YOUR false Messianic expectations could cause YOU to deny Yeshua!

Is your view of the Messiah actually a cartoon character?

Luke 23:38, The King of the Jews. The placard that the Romans placed on the cross just above the head of Yeshua reflected the Jewish people’s prevailing politically correct view concerning their Messianic expectations. Their expectations of who they wanted the Messiah to be were not in accordance with heaven’s plan, which is why some denied him and others yelled, “Crucify him!”

The Tanakh (Old Testament) reveals that two Messiahs were to come: the Conquering King Messiah or Mashiach ben David and the Suffering Servant Messiah or Mashiach ben Yosef. Because the boot of Roman tyranny had been resting heavily on the neck of the Jewish people for some 150 years, the Jews were hoping for and, therefore, were placing their confidence in the Conquering King Messiah, who would, in their eyes, miraculously deliver them from Roman rule and oppression. This prevailing notion was even the mindset of Yeshua’s closest disciples. This is why when Yeshua predicted his death in Jerusalem at the hand of the Jews, Peter vehemently declared that this would not happen (Matt 16:21–23). Then when Yeshua failed to fulfill the people’s expectation of a Conquering King Messiah, this is when Judas betrayed his Master as a false messianic figure. This is probably why Peter denied Yeshua at the eleventh hour; because his deepest expectation of the Messiah’s mission as the Conquering King were not being met, and thus doubts about Yeshua’s Messianic claims rose to the surface in Peter’s mind at that critical hour and in confused discouragement he turned his back on the Messiah. This is why the Jewish people insisted that the Romans crucify Yeshua—he had failed to meet their expectations. 

The Roman placard that was nailed to the cross, therefore, was simply a Roman mockery of the Jewish people’s prevailing misguided messianic expectations. Their conquering king was being pitilessly crucified as Rome’s sovereignty over the Jewish people remained concretely intact.

Sadly, the Jews’ expectations were not lined up with heaven’s divine will. In reality, the Jews, and even to some degree, Yeshua’s disciples, had created a Messiah in their own image—a caricaturized or cartoon  Messiah that, to one degree or another, had become an idol in their minds replacing the true Messiah.

What are our hopes and expectations concerning Yeshua the Messiah? What cartoon view of the Messiah have we created in our minds? Were Yeshua to return today, would most Christians even recognize and accept him? The biblical reality of a first century, Torah-teaching and Torah-observant Jewish rabbi hardly fits with the stereotypical westernized, Greco-Roman caricature of the Christian Jesus. 

Moreover, when Yeshua, just before his return, sends his two witnesses to preach the gospel in Jerusalem (Rev 11:7–12), will people, including mainstream Christians, accept their message, likely a Hebraic one, if it does not line up exactly with traditional Greco-Roman Christian theology? How about when Yeshua shortly thereafter sends an angelic messenger to preach “the everlasting gospel” to those who dwell on the earth (Rev 14:6–7)? Will mainstream Christians accept this message—likely a Hebraic-centric one that will contain overtones of Torah in it? It is hard to say. Some will and some will probably not, since it may not line up with “the historic Christian faith,” as most Christians have been taught, which, to one degree or another, is ambivalent if not outright antagonistic toward YHVH’s Torah-law.

Whatever may be our views and expectations concerning the Messiah and his return, we would be wise to be certain that they are grounded in the full counsel of YHVH’s Word from Genesis to Revelation, which is intensely Hebraic in context. Moreover, it would also behoove us to hold in a loose grip our expectations on how we think end time events will roll out. If we are expecting one thing to happen and something else happens, we may find ourselves, at the very least confused and our faith shaken, or at the most, we may even deny Yeshua as Judas and Peter did. He who thinks that he stands, take heed lest he fall (1 Cor 10:12). 

To be sure, if one stays in a close, daily and intimate relationship with Yeshua the Hebraic Messiah, and follows the Lamb of Elohim wherever he leads day-by-day, one will have nothing to be concerned about.

Stay close to Yeshua!

The Parable of the Unjust Judge: The End Times Prophetic Implications

Luke 18:1–8, “And he spoke a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; saying, ‘There was in a city a judge, which feared not Elohim, neither regarded man. And there was a widow in that city and she came unto him, saying, “Avenge me of mine adversary.” And he would not for a while, but afterward he said within himself, “Though I fear not Elohim, nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.”’ And the Master said, ‘Hear what the unjust judge said. And shall not Elohim avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bears long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man comes, shall he find faith on the earth?’”

Though Yeshua’s people have been treated unjustly by this world’s political and justice systems, and though they have had to struggle for every shred of justice due them, the day is coming just prior to and at the return of Yeshua when the scales of justice will be balanced in the saints’ favor. This parable speaks to the time in the near future when the wicked will be punished, YHVH will avenge his own elect, and the righteous will be rewarded. Good will triumph over evil. 

This final balance of the scales of justice will occur in the time period between the last trumpet, which occurs on Yom Teruah (the Day of the Blowing of Trumpets) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) when the saints will receive their heavenly rewards (1 Cor 15:51–57; Rev 11:15–18) and the wicked will receive theirs (Rev 14:14–Rev 16:21).

What You Can Do

Yeshua admonishes us to pray always and do not faint in anticipation for the day of his return to come. It will be then that the righteous will reap the rewards of righteousness if they do not grow weary in the meantime for their well doing (Gal 6:9). 

What are the criteria that Yeshua the Just Judge will use to determine the levels of rewards his saints will receive at this coming? While salvation is a free gift not based on one’s works (Eph 2:8), there are levels of rewards in the Elohim’s kingdom, which will be based on one thing: works! Yeshua clearly teaches that each man will be rewarded according to his works (Matt 16:27 cp. 25:14–30). Whether one will be the least in Yeshua’s kingdom (the lowest level of rewards) are greatest (the highest level of rewards) will be determined by how faithful we were in following the Torah. Yeshua clearly states this in Matthew 5:19! On judgment day, the wicked will be rewarded according to their works (Rev 18:6; 20:12 cp. Matt 25:14–30) and the righteous according to theirs (Rev 20:12,13 cp. 19:8, NKJV, NIV or NAS).


The End Time Prophetic Implications of Yeshua Cleansing the Ten Lepers

Luke 17:11–19,

“And it came to pass, as [Yeshua] went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off. And they lifted up their voices, and said, ‘Yeshua, Master, have mercy on us.’ And when he saw them, he said unto them, ‘Go show yourselves unto the priests.’ And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed. And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified Elohim, and fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks. And he was a Samaritan. And Yeshua answering said, ‘Were there not ten cleansed, but where are the nine?’ There are not found that returned to give glory to Elohim, except this stranger [lit. sprung from another tribe, foreigner or alien]. And he said unto him, ‘Arise, go your way, your faith has made you whole.'”

Prophetic Points to Analyze

  • verse 11— the midst of Samaria and Galilee
  • verse 12— ten men that were lepers
  • verse 12— that stood afar off
  • verses 14–15— they were cleansed … healed
  • verse 16— he was a Samaritan
  • verse 18— stranger

Samaria and Galilee were Roman provinces comprising of the ancient territories of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, the home of the ten northern tribes. As noted earlier, Yeshua spent much of his time ministering in that region and in much of what he taught, as well as the venues where he ministered, in the meanings of the geographical names, and in the terminologies used in describing his ministry activities, we can find a deeper or allegorical prophetic meaning relating to his ministry to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This account of the ten lepers is no exception.

These ten lepers lived in the historic region of the Northern Kingdom, house of Israel or Samaria. The number ten corresponds to the number of tribes that historically had lived in that area. These tribes were: Ephraim, Manasseh, Reuben, part of Levi, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Dan, Zebulin and Issachar. (Judah, part of Levi and Benjamin comprised the Southern Kingdom, or house of Judah; Simeon is omitted, for it is thought that they were assimilated into Judah in accordance with the Genesis 49:5–7 prophecy, and that their land inheritance was surrounded by that of Judah.) But when the ten northern tribes were exiled from the land of Israel they became strangers or aliens in the countries of their captivity. These terms are used throughout the Scriptures in reference to the scattered tribes of Israel. These lepers, because of their disease, were likewise aliens from their fellow Israelites in the land of Judea where they currently were living.

The term “leprosy” scripturally, was a generic term for any infectious skin condition and does not necessarily relate to the modern term leprosy that is a disease involving the slow rotting away of the flesh. Samson Raphael Hirsch, the nineteenth century Jewish Torah scholar, shows that the biblical skin condition of tzaraas is unrelated to leprosy and therefore is an erroneous translation in our English Bibles.Here is a brief study on the skin disease the Torah calls tzaraas and some of the spiritual implications of this ailment. It is quoted from the author’s own Torah commentary. 

Leviticus 13 discusses various skin disorders known as tzaraas. The KJV uses the word “leprosy,” but this is a mistranslation. The [Jewish sages] teach (and so does Christian biblical commentator Matthew Henry in his commentary) that these skin disorders “[were] a plague often inflicted immediately by the hand of [Elohim].”

Tzaraas is a result of sins of the mouth such as slander, gossip, murder with the mouth, false oaths and pride as well as sexual immorality, robbery, and selfishness. For proof of this the [Jewish sages] cite the similarity between the Hebrew word for “skin disorder” (m’tzora) and the word “one who spreads slander”(motzeyra). They say that these skin disorders are “divine retribution for the offender’s failure to feel the needs and share the hurt of others. YHVH rebukes this antisocial behavior by isolating him from society, so that he can experience the pain he has imposed on others—and heal himself through repentance.”They then cite the examples of Miriam’s skin turning white when she slandered Moses. We must not forget what occurred to Gehazi and to king Uzziah, as well (2 Kgs 5:27; 2 Chr 26:19, 21). 

It would be well for us to pause at this moment and to consider our own behavior with respect to our tongue. Thankfully, we’re under the grace of Elohim. But in the book of Acts, Ananias and Sapphira found out what happens when one sins with one’s mouth and Elohim pulls back his hand of grace. They were instantly struck dead. As we get closer to the end of the age and the return of Messiah it is likely that Elohim will begin to require greater spiritual accountability of his people, especially of leaders, in the areas we are discussing. He wants to instill within his people the true fear of YHVH-Elohim and a repentant and contrite heart, and to turn people away from lukewarmness. It is likely that such rapid judgments as happened to Miriam, Korah et al, Gehazi, Uzziah, Ananias and Sapphira and others in the Scriptures will begin to occur soon, in our day, and may already be occurring. 

The time for playing fast and loose with our mouths and other members of our bodies is over. We are all being called to account by Elohim. Be hot or cold, not in-between! Yeshua is not coming back for a Babylonian (half world and half Word-orientated lifestyle), sin-spotted bride, but one who is without spot and wrinkle. 

The skin disease, tzaraas, was like a red flag which if a person had it was regarded as a judgment from Elohim for the sin of slander, gossip, murder with the mouth, false oaths and pride as well as sexual immorality, robbery, and selfishness. That person was considered to be physically and spiritually contagious and so was put outside the camp of Israel until the disease was gone. According to Samson Raphael Hirsch, quarantine was a means of shocking the victim into recognizing his moral shortcomings and driving him to repentance.

It is the skin disease of tzaraas that the ten men of Luke 17 most likely had making them ritually impure and causing them to be legally banned from social contact with the rest of Jewish society. It was these social outcasts of the region of the historic homeland of the lost sheep of the house of Israel to which Yeshua was reaching out. These men knew they were spiritually and physically unclean and they cried out to the only one who could heal and save them—Yeshua the Messiah, whose very name means “salvation.”

Similarly, in the end times, the house of Israel (or the Christian church) will begin to recognize that many of its Torahless religious traditions have been inherited lies handed down from previous generations (Jer 16:19), that she has failed to remember her Torah-based marriage covenants with YHVH (Mal 4:4–6), and that the foreign lovers to which she turned spiritually did not satisfy her like YHVH her husband once had (Hos 2:7). The house of Israel (and the house of Judah) will eventually return to YHVH (Hos 2:6–7) in covenantal relationship (Jer 31:31, 33). They will no longer be a rejected people (Hos 1:6, 9). YHVH will begin to call his people to come out of the filth of Torahlessness and spiritual Babylon (Rev 18:4) and urge them to stop forgetting his Torah (Hos 4:6; 8:1, 12). YHVH pleads with both Judah and her sister Israel (Ephraim) to return to him from their backslidden spiritual condition (Jer 3:6–14). Hosea prophesied that both the houses of Ephraim and Judah will acknowledge their sin against YHVH (the sin of breaking their covenants with him and syncretizing themselves spiritually with the customs of the heathen nations around them, Hos 5:3), and begin to seek YHVH eagerly (Hos 5:15). Hosea then prophesies that Messiah will return after three days (or in the third millennium) to “revive,” resurrect or resuscitate them spiritually and give to Israel new life (Hos 6:1–2), after which she will live in Messiah’s sight during the Messianic Age (or Millennium, verse 3).

Yeshua’s encounter with the ten lepers is an allegorical picture of this. After the Messiah healed the lepers, he instructed them to present themselves to the priests whose duty it was, according to the Torah, to declare that they were physically healed and ritually clean. This pronouncement on the part of the priests cleared the way for the former lepers to legally integrate themselves back into Jewish society without fear of retribution or ostracism.

It is interesting to note that one of the ten “lepers” was a Samaritan. These people were highly shunned and disdained by many in the Jewish culture of the first century. This mixed race people lived in the historic lands of the house of Israel. They were most likely comprised of Northern Kingdom Israelites and heathen Gentiles that the Assyrians had transplanted into northern Israel when they conquered that nation. Here Yeshua is reaching out to this people whom the Jews despised and rejected. Hosea prophesied that the house of Israel would mix herself with the nations of the world (Hos 7:8; 8:8), yet Yeshua reached out to these same type of people when he ministered to the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), and when he commanded his disciples to take the gospel to Samaria (Acts 1:8). 

This account of Yeshua’s ministry to the ten “lepers” teaches us that even though some lost and scattered Israelites may be in a state of extreme spiritual contamination and pollution brought on by sin, YHVH’s grace is open to all—even those whom society shuns and considers to be at the lowest echelon. 

Ezekiel 34 paints a clear picture of YHVH’s sheep who have been lost and scattered, but who YHVH, the True Shepherd, will regather. His sheep are starving spiritually, have been pillaged by evil and covetous shepherds and ravished by spiritual diseases and predators. Yeshua is that true Shepherd whose arms of love are still open wide (as they were while he was hanging on the cross). He takes upon himself the burdens of all lost Israelites who are returning to him and promises to heal and to feed them, and to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness. 

What You Can Do

We must follow the example of Yeshua and reach out to anyone regardless of their race or religious affiliation and offer them the good news of spiritual healing and salvation through Yeshua the Messiah. The disease of sin has made all humans impure and separated us all from a loving relationship with YHVH Elohim through Yeshua. Only as we as come into contact with Yeshua the Savior , place our trust in him, and receive his mercy can we be made whole.


In YOUR discussions with others, are YOU loaded for bear?

Yeshua the Messiah was not your typical dinner guest. In fact, by today’s standards, he would have been considered impertinent, impolite, politically incorrect if not downright rude in how he treated his hosts. But since Yeshua was sinless in all that he did and totally led by the Spirit of Elohim, his behavior, as unconventional as it may seem, cannot be faulted. Why is this? This is because Yeshua always had one goal in mind: to advance the kingdom of his Father, to spread the light of Truth in the darkness of human delusion, lies and false concepts—to be spiritual salt and light wherever he went. Yeshua was always loaded for bear, so to speak. Luke chapter 14 is a perfect example of this.

Luke 14

Luke 14:1, House of one of the rulers. Yeshua was invited to a Sabbath meal at the home of a Pharisee who was a ruler (likely a wealthy member of the Sanhedrin). Had Yeshua been a typical man, he would have engaged in the customary small talk of a polite and gracious dinner guest not wanting to offend his host. Yet Yeshua was not there to schmooze—to curry anyone’s favor in an effort to gain personal influence. As he required his own disciples to maintain a salty or spicy demeanor at all times (Matt 5:13; Luke 14:34–35), he was definitely up to the task to lead his disciples by example. The following discussion that Yeshua initiates is what some may consider to be a prime example of how to insult one’s host and the other guests. 

First, Yeshua confronts a controversial issue head on by asking a question, and then by healing one of the other invited guests on the Sabbath, which was a Pharisaical taboo, though not contrary to the Scriptures (Luke 14:2–6). 

Next, Yeshua takes some of the guests to task who were prideful social elites and religious status-seekers. He challenges them to humbles themselves and let Elohim exalt them in the eyes of men (Luke 14:7–14). 

Yeshua then raises the discussion around the table to a higher level when he tells the Parable of the Great Supper (Luke 14:15–24). Doubtless, a few of the guests were made to feel awkward, since they likely resembled some of the characters in Yeshua’s story. 

At this dinner table, there was no small talk of sports, the weather, one’s job or other tidbits of gossip. On the contrary, Yeshua was showing his disciples, and us, how to be salt and light wherever we go, even at the risk of offending one’s hosts, and all for the greater good of expanding the kingdom of Elohim in the lives of men. 

Of course, it  should go without saying that in being salt and light, one has to be totally led by the Spirit of Elohim or else more harm than good will be done.

Luke 14:18–24, Make excuses. This passage is a continuation of Yeshua’s previous discussion and must be seen in that context. Buying a piece of property and a yoke of oxen and getting married is equivalent today to buy a new home, a new car and getting married. These are among the three most notable, expensive and life-changing events to happen in a person’s life. In the eyes of a secular-minded man, to put one’s religion ahead of these things seems weirdly strange. Such a person will likely be viewed as a religious fanatic, extremist, a Bible thumper or Jesus freak. Yet such a reordering of priorities in one’s life is required of a person who desires to enter YHVH’s everlasting kingdom (Luke 14:15). The path to this lofty goal is narrow and sadly few will choose it.

Luke 14:26–33, If any man comes to me. This discourse is also a continuation of Yeshua’s previous thoughts, both of which were part of a larger discussion relating to the kingdom of Elohim that Yeshua initiated while at the dinner party of a rich Pharisee who was a ruler (likely a member or the Sanhedrin, Luke 14:1). In this part of the discussion, Yeshua continues the line of thought on what is required to enter the kingdom of Elohim. First, one must count the costs to enter the kingdom, which in the world’s eyes is high. Next Yeshua sets himself squarely in the position of being the door to entering the kingdom, and then demonstrates in the most graphic terms that one must love him above all else including close family members and even one’s own life if he wants to be part of YHVH’s kingdom. Such a man, for certain, would be viewed by his secular contemporaries as a religious fanatic! Yet this is what Yeshua requires of his disciple (Luke 14:33).

Luke 14:26, Hate his father and mother. Some people will quote this verse out of context thus turning Yeshua into a cruel, hateful and demanding tyrant. The key to understanding this clause is to read the rest of the sentence, which ends with the word, “yes, and his own life also.” 

Unless they are psychotic, no one hates their own life. In fact, the Torah enjoins us “to love our neighbor as ourself,” which is part of the shema (Lev 19:18), and which is a partial summation of the entire Torah. 

Even though the Greek word for hate is miseo meaning “to hate or detest,” Yeshua is using hyperbole here to make the greater point that to be his disciple, one must love him more than anything else. The world calls this fanaticism, but the world’s evaluations are based on hypocrisy. No one questions the almost worshipful fanaticism of a sports fan (short for fanatic) or a rock star groupie! This is socially acceptable. Thousands will fill vast arenas and stadiums adoringly hooting and hollering over their favorite team or rock music star, but when it comes to getting excited about Yeshua, well, that’s fanaticism. 

What Yeshua hyperbolically is telling us in this verse is that we must love him more than anyone or anything including our closest family members…and even our own life. We must follow his example in that he laid down his life for us, and so we must be willing to do the same for him. The bottom line is that serving Yeshua must be the highest priority in our life!

Luke 14:34–35, Salt is good. Yeshua then ends his discussion with a pithy analogy involving salt. What is the hidden message in this? Elsewhere, Yeshua states that his disciples are to be salt and light in this world (Matt 5:13–14). In this passage, Yeshua implies the same thing and concludes that salt that has lost its saltiness is useless. 

Salt is a necessary ingredient to the body’s survival. It also helps to enhance the flavor of the food it seasons, and it stand out if too much is added. Salt also acts as a food preservative in that it prevents spoilage by killing pathogens. 

Yet Yeshua warns against salt losing its saltiness. How is this possible? This occurs through dilution. If Yeshua’s disciples are to be like spiritual salt to the world, then they can lose the quality as a seasoning, life preservative, killer of spiritual pathogens. This will occur if they allow their priorities and spiritual focus to become watered down, and if the cares of this life take precedence over the service and obedience to Yeshua as he outlines in the previous verses. This is a how a disciple of Yeshua loses his saltiness and becomes useless to the kingdom of Elohim.


Why Does the NT Emphasize the Death of Yeshua More Than His Resurrection?

I recently received a comment on this blog from a man who believes that it was Yeshua’s resurrection that atoned for man’s sins and not his death. Is this a new wind of doctrine that’s circulating out there?

When I suggested that he do a search of the New Testament to see if the death or the resurrection of Yeshua was emphasized more, and when I told him that his belief was heretical and false, he turned angry, vitriolic and attacked me. I had to delete his comments. Can’t have this kind of nonsense around here. I requested of him an honest and polite discussion on this subject, but instead he attacked me personally. That’s his problem, not mine.

Anyway I decided to do a study on the subject, and this one is hot off the press, so to speak. Please enjoy.

The Testimony of Yeshua (or New Testament) has more than twice as many references to the death of Yeshua (more than 99 references) than to his resurrection (approximately 49 references). Why is this? Why did the apostolic writers emphasize the death of Yeshua the Messiah more than his resurrection? This fact has perplexed some of us for years. We now will briefly explore why this may be.

To be sure, the resurrection of Yeshua is a momentous event in the history of the world not to be minimized or understated in any way, and is not sub par to the importance of his incarnation, life or death. Furthermore, had Yeshua not resurrected from the dead, there would be no hope of the resurrection of the saints, for as Paul writes,

And if Messiah is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. Yes, and we are found false witnesses of Elohim, because we have testified of Elohim that He raised up Messiah, whom He did not raise up—if in fact the dead do not rise. For if the dead do not rise, then Messiah is not risen. And if Messiah is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins! Then also those who have fallen asleep in Messiah have perished. If in this life only we have hope in Messiah, we are of all men the most pitiable. (1 Cor 15:14–19)

Adding to the perplexing fact that the Testimony of Yeshua emphasizes the death of Yeshua over his resurrection is that notable fact that of the seven biblical feasts mentioned in Leviticus 23 and elsewhere in Scripture, there no feast that specifically points to the resurrection of Yeshua. The day of Passover addresses Yeshua’s death and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the next biblical feast completely skips past the resurrection. After that comes the Feast of Weeks, which corresponds to the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter two, which also occurred after Yeshua’s resurrection. 

So why is there no biblical holiday, contrary to popular but ill-informed opinion, specifically portraying the resurrection of the Messiah? In answer to this question, some Bible students will point to the so called  “Feast” of First Fruits (Lev 23:9–13) as the biblical holiday that answers to the resurrection of Yeshua. While First Fruits Day (the correct biblical name for this occasion) does definitely point prophetically to Yeshua’s resurrection, this day was neither a biblical feast or miqra kodesh or a high holy day Sabbath. Rather, it was a moed or divine appointment (all biblical feasts are moedim [the plural of moed] but not all moedim are feasts) on which the Levitical priest performed the ritual of offering up a sheaf of the barley first fruits before Elohim. But for the rest of the Israelites, First Fruits Day was not a Sabbath-day of rest or holy or sacred assembly (Heb. miqra kodesh). Rather it was a common work day when the Israelites went into their in the fields to harvest the newly ripened barley. (I discuss this subject at length in my 23 page article on this subject available at To call First Fruits Day a feast is a misreading, if not a twisting, of Scripture. Facts are stubborn things for some people to deal with, but facts are truth, and truth is still truth regardless of people’s opinions to the contrary.

Continue reading

Hold on to Yeshua—He Will Guide and Protect You Through the Wilderness of Life

Steps In a Redeemed Believer’s Walk

In this study, we will examine the spiritual stages of growth and development that a redeemed believer goes through while crossing the wilderness of life en route to our spiritual promised land—the kingdom of Elohim. We will see how the Torah (YHVH’s instructions in righteousness) plays a pivotal role in the believer’s life that keeps us on the straight and narrow path, and that will eventually bring us safely to our spiritual destination, which is YHVH’s kingdom of heaven. In view will be the oft-quoted verse from Proverbs 29:18 which says, “Where there is no vision [or prophetic revelation], the people perish [i.e. cast off restraint, become lawless, unloosened, and unbridled], but he that keeps [or hedges about, guards, protects] the Torah, happy is he.” Many Bible students are familiar with the first part of this verse, but not its second part, where we see that Torah plays a vital role in guiding us to our spiritual or prophetic and eternal destiny. 

From the beginning to the end of the Bible, Elohim is directing his people into the path of Torah righteousness, and he is continually exposing us to the greater message of the everlasting gospel message (Rev 14:6), which involves salvation through faith in the shed blood of the Lamb of Elohim at the cross. 

What’s more, Yeshua, the Living Torah-Word of YHVH incarnate (or in flesh form, John 1:1–4, 14), was the one who, as the arm of YHVH (Isa 53:1), delivered the Israelites from Egypt. He was also the one who, as the Angel (or Messenger) of YHVH, led the ancient Israelites in the pillar of fire, who spoke to them from Mount Sinai and gave them his Torah-instructions. Yeshua also was the rock that gave them water, and was the bread of life to them. Yeshua himself (as well as the apostolic writers) tells us that he was the “God” of the Old Testament, who was with the Israelites throughout their tenure in the wilderness (John 8:58 cp Exod 3:14; John 6:32–58; Acts 7:35–39; 1 Cor 10:4). The point is this: Yeshua is still leading his saints as he was then. He is the one who revealed his Torah-law to them then, and his standards of righteousness have not changed from then until now, for he is the same yesterday, today and forever and he does not change (Heb 13:8; Mal 3:6)! What does this mean for you and me today? Don’t stop reading unless knowing the truth of the Word of Elohim scares and intimidates you, and unless you love spiritual darkness more than light. In what follows, we will let the Word of Elohim speak to us, even if it is different than what you have learned in your man-made church systems.

As you read this study, note how little-by-little, like a parent training his child, Elohim was training his people to walk in his Torah commandments, all the while revealing to them the truth of the redemptive work of Yeshua. Please note that obedience to the Torah and belief in Yeshua go hand-in-hand. The two are completely compatible and indivisible. One cannot believe in, love, and even know Yeshua without obeying his commands (John 14:15, 21; 1 John 2:3–6). Belief in Yeshua and walking in his waysYeshua are two sides of the same coin.

 Interestingly, this message of the gospel (that is, walking in YHVH’s Torah-law, the Written Word of Elohim, and having faith in Yeshua, the Living Torah-Word of Elohim) has never changed. How do we know this? The last book of the Bible which predicts conditions on earth just prior to Yeshua’s second coming identifies the end time saints of Elohim as keeping his Torah-commandments as well as embracing the testimony, faith or gospel of Yeshua (Rev 12:17; 14:12 cp. 22:14). These are the words of Elohim, and not men’s words or traditions!

One’s Pre-Redemption (pre-Salvation) State

We will now identify the steps or stages of spiritual growth and development through which YHVH leads his people as they trek through the bleak wilderness of this physical life en route to glories of immortal life in the promised inheritance of Elohim’s eternal kingdom. Keeping this prophetic vision in view will insure that one does not perish in this life before reaching the end goal. Remember,

Where there is no prophetic revelation [or vision], the people cast off restraint [or perish]; but happy is he who keeps the Torah-law. (Prov 29:18)

1— Slavery to Sin: Israel, while in Egypt, was in bondage, slavery or servitude to the world, flesh and the devil. The Hebrew word Egypt, Mitzraim, is related to matzowr meaning “something hemming in, distress, besieged, bulwark and defense.” Matzowr is from the Hebrew word tzur meaningto cramp, confine, beset, besiege, bind up, enclose and lay siege.”Do these words not describe the state of one’s pre-redemption state or one’s spiritual enslavement to the world, the flesh and the devil before being saved? As a slave to sin and living under the penalty of death and burdened with guilt and shame, how does this make one feel? If Mitzraim doesn’t express one’s spiritual condition, then what does?

2— Despair: While enslaved in Egypt, the Israelites cried out to YHVH in anguish from under the burden of their bondage. YHVH heard their cries and stretched out his strong arm and delivered them with a mighty hand. Their world shook and literally fell apart as he dislodged them from those things that confined them as helpless and enslaved captives in their place of distress, confinement and besiegement. The Egyptian world around them was judged, and Israel experienced some of these judgments, as well, (to arouse their attention, to shake them out of their sinful comfort zones and to awaken them to look heavenward), although YHVH graciously spared them from the most severe judgments that would have otherwise destroyed them. Before you were saved, did YHVH have to do something similar in your life to dislodge you from your enslavement to a life of sin and idolatry, and to awaken you to your spiritual state? Does he not still have to do this from time to time in our spiritual walk to move us to a higher level of spiritual maturity, so that we become more like him and become a more qualified and efficacious worker in his kingdom? Even at this moment, YHVH is urging his people, the saints, to come to a higher level in their spiritual walk by exiting the confused mixture of good and evil that exists in the spiritual Babylon of the world’s religious systems and churches (Rev 18:4).


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Who Is the Bride of Yeshua?

John the apostle in the book of Revelation (Rev 19:7) says that the wife of Yeshua has made herself ready for him. Who will be the bride or wife of Yeshua the Messiah?

In a general sense, all redeemed believers are the bride of Yeshua—or more correctly, have the potential to be the bride of Yeshua. Paul assumed this (2 Cor 11:2–3). All redeemed believers are presently betrothed to Yeshua. Yet not all believers will become the wife of Yeshua (Matt 25, the Parable of the 10 Virgins). Some will remain pure and undefiled by being faithful to YHVH’s Torah Word, and others will fornicate with the world by being faithful to some of YHVH’s Torah, but by also following foreign or pagan gods and lovers. Only virgins who have not defiled themselves with “men” (a biblical metaphor for spiritual fornication with the world) will be eligible to be the bride of Yeshua. These are the 144,000 mentioned in the Book of Revelation (Rev 14:4). These are the true saints—the set-apart or holy ones, who adhere to the Torah and to Yeshua the Messiah (Rev 14:12). The church of Yeshua is currently being tested or refined and the wheat and tares are being separated. Yeshua wants a pure bride. Judgment begins first at the “house” of Elohim (1 Pet 4:17).

Like the law of the jealous husband who suspects his wife of adultery discussed in the Torah (Num 5:11–31), the faithfulness of all believers will be tested. In the end times, all the saints will go through tribulation and the great tribulation, but only the betrothed bride who is guilty of adultery will go through the wrath of Elohim. Those saints who refuse to walk in Torah and who are guilty of Torahlessness will be rejected of Yeshua because they didn’t know him intimately (Matt 7:21–23). We know YHVH intimately by keeping his Torah-commands (1 John 2:6–7). The wrath of Elohim are the bitter waters that the adulterous bride of YHVH will have to swallow (cp. Num 5:11–31). Like the wife suspected of adultery, all who will follow Yeshua must eat the words of Torah. For those who have been faithful to Torah, which is their marriage vows, Torah is sweet like honey. To those who have not been faithful, the judgments Torah spells out for those not being faithful to the curses for Torah-disobedience will be like bitter waters in their belly. In Revelation 10 (cp. Ezek 2:8–10; 3:1–3), John eats a little book. Is this Torah, which specifies curses that come upon all those who sin by violating it (1 John 3:4)? When we love Yeshua by obeying YHVH’s (John 14:15), they will be sweet like honey to us (Ps 119:103), since we don’t come under the curses they specify for disobedience. Torah-obedience brings blessings in this life and the next life; Torah is life (Deut 30:19), and Yeshua is the Living Torah incarnate (1 John 1:1, 14) and he is life (John 14:6).

In conjunction with the end times wrath of Elohim that will come upon this world due to Toralessness are the Elohim’s seven thunders judgments (Rev 10:3–4), which are possibly YHVH’s wrath upon a Torahless bride and world. Leviticus speaks of four sets of seven judgments that would come upon YHVH’s people who turned away from Torah (Lev 26:14ff). Similarly, the book of Revelation reveals that in the end days four series of judgments that will come upon the world. They are the seven seals, the seven trumpets, the seven thunders, and the seven bowl judgments.

At the same time in the last days, there will be a remnant on earth who have heeded the call of Elohim to remember the good ancient paths of Torah (Jer 6:16), and whose hearts have turned back to the fathers of their faith in the end days before the day of YHVH’s wrath and who are remembering Torah (Mal 4:3–6).

Those people who are heeding the call of Elohim through his Spirit to return to the ancient paths are those who have turned back to the biblical Hebraic faith and have reconnected to spiritual root of Israel—to the spiritual fathers of their faith. They’ve rediscovered their tribal and spiritual identity as grafted in (Rom 11:11–32), as redeemed, one new man and non-Gentile Israelites (Eph 2:11–19)—as the Israel of Elohim (Gal 6:16). These saints have chosen to begin living like Israelites. They understand the Jewishness of Yeshua and want to be Jewish like him and pleasing to him (John 14:15). They want to know YHVH more deeply by keeping his commandments (1 John 2:3–6), and they are putting on robes of righteousness, which is Torah-obedience (Rev 19:6–7)

These end time saints are part of the John the Baptist, Elijah forerunner generation of royal Melchizedek priests under Yeshua (1 Pet 2:9; Heb 7), and kings in training who are helping to prepare the way for Yeshua.

They saints are the wise virgins who have awakened with oil in their lamps. Oil represents Torah and the anointing of YHVH’s Spirit. Without the Torah and the anointing of YHVH’s Spirit in our lives, there will be no Torah-light.

These called out ones have left off their lukewarm, deaf, naked and blind ways of a Torahless and Laodicean lukewarm church and have opened the door to the real Jewish Yeshua to come into their lives; they have exchanged a paganized, Greco-Roman Jesus for their the real Hebraic Yeshua. To be the bride of Yeshua, you must truly know him, not merely know about him through the eyes of a cultural Christianity, Christo-pagan paradigm.

The bride of Yeshua will fit the definition of the end time saints: They will be Torah observant and have the faith of Yeshua (Rev 12:17; 14:12).

Scripture likens redeemed believers to a virgin (2 Cor 11:2). Some believers are wise virgins, and some are foolish virgins (Matt 25:1–13). There will be different levels of rewards in the kingdom of Elohim; some of the virgins will be least in the kingdom and some will be the greatest in the kingdom depending on their Torah-obedience level (Matt 5:19). Which one are you? 

Now is the time to ask yourself this questions—are you a wise or a foolish virgin? Do you want to be the least or the greatest in the kingdom of Elohim under King Yeshua the Messiah? Now is the time for each person to judge himself or herself before the refining fires of YHVH’s judgment forcefully reveal the building materials of each person’s spiritual house whether it be wood, hay and stubble, or gold, silver and precious stones (1 Cor 3:12–13).