Has the Torah been “done away with”? — Hebrews 8 explained

I just received this comment from a Christian minister who is well known in certain circles and who, over the decades, has done commendable work in opposing wickedness and promoting righteousness in America. You’re a good advocate for your own … Continue reading

What Is the Old Testament Basis for the New Testament Message of the Gospel?

Isaiah 51:12–61:11 Explained  The word gospel is one of the most common words in all Christendom. But what does it mean, and where does the concept originate? Most Christian believers would doubtless assume that the concept of the gospel is … Continue reading

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit— Activating Heaven’s Power in Your Life for Advancing YHVH’s Kingdom

Acts 1:5, Baptized with the Holy Spirit.  We Need Spiritual Activation To enter into a relationship with YHVH Elohim, our Creator and Father in heaven, and to become his sons and daughters, we must be spiritually activated. Man is comprised … Continue reading

The Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Wavesheaf Offering & the Resurrection of Yeshua

Chag HaMatzot (The Feast of Unleavened Bread): An Overview Chag HaMatzot or the Feast of Unleavened Bread is the second annual festival on YHVH’s biblical calendar, and occurs on the fifteenth day of the month of the Abib, which is … Continue reading

The “Worldwide Web” Prophesied?

Isaiah 25:7, The surface of the covering. This is a cryptic passage. What does it mean? Other translations render it as follows: And on this mountain He will swallow up the covering which is over all peoples, even the veil … Continue reading

What are the “greater works” Yeshua talked about that YOU would do?

John 14:12, Greater works. Works is the Greek word ergon, and is the generic word meaning “deeds, acts, business, employment, or occupation,” and isn’t confined to just miraculous deeds. Throughout his ministry, Yeshua did many great works. He occupied each … Continue reading

Judah and Benjamin—A Story of Fraternal Love and Redemption

Genesis 44:32–34, Became surety for the lad. On this passage states Christian commentator Matthew Henry, “Judah’s faithful cleaving to Benjamin, now, in his distress, was recompensed long afterwards by the tribe of Benjamin keeping with the tribe of Judah, when … Continue reading