Startling and Revelatory Insights from the Koran

A note from Nathan: I wrote the following expose on Islam after reading the Koran more than 15 years ago. After the recent horrific occurrences in Israel at the hands of Muslim terrorists, it is appropriate to understand the demonic forces that are behind Islam and the perverse and twisted nature of their “holy” book that gives license to the unspeakable acts of Muslims who believe and follow the Koran.

The True Face of Islam Unmasked


The Koran (or Qur’an) is the sacred book of the religion of Islam. It contains the sayings of Muhammad, the founder of Islam. In the Koran, Muhammad (ca. 570 to 632) claims that the sayings of the Koran came to him from God (or Allah) via the angel Gabriel. Based on a passage in the Koran (Sura 7:157), many believe that Muhammad was illiterate and was incapable of writing these sayings down himself. At the very least, he was unlettered and unlearned. Shortly after his death, some of his followers who had memorized his sayings met together and recorded in written form what they remembered Muhammad to have said. This is how the Koran came to be.

The Koran forms the bedrock of the Islamic faith, although there are other sacred books belonging to the religion of Islam that have sprung up since the Koran was compiled.

Since some of the practitioners of Islam are presently on a crusade to forcefully convert many countries to Islam, and since many Muslims terrorists have demonstrated a specific hatred for Jews and Christians, and since there is much misinformation being broadcast in the western media, by western politicians and western educators as to what Moslems believe and what the Koran actually teaches, I took it upon myself to read the Koran from cover to cover to see for myself what it says. Below are some of the amazing facts about Islam that I learned from reading the Koran.

The following references are taken directly from the Koran. Chapter (Sura) and verse references may vary from Koran to Koran. Those listed below are from The Koran by Ivy Books (published by Ballantine books in 1993, a division of Random House, New York, ISBN 0-8041-1125-1). I will occasionally provide some alternate versions of the Koran from several other translations for the purpose of confirming some of the more controversial passages.

Alternate versions of the Koran that I use for comparative purposes are:

 AKa (The Qur’an, by Abdullah Yusuf Ali; Elmhurst, N.Y. : Tahrike Tarsile Qur’an, Publishers and Distributors of Holy Qur’an, 2005, ISBN 1-879402-29-7)

AKb Koran: Quran—The Final Testament; Authorized English Version; translated from the Original by Dr. Rashad Khalifa, Ph.D. by Islamic Productions, 2003,

According to the Koran

The Purpose of the Koran

  • The main purpose of the Koran is to warn all creatures (p. 294, Sura 38:79).
  • The Koran is a warning to the God/Allah-fearing (p. 375, Sura 69:48).

Muslim Theology

  • Moslems are to believe the Koran and the Bible (p. 58, Sura 4:136).
  • The koranic law of abrogation states that if something was written later in the Koran that contradicts something that was written earlier, the later cancels out the former (p. 10, Sura 2:100; p. 153, Sura 13:39).
  • One earns (immortality and) a spot in paradise or heaven by doing things that are right, and on the basis of one’s good works (p. 57, Sura 4:23; page 92, Sura 7:42; p. 198, Sura 20:111; pp. 251 and 255, Sura 29:6 and 57; p. 318, Sura 43:72). A sinner can be forgiven of his sins by paying alms, by being prayed over, through repentance and by his good works (p. 121; Sura 9:5–7).  
  • Those who oppose Allah and Muhammad will receive eternal hell fire (p. 117, Sura 9:64; p. 113, Sura 9:17; p. 164, Sura 16:31). The Koran portrays the torments of hell in the stereotypical manner reminiscent of Dante’s inferno (p. 208, Sura 22:20).
  • Allah misleads some people and guides others (p. 152, Sura 13:27; AKb 13:27; p. 154, Sura 14:4).
  • At the creation of man, Allah commanded angels to bow down to worship man (p. 159, Sura 15:30–33).
  • Allah gave the Torah to guide the children of Israel (p. 171, Sura 17:2; AKb 17:2; p. 264, Sura 32:23).
  • There are seven heavens (p. 214, Sura 23:17).  This is a concept that the Koran borrows from the pagan Greek philosophers.
  • Ishmael was a prophet and an apostle (p. 190, Sura 19:55).
  • Camels are used for sacrifices (p. 209, Sura 22:37) and for eating (p. 210, Sura 22:36).
  • The Koran teaches that Allah and the God of the Bible (YHVH Elohim) are one in the same, and the same God sent down the Book of the Law (the Torah) and the Koran (p. 254, Sura 29:45–46; AKb 29:46–47).
  • The soul of man is immortal (p. 255, Sura 29:58). This also is a concept that the Koran borrows from the pagan Greek philosophers who taught the concept of dualism.
  • There is no variableness in the way of Allah; that is, the word of Allah does not vary. In other words, the Bible and Koran do not  contradict (p. 279, Sura 32:45), since the Koran teaches that both books came from the same God (p. 254, Sura 29:45–46). At the same time, the Koran claims to clear up (or correct the errors of?) the Bible and replaces them with truth (p. 64, Sura 5:18; p. 127; Sura 10:38).
  • Allah created the earth in two days (p. 307, Sura 41:8; AKb 41:9). If this is true, how can the Bible and Koran both be truth and the word of God, since the Bible states the earth and everything else in six days? Elsewhere, the Koran claims that the earth was created in six days (p. 338; Sura 50:37).
  • Paradise or heaven is guaranteed for those who fight and slay for the cause of Islam (pp. 121–122, Sura 9:11).

The Koran on Muhammad

  • Muhammad was an “unlettered prophet,” which is interpreted to mean that either he was illiterate or was unlearned (p. 101, Sura 7:157; AKb 7:157 says Muhammad was a “gentile prophet” in place of “unlettered prophet”).
  • Muhammad had many slaves and wives and lots of sex (p. 269; Sura 33:49–51; AKb 33:50–51).
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Sukkot Series (4)—The Song of Solomon on Passion for Yeshua Our Bridegroom

This is the final video of Nathan’s 2023 Sukkot Series, and we end on a high note—in fact, there is none higher! It is all about our passionate love for Yeshua the Messiah—a love that will carry each of us to the highest possible place in his coming kingdom of heaven on earth, which is involves our becoming the glorified bride of Yeshua and ruling and reigning with him for eternity in that kingdom.

The Song of Solomon, the greatest love song ever composed and the subject of this teaching, gives us a glimpse into the kind of love the potential bride of Yeshua will need to have for her soon-coming heavenly Bridegroom.

Listen to and then let this teaching sink into your heart and inspire you to new heights in your passion for Yeshua your Savior, Lord and King.

Nathan’s Commentary Notes on the Song of Solomon Chapter One

Song 1:2, Kisses of his mouth. Allegorically, kisses from our beloved Messiah can be a symbolic metaphor for the tokens of Yeshua’s love for his bride (that, those saints who have qualified to be his bride). The kisses of his mouth may well represent his grace and pardon for our sins, his sending us the Comforter of his Set-Apart Spirit to guide us to our Father in heaven, along with the joy and peace that comes from knowing him, as well as the fruit and gifts of his Spirit, and the hope for a glorious future that he promises those who love and obey him.

Your love is better than wine.Though wine joys the heart and calms the nerves, it is but a temporary and superficial fix to life’s problems. Like a band-aid on a wound, it fails reach the root cause of man’s empty and lonely heart. The love of Yeshua, on the other hand, is a river of life that is a never-ending source of joy, which strengthens and heals us at the deepest levels. Instead of being drunk with wine, the Bible encourages us to become “drunk” with passion for Yeshua the Messiah, who offers the human heart love, joy, peace and hope—something that alcohol can never do. Ephesians 5:18 tells us, “Be not drunk with wine…but be filled with the Spirit,” which is Yeshua’s love gift or mohar to his betrothed bride as a down payment or guarantee of his devotion. The Set-Apart Spirit—its fruit and gifts—is Yeshua’s engagement ring, down payment, pledge or earnest money to his saints (2 Cor 1:22; 5:5) guaranteeing that his promise of their future inheritance (i.e., eternal life and marriage to him) is good.

Your good ointments.Like a soothing and healing balm or ointment on chapped, dry and cracking skin, so is a relationship with Yeshua the Messiah. Elsewhere Jeremiah asks the question, “Is there no balm in Gilead, is there no physician there? Why then is there no recovery for the health of the daughter of my people?” (Jer 8:22). The answer is yes, there is a Person who is like a healing ointment to the soul. His name is Yeshua the Messiah, and he offers healing for those who will take hold of him, love him and follow him. Not only is a relationship with YHVH-Yeshua a tree of life with fruit that is lovely to the taste (Ps 34:8), but it is fragrant to the nostrils as well, unlike the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil which looks good to the eye, is appealing to the taste buds, but upon ingestion becomes bitter like wormwood. 

Song 1:3,Your name is better than ointment poured forth. (Heb. sheman meaning oil.)The name (i.e., the personality, character and reputation) of Yeshua is better than any ointment. Ointment or olive oil soothes and heals wounded, chaffed, burned, and aching skin. When we are wounded emotionally and spiritually, there is always a place of healing and comfort at the foot of Yeshua’s cross where his arms were open wide in loving acceptance of sinners like you and me. There is forgiveness, power, victory and healing in the name of Yeshua. Through faith in him, one can overcome all fear and anything that the world, the flesh and the devil would throw at us.

The virgins love you.The disciples of Yeshua are like spiritual virgins, who refuse to fornicate with the world, and who remain undefiled by the world, while only having eyes for Yeshua their Bridegroom. They  are not drawn away by the passions of this world. They follow Yeshua the lamb, their Bridegroom, wherever he leads them (Rev 14:4). Why? Because they have not grown cold in their love for Yeshua. They have never lost their first love like others in the church (Rev 2:4).

Song 1:4, Draw me away. Are our hearts drawn away from Yeshua by the world, the flesh or the devil, or are we totally dedicated to him? Do we long to be with and to know Yeshua and his love? Yeshua is looking for a bride who refuses to taker her eyes off of him, and who is not drawn away from him by other lovers through fornication with the world.

We will run. (Daughters of Jerusalem speaking). Are those around us drawn to Yeshua because they see our unreserved and undefiled love for him? Are we a light to our children, to our unbelieving family members, to our neighbors and work associates? Yeshua speaks of two classes of virgins: those who are wise and are prepared for Yeshua, the Bridegroom, and those who are not (Matt 25:1–13); those who are on the inside with Yeshua at his wedding feast because they prepared themselves for him, and those who are on the outside looking in because they did not prepare themselves for him. The daughters love the Shulamite’s beloved too, but not as much as the Shulamite. That is why the Beloved did not bring them into his inner chambers. The daughters of Jerusalem are like immature, carnal and lukewarm Christian believers who are not yet established in their faith and committed to wholly serving and walking with Yeshua. He may be their Savior, but he is not their Lord or Master.

Chambers [Heb. cheder]. Literally an apartment or inner enclosure.

Song 1:5, Dark and lovely. Why is the Shulamite dark? There are two potential reasons for this. Perhaps the bride is dark from the defilement of sin. More likely it is because she has been busy working out in the field in hot sun. She is productive, not lazy. Similarly, Yeshua’s bride are called to occupy in his spiritual; field until he comes for her (Luke 19:13). Yeshua’s bride will be working in the field (the field of this world reaching lost for Yeshua, Matt 13:38; 28:19–20). She is not self-indulgently primping and preening herself and confining her activities self-righteously to the safe confines of the church system. No. Yeshua is coming for a bride who will be sun tanned, with calloused hands and strong muscles from hard work. She is preparing to rule in his kingdom. She is currently engaged in on the job training. His bride will be ruling with him in his kingdom as a kingdom of priests. They will not just be like decorative figurines adorning clouds playing harps.

Lovely. Whatever the reason for her darkness, he considers her to be lovely. Yeshua loved us while we were yet sinner (Rom 5:8).

Kedar. (Heb. means ““to mourn, to be dark.” ) A son of Ishmael and an area in the northern Arabian desert inhabited by this tribe (Gen 25:13; Isa 21:16).

Tents of Kedar. This suggests that the Shulamite was at times a nomad or is living in a tent while tending the sheep. Other times, the Song records her living in a house in the city (Song 2:9; 3:1, 4; 5:2–7). Yeshua’s saints can be found living and ministering in a variety of place wherever he leads them and they are needed whether in the wilderness or in the city.

Song 1:6, My own vineyard I have not kept.The Shulamite is so occupied with her work that she has neglected her own well-being. She is not a self-absorbed or narcissistic bride. There is a lesson in this for the bride of Yeshua.

Song 1:8, Follow in the footsteps of his flock.Those who love Yeshua will be apart of his flock. There are privileges and benefits to being in a productive, life-giving, protected flock under the watchful care of Yeshua’s pastors or under-shepherds. The bride of Yeshua will be part of a spiritual flock, and will cherish the many benefits that come as result of fellowship with other believers.

Song 1:8, Besides the shepherds’ tents. Shepherds is plural speaking of the King Solomon’s under-shepherds. The wise believer sits under the direction of godly, spiritual leaders.

Song 1:12, Spikenard. This is a costly oil made from an aromatic plant shipped from India in alabaster jars and stored and used for only special occasions, such as anointing household guests at arrival. Such an occasion occurred twice in Yeshua’s life; one when Mary anointed Yeshua’s feet at the party to celebrate Lazarus’ resurrection. (Mark 14:3; John 12:3).

Song 1:13, Myrrh.This is an Arabian gum from the bark of a tree used in sacred oil and perfume. Myrrh is from maror meaning “to be bitter, to be strong or strengthen.” This word is used again in Song 8:6 where we read, “For love is stronger than death…” to denote not the bitterness, but the strength of love. It was used in the purifying rites of women (Esth 2:12), as a gift for the young Yeshua (Matt 2:11), for embalming (John 19:39) and was offered to Yeshua in the form of a bitter drink mixed with sour wine or vinegar (Mark 15:23; Matt 27:34).

Song 1:14, Camphire or henna. A plant used to produce a valuable orange-red dye. It was seven to ten feet high and produced fragrant white flowers. Heb. kopher from kaphar meaning “to cover, to make atonement, to make reconciliation, to pacify, purge away, cover over with pitch.” This speaks of Yeshua spilling his blood for atonement for our sins. It is interesting that henna is orange-red in color, which is an allusion to the blood of Yeshua that washes away sin. Women to this day use dyes containing henna to color their hair.

En Gedi.An oasis in the barren western shores of the Dead Sea up in the mountains. It contained hideouts and hot springs that come out of large cliffs. The abundant water from the hot springs provide a semi-tropical-like garden environment. Lit. ayn (eye, spring, well) of the kid, or young male goat. Knowing Yeshua is like coming to an oasis next to the Dead Sea wilderness of life.

Song 1:16, Our bed is green.The Hebrew word for green means “luxuriant or fresh.”Knowing Yeshua and being in a spiritual relationship with him is like feeding in green pastures beside the still waters (Ps 23:2). It is like being a tree planted by the rivers of life whose leaf does not wither in the hot sun and which bears fruit in its season (Ps 1:3). These horticultural metaphors are an apt description of the spiritually verdant and fruitful life of the true saint-bride of Yeshua.

Song 1:17, Beams of our houses.Is the bride anticipating the “mansion” that her bride is building for them once they are completely married? Similarly, Yeshua promised a “mansion” for the saints who qualify to be his bride in his future kingdom (John 14:2). Do our hearts long to be living with Yeshua in the house that he has promised his bride in his future kingdom?


Sukkot Series (3b)—Marriage, Procreation & Family Prefigure the Family/Kingdom of Elohim

This video series presents an amazingly expansive view of the gospel message including explaining the mystery and higher purpose of marriage, sexual procreation, and family as the creative process by which YHVH is expanding his own glorified, spiritual family. The mainstream church has largely missed this aspect of the gospel message, which has been hidden in plain sight in your Bibles all along. The theme of sexual and spiritual procreation runs like a major thread forming part of the rich tapestry of the gospel message from Genesis to Revelation. Moreover, marriage and family are the cornerstone building blocks of the kingdom of Elohim and are the Creator’s plan to recreate himself (in a majorly stepped down version, of course) or “the God family” that will live forever with him in the new heavens and new earth. To that end, two families presently coexist on earth—a physical and a spiritual one. Adam and Eve started the physical family of man that then went astray spiritually. Then Elohim raised up Abraham to start a physical family that would then become a spiritual one — the nation and chosen people of Elohim with the commission of expanding that family throughout the world by being a spiritual light to the nations through the spreading of the Torah-based gospel message. Yeshua is squarely at the center of Elohim’s plan to expand this spiritual family, by unifying the physical and spiritual families in himself culminating with his marriage to his glorified saints who qualify to be his bride. Creating the kingdom or family of Elohim then is the higher purpose of physical marriage, sexual procreation and family. Of course, Satan the devil is promulgating his own counterfeit family and kingdom on this earth to compete with that of Elohim. But Satan’s plan, which involves sexual promiscuity and perversion, the destruction of the family and marriage and male and female genders, if allowed to continue, will end in the extinction of the human race. Thankfully Yeshua the Messiah will return and destroy Satan’s nefarious plans along with his global world order before they come to fruition. He will then establish his universal kingdom on this earth that will last forever. This then is Elohim’s ultimate and expanded plan of salvation to which the mainstream church has largely been oblivious for some 1,900 years.


Sukkot Series (3a) Marriage, Procreation & Family Prefigure the Family/Kingdom of God

This video series presents an amazingly expansive view of the gospel message including explaining the mystery and higher purpose of marriage, sexual procreation, and family as the creative process by which YHVH is expanding his own glorified, spiritual family. The mainstream church has largely missed this aspect of the gospel message, which has been hidden in plain sight in your Bibles all along.

The theme of sexual and spiritual procreation runs like a major thread forming part of the rich tapestry of the gospel message from Genesis to Revelation.

Moreover, marriage and family are the cornerstone building blocks of the kingdom of Elohim and are the Creator’s plan to recreate himself (in a majorly stepped down version, of course) or “the God family” that will live forever with him in the new heavens and new earth.

To that end, two families presently coexist on earth—a physical and a spiritual one. Adam and Eve started the physical family of man that then went astray spiritually. Then Elohim raised up Abraham to start a physical family that would then become a spiritual one — the nation and chosen people of Elohim with the commission of expanding that family throughout the world by being a spiritual light to the nations through the spreading of the Torah-based gospel message.

Yeshua the Messiah is squarely at the center of Elohim’s plan to expand this spiritual family, by unifying the physical and spiritual families in himself culminating with his marriage to his glorified saints who qualify to be his bride.

Creating the kingdom or family of Elohim then is the higher purpose of physical marriage, sexual procreation and family.

Of course, Satan the devil is promulgating his own counterfeit family and kingdom on this earth to compete with that of Elohim. But Satan’s plan, which involves sexual promiscuity and perversion, the destruction of the family and marriage and male and female genders, if allowed to continue, will end in the extinction of the human race.

Thankfully Yeshua the Messiah will return and destroy Satan’s nefarious plans along with his global world order before they come to fruition. He will then establish his universal kingdom on this earth that will last forever.

This then is Elohim’s ultimate and expanded plan of salvation to which the mainstream church has largely been oblivious for some 1,900 years.


Shabbat Shalom from the Oregon Coast!

Praising Yah with seaweed shofars…

Blowing kelp seaweed shofars on the beach in Oregon.

Praise ye YHVH. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness. Praise him with the sound of the shofar: praise him with the psaltery and harp. Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. Let every thing that hath breath praise YHVH. Praise ye YHVH. (Psalm 150)

But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves.(Malachi 4:2)

Several of us have gathered together to celebrate Sukkot here on the gloriously scenic Oregon coast for the past week. During this time, we have not just been looking out our windows and sitting by idly twiddling our thumbs! NO! We have been having fun.

The weather has been summer-like—amazingly warm for this time of the year. Yesterday, it was about 80˚F and three of us even (including me) spent about 45 minutes swimming in the chilly Pacific Ocean jumping waves and body surfing. The water temperature was only 54˚F.

On Monday seven of us went bottom fishing just off shore. While some of us were catching fish, the several of us became sea sick including me.

Jared and his non-kosher cabezon bottom fish.
Louie and his coho salmon.

On Tuesday, a group of us went on a several mile nature hike to a prominent point overlooking the Pacific where we took in some magnificent views.

Along the way, we strolled through an old-growth Sitka spruce forest. One tree was about nine feet in diameter!

On Wednesday we visited the old-town bay front of a local fishing port where we had lunch, shopped and amused ourselves while watching the barking sea lions.

On Thursday, we played on the beach and beach combed, then the group came to our home were he had a hot dog roast over a wood fire. We fellowshipped and Anna brought her guitar and we sang praise and worship songs.

On Friday, we hung out, prepared for Shabbat, and three of us went for a swim in the ocean, and then we went over to Anna’s house for a multi-course erev Shabbat dinner. We fellowshipped and concluded the evening with praise and worship.

Now it is Shabbat morning and the seventh day of Sukkot (Hoshana Rabbah or the Last Great Day) and I am preparing for our regular online Shabbat meeting.

May YHVH bless you and yours during the remainder of the festival of Sukkot 2023!


Chag Sameach Sukkot 2023!

Sandi and I are blessed to be celebrating Sukkot this year on the world famous Oregon cost. On the weekly Shabbats and high holy day Shabbats, our online congregation is holding Zoom meetings. The recent videos that I have been uploading to this blog are being filmed from our live internet congregational meeting.

The rest of the time, we will be enjoying family and a few friends as we fellowship around campfires at our sukkah parties or visit local tourist attractions. Today after our Zoom meeting, Sandi and I drove about five minutes away to watch migrating gray whales loafing in the waters just offshore. We were blessed to see two large whales jump almost completely out of the water and land on their backs. An amazing sight that in all of our whale watching excursions in many places we have never seen up close. We never cease to be amazed and enthralled by the wonders of YHVH’s amazing and mind boggling creation.

Happy Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles to everyone wherever you may be!

Now please enjoy the following photos. Most of these spots are a five minute walk from our family home that overlooks the Pacific Ocean. The rest are within a five minute drive from the house. All photos were taken with my iPhone camera.