Passover Day Is Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, Wednesday April 8, is Passover. Tomorrow (Wednesday) evening, my family and I will be celebrating Passover by conducting a gospel, oriented, Yeshua-centered Passover seder including in our home including the taking of communion and a foot washing service as Yeshua did with his disciples at his last supper.

Some people choose to eat their Passover meal at the earlier time when Yeshua did it (Tuesday evening), while others choose to eat their Passover meal at the end of Passover day when the Torah commands it and when the children of Israel kept the first Passover in Egypt. Our family chooses to eat the Passover meal at this latter time, for this is when Yeshua would have kept Passover with his disciples if he had not been hanging on the cross at the same exact time BEING THE PASSOVER LAMB. Whenever you choose to eat the Passover meal, whether at the beginning of Passover or at the end of Passover and overlapping into the first high holy day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, we encourage you to JUST DO IT as the Bible commands!

Here are some resources to help you to celebrate your own Passover at home with your loved ones.

Please check these resources out and have blessed Passover!