The Gospels Decoded—Prophetic Pictures of End Time Events

In this episode, we will discover the end time prophetic implications of Yeshua healing the sick man on the Sabbath, Yeshua declaring himself to be the good shepherd compared to other shepherds who are mere hirelings, and the Parable of … Continue reading

Chag Sameach Sukkot—Joyous Feast of Tabernacles!

The Historical Roots of Our Faith, Present Relevance for believers & Prophetic End-Time Implications Ya’acov Natan LawrenceA Teaching Ministry of Hoshana Rabbah Biblical Resources Spiritual and Ceremonial Aspects of Sukkot Overview of the Season Sukkot (also spelled “Succoth”) or the … Continue reading

Have a Joyous Yom Teruah/Day of Shouting or Shofar Blowing!

Here are some free resources to help you have a most meaningful and joyous Yom Teruah with understanding of YHVH Elohim’s divinely revealed Truth. What is the past, present and future significance of Yom Teruah and what does it have … Continue reading

What Is the Second Exodus and When Does It Occur?

A Look at End-Times Bible Prophecies Relating to the Second Exodus By Ya’acov Natan LawrenceWaters in the Wilderness, A Teaching Ministry of Hoshana Rabbah Biblical Discipleship Resources The Issue in People’s Hearts The Bible clearly teaches that the ten tribes … Continue reading

Spiritual Community—The Key to Enduring the End Times?

Psalm 27 Psalm 27:1–14, The Jews traditionally read this psalm during the month of Elul (the sixth month) just before the fall biblical feasts of the seventh month, since they are alluded to therein. These allusions include Verse 5: Pavillion … Continue reading