Join Hoshana Rabbah in Celebrating Yom Kippur 2020!

Tomorrow (for some people reading this, it is already tomorrow), Monday, September 27, 2020 it is Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement. This year both the biblical new moon calendar and the traditional Rabbinic Jewish calendar match up, so … Continue reading

Yom Teruah—Celebrate and shout! The Messiah is coming…

This weekend (likely on Shabbat/Saturday—if the new moon is spotted in Israel, which it likely will be) will be the biblical feast called Yom Teruah or the Day of Shouting/Shofar Blasts. I will be celebrating it along with members of … Continue reading

Hebrews 8–9 on the “Old” versus “New” Covenants and the two tabernacles

Hebrews 8 Hebrews 8:2, 5, The true tabernacle…heavenly things. The Tabernacle of Moses was merely an earthly or physical replica of the one that exists in heaven where Yeshua is no ministering as our Great High Priest before the throne … Continue reading

Are YOU a spiritual mountain climber or a lowland camper-outer?

2 Corinthians 3:11, Passing away. This is not a reference to the Torah-law itself, but to the old or former covenant (i.e. the agreement or contract YHVH and Israel made with each other) as it phases into the new or … Continue reading

“Let US keep the feast…”

In 1 Corinthians 5 Paul the apostle of Yeshua the Messiah instructs the early Jewish and non-Jewish believers about the spiritual ramifications and significance of the Passover and the biblical Feast of Unleavened Bread. Then in verse eight, he assertively … Continue reading