Passover Day Is Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, Wednesday April 8, is Passover. Tomorrow (Wednesday) evening, my family and I will be celebrating Passover by conducting a gospel, oriented, Yeshua-centered Passover seder including in our home including the taking of communion and a foot washing service as … Continue reading

An Overview of the Sacrificial System and Its Relevance to YOU

Leviticus 1–7 Although Jewish and Christian scholars disagree about whether the sacrifices were to cease after the coming of the Messiah, as Edersheim points out, all agree that the object of a sacrifice was substitution for the offender (The Temple … Continue reading

The Deeper Message of the Tabernacle of Moses

The Tabernacle and the Deification or Theosis of Man The Tabernacle of Moses from its front to back represents one’s progression in their spiritual journey starting with their initial salvation leading to the glorification of the physical body and eternal … Continue reading

The Red Sea Crossing: Gospel Types and Shadows

Exodus 14:22, The children of Israel went. According to Jewish tradition (e.g. in The ArtScroll Stone Edition Chumash commentary on verse eight), the crossing occurred on Nisan 21 (or the Month of the Abib, which is the first month of … Continue reading