundamentals of the Hebraic Christian Faith?

What are the fundamentals of the Hebraic Christian faith for which the Bible instructs the saints to earnestly contend? The modern Messianic or Hebrew roots movement, as opposed to mainstream Christianity, while purporting to be returning to the Hebraic, Torah-based … Continue reading

“Come Out of Her My People!”—Leaving Behind Baalism, Babylonianism and Spiritual Syncretism

The Call Is Going Forth A spiritual call is going forth across the planet to the people of Elohim—to those who look to the God of the Bible (YHVH Elohim) as their source of spiritual enlightenment and guidance. Our loving … Continue reading

Numbers 13 and 14—Joshua and Caleb Vs. the Rebels

Numbers 13 Numbers 13:6, Caleb the son of Jephunneh.  Caleb—A Man Full of Love for YHVH and His People Although Caleb is listed here as being from the tribe of Judah, he nevertheless was of Canaanite heritage having become part … Continue reading

Natan’s Commentary Notes on Numbers 8–11: The Menorah, Silver Trumpets & Glory Cloud

Numbers 8 Numbers 8:2, The menorah. The phrase toward the face of the menorah is an interesting one. The Jewish sages teach that the three wicks on the right and the three on the left were all directed toward the … Continue reading

Is the Mainstream Christian Church the Real Cult?

Returning to the Hebraic Foundations of the Christian Faith: “The Faith Once Delivered” or Cultism? Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to … Continue reading