Chag Sameach Sukkot 2023!

Sandi and I are blessed to be celebrating Sukkot this year on the world famous Oregon cost. On the weekly Shabbats and high holy day Shabbats, our online congregation is holding Zoom meetings. The recent videos that I have been uploading to this blog are being filmed from our live internet congregational meeting.

The rest of the time, we will be enjoying family and a few friends as we fellowship around campfires at our sukkah parties or visit local tourist attractions. Today after our Zoom meeting, Sandi and I drove about five minutes away to watch migrating gray whales loafing in the waters just offshore. We were blessed to see two large whales jump almost completely out of the water and land on their backs. An amazing sight that in all of our whale watching excursions in many places we have never seen up close. We never cease to be amazed and enthralled by the wonders of YHVH’s amazing and mind boggling creation.

Happy Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles to everyone wherever you may be!

Now please enjoy the following photos. Most of these spots are a five minute walk from our family home that overlooks the Pacific Ocean. The rest are within a five minute drive from the house. All photos were taken with my iPhone camera.


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