Australia: Babylon the Great/NWO Testing Ground For a Controlled Society?

The Bible is as relevant today as it was when it was written. Prove this, you may say. Go read Revelation chapters 13, 17 and 18 which were written 2,000 years ago. These ancient prophecies predict what the world will … Continue reading

Yom Teruah—Celebrate and shout! The Messiah is coming…

This weekend (likely on Shabbat/Saturday—if the new moon is spotted in Israel, which it likely will be) will be the biblical feast called Yom Teruah or the Day of Shouting/Shofar Blasts. I will be celebrating it along with members of … Continue reading

The Purpose of the Epistle of Hebrews—Lift YOUR Eyes Upward to Our Heavenly High Priest

What follows you have probably never heard before. Hopefully the truth of it will ring loudly like a bell in your heart and mind! What is the main theme of the Epistle to the Hebrews? For certain, The the author … Continue reading

First Timothy—Notes from Natan’s Bible Commentary

1 Timothy 1 Timothy 1:4, Doctrine…fables. Both the modern Jews and Christians have exchanged many biblical doctrines for fables.  Fables refers to myths or fiction. In Christianity, for example, think of Santa Clause and the Easter bunny for example. In … Continue reading

Deuteronomy 12—Where to Worship, the Religion of the Wilderness, Beware of False Gods

Deuteronomy 12:2ff, You shall utterly destroy. What are the present-day high placeswhere the world has placed its altars to its gods that as a called-out people and a set-apart nation YHVH is calling us to cast down and to destroy? … Continue reading