Exodus 19–31: An O’view of YHVH’s Marriage to Torah-Obedient Saints

Exodus 19–31 is and overview of YHVH’s marriage to Israel as fulfilled in the lives of redeemed believers. Start by reading Ezekiel 16:1–14. Redeemed believers are preparing to be the spiritual bride of Yeshua. For I am jealous over you … Continue reading

What’s the Big Deal About Abib Barley? It’s in the Bible, so you need to know!

Exodus 9:31, The barley was in the head.  Barley was cultivated as a grain crop in ancient Egypt, as well as in Israel, and grows wild like a weed throughout the region to this day. Several passages in the Scriptures witness … Continue reading

Yom Teruah—The Day of Shofar Blowing or Shouting

On the evening of Saturday, September 7, 2013, the first sliver of the new moon will be spotted in the land of Israel, thus signaling the first day of the seventh month of the biblical calendar and the biblical feast … Continue reading

YHVH’s Covenants: Who Is at Fault and What Is Vanishing Away?

Hebrews 8:13, Ready to vanish away. Many who read this verse assume that the writer is saying that the Torah-law was ready to vanish away ergo the law has been done away. This belief is orthodox Christianity! But is this … Continue reading

Time to Awaken from Spiritual Slumber—Messiah Is Coming!

This year, the biblical festival of Yom Teruah (the Day of Shofar Blowing or Shouting or “Rosh Hashanah”) will likely be on Sunday, Sept. 8 according to the ancient biblical Hebrew calendar. This festival is a prophetically pictures the  beginning of … Continue reading

The Leaven of Bitterness

1 Corinthians 5:8, Leaven of malice and wickedness. Interestingly in the Torah, there are two Hebrew words used for leaven, which is a biblical metaphor for sin. The first word, chametz refers to the sin of malice (or ill-will, malignity, … Continue reading

Ministry Update: May 2013

Shalom Friends in Yeshua’s Love, Please allow me to thank those of you who have contributed financially to Hoshana Rabbah Biblical Discipleship Resources. Also, thanks to those who have supported us through prayer, by your viewership, readership and by referring … Continue reading