Giving “three times a year”… the practical and deeper meaning

Exodus 23:14–19, Three times you shall keep a feast. The Scriptures teach us that during the three biblical pilgrimage festivals of Passover/Unleavened Bread, Pentecost and Tabernacles all the individuals of the nation are to leave their place of individual isolation … Continue reading

Understanding the Second Exodus

The concept of the Messianic Age in Hebraic thought involves an understanding of the first and final redemptions, which are two separate events. The first redemption or first exodus occurred when the Israelites obeyed the Word of Elohim and placed … Continue reading

A Feeding Trough, Manger or Sukkah?

Luke 2:7, Manger. (Gr. phatne) The Greek word phatne literally means “feeding trough” and according to the word’s etymology and lexicology as stated in The TDNT, there is no indication that this manger is anything but a standard feeding trough … Continue reading

Yom Kippur—Past, Present and Future

Yom Kippur—The Historical Roots of Our Faith, Present Relevance for believers & Prophetic End Time Implications Ya’acov Natan Lawrence Hoshana Rabbah Biblical Discipleship Resources, Portland, OR Introduction Yom Kippur is a day of contradictions and contrasts: Joy and sorrow. Rewards … Continue reading

Feast of Tabernacles NW Washington State 2017

I am happy to announce where Sandi and I will be celebrating Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles 2017 from October 5–13 (give or take a day). You can access information about this celebration at As many of you know, Sandi and I … Continue reading