What is the Second Exodus?

Understanding the Second Exodus The concept of the Messianic Age in Hebraic thought involves an understanding of the first and final redemptions, which are two separate events. The first redemption or first exodus occurred when the Israelites obeyed the Word … Continue reading

Our (Yes, Yours and Mine!) Father Abraham…An Example of Faithfulness and Obedience

What is the relevance to you and me of studying the life of Abraham? Much! To start with, did you realize that when you came to faith in Yeshua the Messiah, you became a literal, spiritual-biological descendant of Abraham? That’s … Continue reading

YHVH’s Plan of Salvation in the Biblical Feasts

An Introduction to the Biblical Feasts The seven biblical feasts are a chronological step-by-step template of YHVH’s plan of redemption or salvation for mankind. This process begins with Passover — a picture of a believer’s initial salvation, and concludes with the Eighth … Continue reading

What Is True Biblical Repentance?

It is time to start preparing for the fall biblical festivals of Trumpets (Yom Teruah), Atonement (Yom Kippur), the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) and the Eighth Day (Shemini Atzeret). These fall biblical festivals prophetically represent the events surrounding the second … Continue reading

The Overview of the Red Heifer Ceremony and Its Greater Implications

Numbers 19:1–11. The red heifer (Heb. parah adumah).  The Jewish sages teach that the commandment (mitzvah) of the red cow is “beyond human understanding.” Like the afikoman (the middle broken matzah that is “buried” and “resurrected,” which is a picture of … Continue reading

The 7 and 8 Steps in the Tabernacle as They Relate to Biblical Marriage and the Feasts

The Tabernacle of Moses is a giant gospel tract that explains the entire Bible—YHVH’s plan of salvation from Genesis to Revelation—in a simple child-like way, so that our human pea brains will be able to understand that which is, in … Continue reading