Blog Scripture Readings for 3-27 Through 4-2-16



Parashat Shemini — Leviticus 9:1 – 11:47
Haftarah — Numbers 19:1-22; Ezekiel 36:16-38**
Prophets — Isaiah 27:1 – 33:24
Writings — Proverbs 9:1 – 15:33
Testimony — John 19:1 – 21:25; Acts 1:1 – 2:39

Most of this week’s blog discussion points will be on these passages. If you have general comments or questions on the weekly Scripture readings not addressed in a blog post, here’s a place for you to post those. Just use the “leave a reply” link below.

The full “Read Through The Scriptures In A Year” schedule, broken down by each day, can be found on the right sidebar under “Helpful Links.” There are 4 sections of scripture to read each day. One each from the Torah, the Prophets, the Writings, and from the Testimony of Yeshua. Each week, the Torah and haftarah readings will follow the traditional one-year reading cycle.

** A different Haftarah is read when it is a special sabbath in Jewish tradition. This week it is Shabbat Parah on the traditional calendar.

Weekly Blog Scripture Readings for 3/27 through 4/2/16.


25 Reasons to Celebrate the Biblical Feasts!

The spring biblical feasts are coming up. It’s time to start preparing for their celebration as the Bible commands. We need to know why we keep them to not only strengthen our own faith, but so that we can also help those around us who may wonder why we’re returning to what they refer to as “those Jewish laws.” Send this information to your Christian friends!

Silhouette of happy jumping young woman

An Introduction to the Biblical Feasts

If you had to sum up the entire message of the Bible in one word what would it be? Probably words such as love, hope, salvation, eternal life or heaven are coming to your mind. But I challenge you to find a better word than the following: r-e-c-o-n-c-i-l-i-a-t-i-o-n. The dictionary defines reconciliation as “to restore to friendship or harmony, to settle or resolve a quarrel, to make consistent or congruous.”

When the first humans chose to listen to the lies of the serpent and to rebel against YHVH by giving in to sin at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil at the very beginning, our first parents chose the path of separation from their Heavenly Father. Sin causes man to be separated from our totally holy, righteous, sinless and loving Creator.

Since that time YHVH has been endeavoring to reconcile man to himself. He has laid out the criteria for this to occur — for man to once again have a loving and intimate relationship with his Heavenly Father as did Adam and Eve before they sinned.

The seven biblical feasts of YHVH prophetically represent the steps man must take to be reconciled to his Heavenly Father. They are the complete plan of salvation or redemption rolled up into an easy-to-understand ­seven-step plan. Though a child can understand these steps, the truths contained therein can, at the same time, be Continue reading


What Is the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth of the Bible?

John 18:38, What is truth? Pilate asked Messiah Yeshua, the Son of Elohim, a question many inquiring minds have been asking since time immemorial, “What is truth?” (John 18:38). If someone were to ask you this question what would your answer be?


Since the word truth is found some 300 times in the Scriptures it would be safe to assume that YHVH, the Author of the Bible, probably has a definite opinion as to the definition of truth. What is your definition of truth? Does your definition square with his? If not, whose definition is right? The Creator’s or yours? Adam and Eve were confronted with this issue in the Garden of Eden at the tree of knowledge. YHVH gave them some basic truth he expected them to obey, and shortly afterwards the serpent came along questioning that truth. Adam and Eve fell for the serpent’s confusing lies and perversion of truth and men have been confused about the definition of truth ever since.

Even today how many Bible proponents really believe and obey all Continue reading


Is Anything Still Sacred Anymore?

Is anything still sacred anymore in our post-Christian, God-hating, secular humanistic society? The answer is an emphatic YES! And men would do well to remember this if they hope to find themselves on the right side of divine judgment!

Leviticus 8:12, Anointing oil … consecrates [Heb. kadash]. The Hebrew word kadash signifies the state of something that belongs to the realm of the sacred, and which is set-apart for divine use and has been separated from the sphere of the secular, common or profane. The Bible often uses the term holy (meaning “set-apart”) to signify this state of being. The word of Elohim designate many things as set-apart:

  • The ground upon which YHVH is standing (Exod 3:5; Josh 5:15)
  • The people of Israel (Exod 19:6; Deut 14:21; 26:19)
  • The Sabbath (Exod 16:23; 20:8)
  • The Tabernacle of Moses (Exod 26:33)
  • The garments worn by the high priest (Exod 28:2)
  • The altar of sacrifice (Exod 40:10)
  • The offerings made on the altar (Lev 6:18)
  • YHVH’s feast days (Lev 23:2)
  • The camp of Israel (Deut 23:14)
  • Heaven as the abode of Elohim (Deut 26:15)
  • YHVH Elohim (Job 6:10; Pss 22:3; 78:4; 99:5)
  • Zion and Jerusalem (Ps 2:6; Matt 27:53; Rev 22:19)
  • The Spirit of Elohim (Matt 1:20)
  • The angels (Matt 25:31)
  • The servants of Elohim (Mark 6:20)
  • The name of YHVH (Luke 1:49)
  • Yeshua (Acts 2:27; 3:14)
  • YHVH’s prophets (Acts 3:21)
  • The saints (1 Pet 2:9; Rev 22:11)
  • The Torah (2 Pet 3:21)

YHVH’s people are to learn to make a difference between that which he designates as being kadash (holy) and that which is profane (Lev 10:10). In order to do this, one must know what YHVH defines as set-apart and then align our thinking and lifestyle with that.

The act of consecrating someone (or something, e.g. Exod 30:26) as occurs in Leviticus 8:12 often involves the ritual of pouring olive oil on them to signify their being set-apart for a special work or service. This is called anointing (see Exod 28:41; 29:7; 1 Sam 16:12; 1 Kgs 1:34; Isa 61:1; 2 Cor 1:21).

Yeshua’s title is Messiah (Heb. Mashiach) literally meaning, “one who is anointed, smeared or consecrated with (olive) oil.” The English word Christ derives from the Greek word Christos, which is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word mashhiach. In Biblical thought, the Messiah would be One coming from heaven who would possess a super-anointing of the Spirit of Elohim (Isa 11:1–10; 42:1–21; 61:1–3; John 3:34) to accomplish the purposes of Elohim on earth.


Why Torah Forbids Eating Blood

Leviticus 7:26, Not eat any blood. YHVH revealed in the Torah that the life of flesh is in the blood (Lev 17:11). Therefore, the blood symbolizes the whole life of the living being. This is why the blood being poured upon the altar made atonement for the souls of men (Lev 17:11), since it represented and pointed to the shedding of Yeshua’s blood when he sacrificed his life on the cross in atoning for men’s sins. Respecting the blood is necessary not only because it symbolizes the sanctity of the life of man who was made in the Creator’s image (Gen 1:26 cp. 9:6), but more importantly, because of the blood of Elohim’s Son that was shed for man’s redemption (Lev 17:11). For one to eat the blood showed disdain for what the blood typifies. In times past, such a violation resulted in the punishment of being banished from the nation of Israel.

Blood stains

The blood was to be reserved for the sacrificial service where it was used symbolically to represent Yeshua’s shedding his blood on the cross. The blood of a lamb was put on the door posts to protect men from YHVH’s judgment against sin (Exod 12:7, 13). Moses sprinkled the blood of oxen on the people symbolizing their coming into covenantal relationship with YHVH (Exod 24:5–8). Additionally, the blood of sacrificed animals was sprinkled throughout the tabernacle, on Aaron and his sons, and all around the altar to sanctify it. All these acts and uses of the blood were illustrative of the unrestricted cleansing power of the blood of Yeshua, which is why YHVH expected his people to treat the blood with a reverence. Those who didn’t evidenced a heart of indifference for the set-apart or kadosh things of Elohim—an intolerable offence in the Creator’s eyes.


Be a Tree of Life for Yeshua—Abide in Him!

John 15:1–10, Abide in me. 

Here is a list of scriptures that speak of “abiding” with or in YHVH in some way.

YHVH, who shall abide [Heb. goor meaning “to sojourn, dwell for a time, stay for a while, to assemble oneself with, to seek hospitality with”] in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? (Ps 15:1)

Tree, At Rivers

I will abide [Heb. goor] in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings. (Ps 61:4)

He shall abide [Heb. yashab meaing “to sit down, to set, to remain, to stay”] before Elohim for ever: O prepare mercy and truth, which may preserve him. (Ps 61:7)

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide [Heb. luwn meaning “to temporarily lodge, pass the night, stop over”] under the shadow of the Almighty. (Ps 91:1)

I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide [Gr. meno meaning “to remain, to sojourn, tarry, not to depart, to continue to be present, to be held, kept, continually] in darkness. (John 12:46)

And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide [Gr. meno] with you for ever. (John 14:16)

Abide [Gr. meno] in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide [Gr. meno] in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide [Gr. meno] in me .… 6 If a man abide [Gr. meno] not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned .… If ye abide [Gr. meno] in me, and my words abide [Gr. meno] in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you .… If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide [Gr. meno] in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide [Gr. meno] in his love. (John 15:4–10)

Let that therefore abide [Gr. meno] in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall abide [Gr. meno] in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. … But the anointing which ye have received of him abide [Gr. meno] in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing [chrisma, that which is smeared with oil] teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide [Gr. meno] in him. 28 And now, little children, abide [Gr. meno] in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. (1 John 2:24, 27–28)

Humans Are Like Tree

In several places, the Bible poetically likens humans to trees. Continue reading


The Spirit of Elohim Energizes our Spirit to Keep the Torah

John 14:16, Another helper/Comforter.

At the end of his ministry, Yeshua promised his disciples to send them his Holy Spirit or Comforter after he had left earth (John 14:16). He declares that his Holy Spirit would dwell in them (John 14:17), would testify of him (John 15:26), would convict the world of sin (or Torahlessess, John 16:8), would guide them into all truth (i.e., Torah, see Ps 119:142,151), would tell them things to come (John 16:13), and would glorify the Son and speak to them on behalf of the Son (John 16:14).

Bright idea

How, therefore, does the Spirit of Elohim interact with man? Man is a three-part being: body, soul and spirit (1 Thess 5:23). The body is the physical part of man, the soul is the personality or beingness of man (his mind, will and emotions), and his spirit is the part of man that points him God-ward, and that, once spiritually regenerated and enlightened by the Spirit of Elohim, connects us to Elohim. Man must come to the Father by way of his spirit (John 4:23–24). The Father reveals his spiritual mysteries to man by his Holy Spirit to the spiritually regenerated spirit in man (2 Cor 2:6–16).

There are numerous scriptures that attest to the fact that at the time of our spiritual rebirth (a.k.a. conversion, regeneration, redemption or salvation), YHVH activates our spirit with his Spirit, thus allowing us to enter into a spiritual relationship or communion with him. This is important to know, since man can’t properly obey Elohim out of his soul (the mind, the will and the emotions) alone without the leading of his spirit. Taken to the next step, man Continue reading