Tzitzit — Don’t Leave Home Without Them!

Numbers 15:37–41. Tassels on the corners. The command to wear tzitzits on the corners of one’s garment was to act as a reminder to keep one from committing intentional sins, even as a wedding ring worn on the finger serves … Continue reading

An Op-Ed on Greedy Dogs in the Pulpit

Luke 11:33, No one. As Jonah witnessed to Nineveh proclaiming the message of repentance (vv. 29–32), even so, Yeshua is teaching us that we must do the same to our generation. Furthermore, if when proclaiming the gospel message of repentance … Continue reading

The Levitical Vs. the Melchizedek Priesthoods

Hebrews 7:12, Priesthood being changed…a change also of the law [Torah]. The Greek words for being changed and a change are respectively metatithemi (a verb) and metathesis (a noun). The root of the noun is the verb, which means “to … Continue reading

Spiritually, are you a pig or a lamb?

Are you holy or profane? The Bible teaches that what we eat reflects who we are spiritually. Leviticus 11:1–47, Let’s briefly discuss the subject of clean and unclean meats. There are many issues here that need to be explored. How … Continue reading

Christian Confusion Over the Torah

Deuteronomy 31:10–13, You shall read this Torah before all Israel.  Verses like this tend to expose the theological confusion that occurs in the minds of many Christian Bible teachers. For example, Christian commentator Matthew Henry on this verse writes about … Continue reading

Hebrews 7:12: So What Really “Changed”?

Hebrews 7:12, Priesthood being changed…a change also of the law [Torah]. The Greek words for being changed and a change are respectively metatithemi (a verb) and metathesis (a noun). The root of the noun is the verb, which means “to … Continue reading