YOUR false Messianic expectations could cause YOU to deny Yeshua!

Is your view of the Messiah actually a cartoon character?

Luke 23:38, The King of the Jews. The placard that the Romans placed on the cross just above the head of Yeshua reflected the Jewish people’s prevailing politically correct view concerning their Messianic expectations. Their expectations of who they wanted the Messiah to be were not in accordance with heaven’s plan, which is why some denied him and others yelled, “Crucify him!”

The Tanakh (Old Testament) reveals that two Messiahs were to come: the Conquering King Messiah or Mashiach ben David and the Suffering Servant Messiah or Mashiach ben Yosef. Because the boot of Roman tyranny had been resting heavily on the neck of the Jewish people for some 150 years, the Jews were hoping for and, therefore, were placing their confidence in the Conquering King Messiah, who would, in their eyes, miraculously deliver them from Roman rule and oppression. This prevailing notion was even the mindset of Yeshua’s closest disciples. This is why when Yeshua predicted his death in Jerusalem at the hand of the Jews, Peter vehemently declared that this would not happen (Matt 16:21–23). Then when Yeshua failed to fulfill the people’s expectation of a Conquering King Messiah, this is when Judas betrayed his Master as a false messianic figure. This is probably why Peter denied Yeshua at the eleventh hour; because his deepest expectation of the Messiah’s mission as the Conquering King were not being met, and thus doubts about Yeshua’s Messianic claims rose to the surface in Peter’s mind at that critical hour and in confused discouragement he turned his back on the Messiah. This is why the Jewish people insisted that the Romans crucify Yeshua—he had failed to meet their expectations. 

The Roman placard that was nailed to the cross, therefore, was simply a Roman mockery of the Jewish people’s prevailing misguided messianic expectations. Their conquering king was being pitilessly crucified as Rome’s sovereignty over the Jewish people remained concretely intact.

Sadly, the Jews’ expectations were not lined up with heaven’s divine will. In reality, the Jews, and even to some degree, Yeshua’s disciples, had created a Messiah in their own image—a caricaturized or cartoon  Messiah that, to one degree or another, had become an idol in their minds replacing the true Messiah.

What are our hopes and expectations concerning Yeshua the Messiah? What cartoon view of the Messiah have we created in our minds? Were Yeshua to return today, would most Christians even recognize and accept him? The biblical reality of a first century, Torah-teaching and Torah-observant Jewish rabbi hardly fits with the stereotypical westernized, Greco-Roman caricature of the Christian Jesus. 

Moreover, when Yeshua, just before his return, sends his two witnesses to preach the gospel in Jerusalem (Rev 11:7–12), will people, including mainstream Christians, accept their message, likely a Hebraic one, if it does not line up exactly with traditional Greco-Roman Christian theology? How about when Yeshua shortly thereafter sends an angelic messenger to preach “the everlasting gospel” to those who dwell on the earth (Rev 14:6–7)? Will mainstream Christians accept this message—likely a Hebraic-centric one that will contain overtones of Torah in it? It is hard to say. Some will and some will probably not, since it may not line up with “the historic Christian faith,” as most Christians have been taught, which, to one degree or another, is ambivalent if not outright antagonistic toward YHVH’s Torah-law.

Whatever may be our views and expectations concerning the Messiah and his return, we would be wise to be certain that they are grounded in the full counsel of YHVH’s Word from Genesis to Revelation, which is intensely Hebraic in context. Moreover, it would also behoove us to hold in a loose grip our expectations on how we think end time events will roll out. If we are expecting one thing to happen and something else happens, we may find ourselves, at the very least confused and our faith shaken, or at the most, we may even deny Yeshua as Judas and Peter did. He who thinks that he stands, take heed lest he fall (1 Cor 10:12). 

To be sure, if one stays in a close, daily and intimate relationship with Yeshua the Hebraic Messiah, and follows the Lamb of Elohim wherever he leads day-by-day, one will have nothing to be concerned about.

Stay close to Yeshua!

10 thoughts on “YOUR false Messianic expectations could cause YOU to deny Yeshua!

  1. Some people will think that the antichrist is the messiah.
    Luke 21:8 (NIV) He replied “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, I am He, and, the time is near. Do not follow them.”

    • Interesting Sonja that He said many will come in His Name, I Am, which means, to be, His YHVH Name! I guess His Name is on my mind these days.

  2. The antichrist will have them believe that he will satisfy their every fantasy. But it will be deceit.

  3. Thank you for your Many End-Times
    Prophetic Implications Teachings.
    I pray that me(& others)also will share your teachings to others.
    & they in turn share them to others so that The Word of YHVH
    will saturate the whole world.
    By the way,what is the equivalent of 11th hour in our present time clock?
    Thanks & More Blessings from above.

    • You are correct. Yeshua is NOT HaShem because HaShem is a non-existent entity and a silly made up name by the rabbinic Jews as a result of a false, pagan doctrine they plagiarized from the Babylonians called the ineffable name doctrine. Scripture reveals nearly 7,000 times in the Tanakh that the name of the Elohim the Father is YHVH or Yehovah. Scripture also reveals that the name of Elohim the Son or Yeshua the Messiah is also YHVH. This is Bible 101.

      Moreover, Scripture reveals that the Father is Elohim and that Yeshua is also Elohim. Elohim is a compound unity (the Hebrew word for this, in case you didn’t learn this in schul is echad) comprised of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.

      The sephirotic “tree of life” in rabinic Jewish mysticism.
      Doesn’t the sephirotic tree as your own “rabbis” teach define Elohim not just as being three entities but as being, what, ten entities of which the Father, Son and Ruach are only three? Do you deign to toy with me thinking that I don’t know these things that you rabbinic Jewish folks keep so well hidden from the Christians? The Trinity doctrine has nothing on you guys! You teach that the Godhead is ten!!!

      Yes, Yeshua is not the Father, yet he and the Father are one. He said if you’ve seen him, you’ve seen the Father. Make of this what you will. Neither your brain nor mine is capable of comprehending the exact nature of the “Godhead,” so let us leave it there before we get into water that’s way over both of our collective heads.

      Besides why to you care who Yeshua is? You don’t believe that he’s the Messiah anyway, so take a hike and stop trolling this blog. The gate here is now shut to you unless you show a genuine change of heart. Be blessed…

  4. Most people dont realize the role of Messiah, who have come o/o christianty and into a melting pot of teachings of which most only hold partial truth. Take into account the original language in which the Scriptures were written i.e. Hebrew, Aramaic… There are some words that were not translated but transliterated. The world “Messiah” is one of those words, from the Hebrew Mashiach. In Greek it is Christos. I know I’m preaching to the choir on this but let me explain to help you understand. So what does Messiah or Christ mean? It means someone who was anointed or SELECTED by YHVH ELohim, the Father, as ruler, king (1Kings 2:10-12). Hence, in the bible there are many Messiah’s. Examples: The temple priest Lev. 4:3, 6, 16, 6:22; The patriarchs Ps. 105:15; 1 Chron. 16:22; King Saul 1 Sam. 12:3, 5; 24:6, 10; 26:9, 11, 16, 23; 2 Sam. 1:14, 16, 21; King David 2Sam. 19:21; 22:51; 23:1 Ps. 18:50, 20:6, 28:8; King Solomon once in 2 Chron. 6:42, the pagan king Cyrus Isa. 45:1, the future messianic figure 1 Sam. 2:10, 35, Ps. 2:2, 89:51; 132:10, 17; Dan, 9:25-26; Hab. 3:13. AS you can see there are many “christs/messiahs” who preceded Y’shua. The title Messiah can not mean Hashem ELohim Himself, because Messiah or Christ (anointed) is the AGENT of the One True God (John 17:3) As messiah Y’shua/jesus, who is prophet, priest and king. That’s because The Father anointed him above all predecessors i.e. his companions Heb. 1;9. It is for this reason that Y’shua taught men to pray each day for the coming Kingdom of his ELohim, YHVH, and Father (Matt. 6:10)
    The role of the Messiah(s) throughout all of the ages was to point mankind BACK to the FAther and to His Torah.

    None of the prophecies of Daniel nor any other biblical prophet relate to Yeshua/Jesus nor to the Christian writings.

    Allow me to be more clear:
    Jesus never reigned as King of Israel. Messiah will.
    Jesus never ruled as judge of Israel. Messiah will.
    Jesus did not rebuild the Temple. Messiah will.
    Jesus did not bring all Jews Home to Israel. Messiah will.
    Jesus did not establish world peace. Messiah will.
    Jesus did not end warfare. Messiah will.
    Jesus did not oversee the Torah being written on the consciousness of the world. Messiah will.
    Jesus’ followers increased antisemitism, he did not destroy it. Messiah will end it.

    Jesus did not end world hunger. Messiah will.
    Jesus did not bring idolatry to an end. Messiah will.
    Jesus not bring global justice. Messiah will.
    Jesus not restore the Ten Houses. Messiah will.
    Jesus did not end all diseases. Messiah will.
    Jesus never sat on the throne of David. Messiah will.
    David was not his paternal father/anscetor as required of Messiah, Messiah will will be a paternal descendant of David haMelech.
    Jesus did not lead all Jewish into becoming Torah observant.
    Without a Jewish father Jesus had no Land Rights in Israel. Messiah will.
    Jesus was not accepted by our sages and rabbis. Messiah will be.

    There are SOOO many prophecies and conditions Jesus did not meet! Several people have come much closer than he. David Ben-Gurion came MUCH closer and he was not even religious! This is why the Christian apologists had to draw on the baseless claim of a “second advent.” Nothing in Scripture supports that. Messiah, when he comes, will establish Israel and meet all of the requirements and be accepted by our people as foretold. The you guys of the other nations will come to us as Noahidim (Zechariah 8:23).
    I do not care if people choose to worship a god-man our father’s did not (read Deuteronomy 13) but as me, my household and this group, we worship HaShem alone. Missionary activities are not permitted here.
    Y’shua may or may not be the returning Messiah, we will have to see, only Hashem knows. Y’shua even said that himself.

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