The Biblical Feasts and YHVH’s Plan of Salvation for Man

The Feasts Represent the Seven Steps of YHVH’s Plan of Salvation For Mankind  Passover (Pesach): The first annual festival in YHVH’s glorious lineup in the steps of redemption is Pesach which occurs in the early spring of the year at … Continue reading

25 Reasons to Celebrate the Biblical Feasts!

The spring biblical feasts are coming up. It’s time to start preparing for their celebration as the Bible commands. We need to know why we keep them to not only strengthen our own faith, but so that we can also help … Continue reading

Three Feasts, Three Rooms and Three Spiritual Levels

Exodus 23:14–19, Three times you shall keep a feast. Conventional Jewish wisdom teaches us that during the three biblical pilgrimage festivals of Passover/Unleavened Bread, Pentecost and Tabernacles all the individuals of the nation are to leave their place of individual … Continue reading

Flat Bread, A Flattened Egypt and Flattened Pride

Exodus 13:3, Went out of Egypt…no leavened bread. What is the spiritual connection between coming out of Egypt and the memorial (v. 9) of eating unleavened flat bread? The keeping of the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the command to … Continue reading

25 Reasons Why I Celebrate YHVH’s Biblical Feasts (instead of man’s non-biblical holidays)

The biblical feasts are a prophetic shadow-picture of things to come (Col 2:16–17; Heb 10:1). When they were given to ancient Israel they pointed forward to future events that would occur to the nation of Israel including redeemed believers. The spring … Continue reading

Three Feasts, Three Parts of the Tabernacle, Three Subdivision of Man

Exodus 23:14–19, Three times you shall keep a feast. Conventional Jewish wisdom teaches us that during the three biblical pilgrimage festivals of Passover/Unleavened Bread, Pentecost and Tabernacles all the individuals of the nation are to leave their place of individual … Continue reading

Should we keep the biblical feasts outside the land of Israel?

According to some individuals who assert the validity of a Torah-obedient lifestyle for modern saints, the biblical feasts aren’t able to be kept except in the land of Israel and specifically in Jerusalem. Since they live outside the land of … Continue reading