“In Yeshua” With Your Head or With Your Heart Too?

John 3:16, In (or into, The Interlinear Bible, by J.P. Green). The Greek word for in is eis, which is a primary preposition meaning “to, into (indicating the point reached or entered; see Strong’s). Eis is used in the accusative case (with a direct object) with the primary idea of motion into any place or thing; also of motion or direction to, toward or upon any place, thing. The opposite is ek meaning “out of” (see Zodhiates). By contrast, the Greek preposition en is used in the dative case (with indirect objects) and means “in, on, at, by any place or thing with the primary idea of rest. This is in contrast to eis, which means indicates motion into or onto something, and which indicates motion out of something, while en means “remaining in place” (see Zodhiates).

Although an analysis of all the occurrences in the NT of the English phrases “in Jesus/Christ/the Lord/Him” indicate that Yeshua and the apostolic writers (or their translators) seem to have used the Greek words en and eis interchangeably, at the same time, when they employ eis, it must be noted that they seem to be emphasizing the reality of being more deeply rooted spiritually into Yeshua.

For example, one can believe in something in a surface manner with their mind only, but not with their whole heart. There is a difference between having a head knowledge of something versus an experiential understanding of it. This is like seeing a photo or video of a place versus actually having visiting it, of merely looking at food versus actually tasting it.

Many people have a head knowledge of Yeshua, but are not heart-rooted or grounded in him relationally and experientially. In a finely nuanced sense, this may have been in the mind of the NT writers (or their translators) when they, at times, specifically used the word eis instead of en to emphasize the need to be deeply rooted into and to be united with the Messiah.


Provoking Your Thinking About “Going to Heaven When You Die”

John 3:13, No one has ascended to heaven. Most Christians believe that when they die, they immediately go to heaven in spite of Yeshua’s clear statement in this verse.

Moreover, many believers see this verse as referring to the saints who died before Yeshua’s resurrection, but not true of those who died afterwards, even though he doesn’t say this. Therefore, they reason, this is why, according to Peter, David, who was born before Yeshua, is still resting in his grave awaiting the last days resurrection (Acts 2:29). If what the majority of Christians believe on this subject were true, then the saints of old are second class citizens and YHVH is a respecter persons (which he is not, see Acts 10:34; Rom 2:11) in that they have to wait for resurrection day and for their ultimate reward of eternal life, while the saints born since Yeshua receive immortality immediately upon death.

Laying aside all the church traditions and doctrines of men, what does the Bible in the simplest and clearest terms say about the timing of the saints receiving immortality and their glorified bodies? Paul states that the resurrection of all the dead saints and their receiving immortality occurs not at the time of their physical death, but at the second coming of Yeshua at the last trumpet (1 Cor 15:51–54; 1 Thess 4:13–18 cp. Rev 11:15, 18). 

In reality, men’s eternal inheritance isn’t heaven, but will be the New Jerusalem, which is coming down from heaven to the new earth (Rev 21:2).

In reality, men’s eternal inheritance isn’t heaven, but the New Jerusalem, which is coming down from heaven to the new earth (Rev 21:2).


Trump administration starts campaign to end global criminalization of homosexuality

Please pray that YHVH Elohim reveals to President Trump the biblical view on the issue of homosexuality, and that he acts righteously in this regard. To appear to be promoting homosexuality is not good and is shameful at the very least. —Natan

From NBC News at https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/trump-administration-launches-global-effort-end-criminalization-homosexuality-n973081

By Josh Lederman

BERLIN — The Trump administration is launching a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in dozens of nations where it’s still illegal to be gay, U.S. officials tell NBC News, a bid aimed in part at denouncing Iran over its human rights record.

U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, the highest-profile openly gay person in the Trump administration, is leading the effort, which kicks off Tuesday evening in Berlin. The U.S. embassy is flying in LGBT activists from across Europe for a strategy dinner to plan to push for decriminalization in places that still outlaw homosexuality — mostly concentrated in the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean.

“It is concerning that, in the 21st century, some 70 countries continue to have laws that criminalize LGBTI status or conduct,” said a U.S. official involved in organizing the event.

U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell at a reception in Berlin on Jan. 14, 2019.
By Josh Lederman

FEB. 19, 201903:28

Narrowly focused on criminalization, rather than broader LGBT issues like same-sex marriage, the campaign was conceived partly in response to the recent reported execution by hanging of a young gay man in Iran, the Trump administration’s top geopolitical foe.

Grenell, as Trump’s envoy to Germany, has been an outspoken Iran critic and has aggressively pressed European nations to abandon the 2015 nuclear deal and re-impose sanctions. But while the Trump administration has had some success in pressuring Iran through stepped-up U.S. penalties, efforts to bring the Europeans along have thus far largely fallen flat.

Reframing the conversation on Iran around a human rights issue that enjoys broad support in Europe could help the United States and Europe reach a point of agreement on Iran. Grenell called the hanging “a wake-up call for anyone who supports basic human rights,” in Bild, a leading German newspaper, this month.

“This is not the first time the Iranian regime has put a gay man to death with the usual outrageous claims of prostitution, kidnapping, or even pedophilia. And it sadly won’t be the last time,” Grenell wrote. “Barbaric public executions are all too common in a country where consensual homosexual relationships are criminalized and punishable by flogging and death.”

He added that “politicians, the U.N., democratic governments, diplomats and good people everywhere should speak up — and loudly.”

Yet by using gay rights as a cudgel against Iran, the Trump administration risks exposing close U.S. allies who are also vulnerable on the issue and creating a new tension point with the one region where Trump has managed to strengthen U.S. ties: the Arab world.

In Saudi Arabia, whose monarchy Trump has staunchly defended in the face of human rights allegations, homosexuality can be punishable by death, according to a 2017 worldwide report from the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA). The report identified 72 nations that still criminalize homosexuality, including eight where it’s punishable by death.

That list includes the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan and Afghanistan — all U.S. allies — although those countries aren’t known to have implemented the death penalty for same-sex acts. In Egypt, whose leader Trump has effusively praised, homosexual relations aren’t technically illegal but other morality laws are used aggressively to target LGBT people.

New U.S. pressure on those countries to change their laws comes as the Trump administration is working to use nascent ties between Arab nations and Israel to form a powerful axis against Iran, a strategy that dovetails with the administration’s planned rollout of an ambitious plan for Israeli-Palestinian peace.


Who and What Is the Word of Elohim?

John 1:1, The Word was Elohim. Is Yeshua or the Father the God (Elohim) of the Old Testament (Tanakh)? For many believers in Yeshua, there is confusion as to who it was in the Godhead who interacted with the Israelites in the Tankah. Was it the Father or the Son? In the minds of the apostolic writers, there was no confusion about this. Yeshua, in his preincarnate state, was the One that YHVH Elohim the Father used to both create (John 1:3; Col 1:16; Heb 11:3), and then to interact with mankind. He was the Word of YHVH Elohim, the Father, who become flesh and dwelt among men (verse 14). This truth is easily confirmed in several passages in the Testimony of Yeshua (New Testament).

First, Yeshua himself claims to be YHVH or the I Am of the burning bush (see John 8:58 cp. Exod 3:14). The Jews viewed Yeshua’s claim to be deity as blasphemous, which is why they picked up stones to kill him (John 8:59). Next, Yeshua in declaring to the Jewish religious leaders that “I send you prophets, wise men and scribes: some you will kill…” (Matt 23:34), he is claiming the rights and prerogatives of YHVH — a right and role that solely belonged to YHVH in the Tanakh.

Yeshua also declared that no man has seen the face of Elohim the Father (John 5:37). Yet Continue reading


Prayer Points With Dr. Darlene

The eyes of YHVH are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry. (Psalm 34:15)

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (James 5:16)

If you have suggestions for additions to this prayer list, please post them in the comments section. Thank you for praying!

  1. Pray for those who for some reason feel they cannot go on…that they would reach for help and FIND it so that they do not chose to take their lives in despair.
  2. Pray for unity among the denominations.  Yeshua said that those not against them were for them!   There were and are differences and some are significant, but the heart of the Father would, I believe, wish for us to find SOME common ground…and love each other.
  3. Pray that history would be taught thoroughly and properly to our youth so that the mistakes of the past are not repeated.
  4. Although some depend on pharmaceuticals for their existence for some reason or another, and while lowering the prices of prescription meds is a GOOD thing, pray that people would be healed and not NEED these meds and that they would not be dependent on them.  The whole pharmaceutical industry has become a giant entity that could control everyone who depends on it.
  5. Pray for the homeless, and pray that Father would reveal to each of us, someone who genuinely needs a hand out to help them back up.
  6. Pray for President Trump…for protection and good health for him and his family, for wisdom, knowledge, discernment, self control, courage, strength to lead our nation in spite of the opposition against truth and righteousness.
  7. Pray for the spiritual and political opposition…that their eyes would be open to Truth that they might turn to Father and follow His ways.
  8. Pray for the general population… that Father would pour His conviction out upon all and that we would all turn to Him in confession of sin, repentance, and obedience to Elohim.
  9. Pray that the conservatives of America would have the courage and strength to stand up and be active to the goal of protecting our southern border.
  10. Pray for the people who have so far been unable or unwilling to understand the sanctity of life from conception, so that they would reverse their thinking and remove unrighteous laws from the books that allow the murder of innocent babies.
  11. Pray for the people who honestly NEED asylum in America…that they would be shown proper channels, so that our nation could be a help to those truly in need.
  12. Pray for those in charge of voter registration to accomplish a purge of illegal voters, so that our elections would be AMERICAN elections.
  13. Pray for victims of human trafficking…that they would be found and returned and that this practice would be stopped.
  14. Pray for the leaders of “the church” who are whitewashing the Truth and deceiving their congregants.
  15. Pray that our Father’s will be accomplished in all things and that Yeshua would come soon.
  16. Prayer for Israel/Jerusalem, the land and the people.
  17. Our military and law enforcement for safety, and for strength for them and their families  and especially for families of those lost in the line of duty.
  18. Those suffering with unseasonable cold weather conditions, especially the homeless and the poor.
  19. For those addicted…whether alcohol, drugs (prescription AND street), pornography.

A Word from Dr. Darlene

This whole idea of prayer has become more urgent I think.  I notice a lot of people leaning towards prayer more frequently, more fervently.

We get so busy in this world of ours that it can honestly be difficult to develop that relationship with Father that we need and desire.  Studying is good, but I don’t know that it really gets us closer to Him the way prayer does.  When we study, we tend to get caught up in what we perceive as wisdom gained and perhaps we lose sight of the relationship that we should be cultivating.

Might I suggest something for those who struggle with finding the time, making the time, remembering the time…?  Most now have a cellphone and they usually have an alarm on them.  Consider setting the alarm for maybe 9 am, and 3 pm, and just take a brief moment to thank Father for what He’s done so far that day, and bless His Name…Praise Him!  Then at 5pm, that alarm could go off to briefly pray for our nation and our leaders and for the peace of Jerusalem.   I imagine the alarm already goes off to get you up, so don’t forget to thank Him for the very breath He opted to continue providing in that we woke up!

Hopefully there’s another time that is set aside to spend a bit more time with Him, but I am thinking that perhaps having those reminders to just stop for a minute and recognize the One who put us here…might go a long way to getting us in a greater habit of talking with Him on a regular basis so that we might get closer.


History Repeats Itself Again and Again—The Golden Calf, the Church and YOU

Exodus 32:1, Moses delayed coming. Moses is a prophetic picture of Yeshua. Moses’ descending from Mount Sinai is a prophetic picture of Yeshua descending from heaven to the earth the first and second time. When the people presumed that Moses delayed his coming, they fell to the temptation to syncretize with the heathen religious system around them by yielding to their baser nature giving in to the lusts of their flesh as expressed in golden calf worship. Heathen, man-made religious systems have lower moral and spiritual standards than those of YHVH. In many respects, the mainstream church has done the same thing as the ancient Israelites by acting as if Yeshua has delayed his second coming, and by conforming to some of the world’s standards and customs. This is a form of golden calf worship, which is a mixture of Torah-truth and pagan practices. Yeshua warned his disciples against this proclivity of humans to grow impatient and spiritually cold wile waiting for his return (Matt 24:48).

Exodus 32:2, Break off the golden earrings. The Christian people have generously given the mainstream church much gold and other wealth over the past 1900 years. In the mean time, with that wealth, the church system has constructed many huge religious monuments. These are monuments, in part, to the gods of materialism, and is a form of golden calf worship. Neither Yeshua nor his disciples needed vast sums of money, resources or monuments to spread the gospel message. What they lacked in material resources they made up with passion for the gospel message and with the anointing of YHVH to proclaim that gospel with miraculous power. What the mainstream church largely lacks in passion and the anointing to spread the gospel, they now, sadly, substituted with wealth and religious monuments.

The Golden Calf Incident: A Prophetic Picture of the Church

On Shavuot (the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost), at Mount Sinai, YHVH entered into a marriage covenant with the children of Israel, but they were not ready to live up to the terms of that covenant. Those terms, simply stated, involved the Israelites being faithful and obedient only to YHVH, Israel’s Elohim (God) and spiritual husband, and to follow his instruction in righteousness, the Torah. This Israel quickly demonstrated they were not Continue reading


The Bronze Laver and Baptism

Exodus 30:17–21, A laver of brass. The large bronze basin that was located in the courtyard of the Tabernacle of Moses just in front of the door of the tent of meeting was fabricated from the mirrors the Israelite women donated (Exod 38:8). Perhaps James the apostle had this tradition in view when he speaks of being a doer of the Word of Elohim, not just a hearer, for a hearer and not a doer is like one who sees himself in the spiritual mirror of Elohim’s Word and forgetting what he looks like does not allow the Word to transform him (Jas 1:22–25). We know that water is a poetic metaphor for YHVH’s Word (Eph 5:26; Tit 3:5; Heb 10:22; Deut 32:2). 

In the laver, the Levites were to wash their hands and feet before going into the tabernacle, so that they would not die. The hands and feet represent the entire body since they are the highest and lowest parts of the body. They also represent our direction and our action—everywhere we go and all that we do—must be pure before ministering before YHVH.

The Bronze Laver in More Detail.

Constructed of the mirrors of the Israelite women, the bronze laver represents a believer looking into the Torah (YHVH’s instructions in righteousness) as a mirror, seeing himself for Continue reading