The Altar of Sacrifice

Exodus 27:1–8, An altar. Just inside the door of the tabernacle was the altar of sacrifice. It was made of acacia wood overlaid with bronze, which is a shadow picture of Yeshua bearing the judgment for men’s sins on the … Continue reading

The Steps of Redemption Within the Tabernacle

First Step of Eight: One is in a state of separation from his Creator because of sin. One sees the good news, the light of truth, the message of the cross, the multi-colored door and the luminescent walls of the … Continue reading

The Passover Seder: When Is It and What to Do

Exodus 12:14, You shall keep it a feast. The key elements of the Passover celebration or seder which memorializes the exodus were (a) eating lamb (Exod 12:8), (b) eating bitter herbs (Exod 12:8), (c) eating unleavened bread (Exod 12:8), (d) … Continue reading

When Does the Biblical Month Begin?

This is a lengthy article on a vital subject. It’s deep and heady and will take your full concentration to read. It’s essential that we have a correct understanding of the biblical calendar, so we’ll know when to celebrate YHVH’s … Continue reading

Psalm 81 and the New Moon/New Month

Please note: This brief study is an excerpt from a larger work I am about to publish on this blog entitled, “When Does the Biblical Month Begin? Refuting 14 Pro-Conjunction Arguments in Favor of the Visible Crescent.” Stay tuned. — Natan A … Continue reading

Addressing an Objection to Celebrating Hanukkah

I just got a note from someone who objects to celebrating Hanukkah because it’s not a biblical command to do so. This gentleman insisted that celebrating Hanuakkah is adding to the word of Elohim, which the Torah forbids. To do so is sin. My response to … Continue reading