Shabbat Shalom Everyone! Back from Alaska and the Yukon Territory

Here are several photos to whet your appetite of our cruise to through the Inland Passage to Alaska. There are more to follow of Yehovah Elohim’s incredible creation, so stay tuned!

Natan on the cruise ship.

Natan on the cruise ship.

Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacier Bay, Alaska

Yukon Territory, Canada at the 60th parallel.

Yukon Territory, Canada at the 60th parallel.


Make my day!

Growling Grizzly Bear

With all this flat earth talk, consider these points:

Why are we getting sidetracked about the shape of the earth when the lost sheep of Israel need to be gathered in as Yeshua commanded us to do?

Why are people so passionate about the shape of the earth enough to bombard my blog and YouTube channel with all kinds of emotionalism, when we can hardly get anyone excited about Yeshua and the gospel message?

Of the hundreds of topics I have covered on my YouTube channel and on this blog, no subject has generated so much rancor. Why? What’s the deal?

Yeshua rebuked the church at Ephesus (Rev 2) for losing their first love (i.e. for Yeshua), although they were faithful in the works of Torah-obedience. Yeshua also rebuked the Laodiceans for being lukewarm. How is it that people can get so worked up over the shape of the earth, but can’t get excited about winning the lost, preaching the gospel, making disciples for Yeshua, and generally doing the great commission? What’s this all about? Something is wrong with this picture!

It’s this: People are passionate for the wrong things because of their lukewarmness and because they don’t really love Yeshua as they should. Their priorities are all wrong. When someone points out their sin, they shoot the messenger! Many have come under a strong delusion. They have turned from a passion for the Continue reading


Hoorah! Target is feeling the heat! Will it see the light?

May the silent, moral majority of America begin to rise up against evil and stand for common sense, righteous values!



Target could lose over $1.5 billion annually

Target’s stock price has plummeted after over one million people boycotted the retailer over its transgendered bathroom stance.


The company’s stock dropped from $83.98 per share on April 19, when Target announced its new policy, to around $81.33 on April 28 when the petition hit one million signatures.

Target’s new policy allows “transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity,” the retailer stated in a press release which sparked nationwide condemnation.

“Target’s policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims, and with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women’s bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?” The petition drafted by the American Family Association states. “Clearly, Target’s dangerous new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters.”

“We think many customers will agree.”

It certainly appears so, but just how bad will Target’s bathroom policy hurt the company’s bottom line?

Given that the average Target customer spends $62 per trip, according to credit card records, and that the customer conservatively visits the retailer twice per month, a boycott of one million people will likely cost the retailer $1.5 billion annually and perhaps even more.

“We should also consider that most people who decide to move their business from Target to some other retailer will likely never sign a petition,” Mark West with the Patriot Post reported. “They’ll simply leave Target in disgust as they see a company that has abandoned common sense values.”

“So it’s not far fetched to conclude that at the end of the day, the total financial impact to Target will be $5-10 billion in lost revenue annually, approximately 10% of its annual sales.”


I signed the boycott Target petition, will you?

Created On: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:28 PM
Last Update: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 2:58 PM


The American Family Association is calling for a boycott of Target after the retail giant said it would allow men to use the women’s restrooms and dressing rooms in their stores.

On its web site this week, Target announced, “[W]e welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. …Everyone deserves to feel like they belong.”

This means a man can simply say he “feels like a woman today” and enter the women’s restroom…even if young girls or women are already in there.

Target’s policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women’s bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?

Clearly, Target’s dangerous new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters. We think many customers will agree. And we think the average Target customer is willing to pledge to boycott Target stores until it makes protecting women and children a priority.

One solution is a common-sense approach and a reasonable solution to the issue of transgendered customers: a unisex bathroom. Target should keep separate facilities for men and women, but for the trans community and for those who simply like using the bathroom alone, a single occupancy unisex option should be provided.

Take Action

Sign a pledge to boycott Target now! Target should not allow men to enter the women’s restrooms and dressing rooms.

After you sign the pledge, contact Target and let them know you’ve signed the Pledge. Call Target Guest Relations at 1-800-440-0680.

Share your concerns on their Facebook page at When sharing this on social media use #BoycottTarget.

Here are examples of what Target’s policy can lead to:

Cross-dressing man arrested for filming Alabama woman in public bathroom
NY Daily News: Seattle man undresses in women’s locker room to test new transgender bathroom rule
Life Site News: Sexual predator jailed after claiming to be ‘transgender’ to assault women in shelter DA: Cross-Dressing Man Secretly Taped Women at Macy’s
>Western Morning News: Cross-dresser branded ‘high risk’ to women
NBC Connecticut: Teen Coerced Into Food Court Bathroom for Sex: Cops POLICE: CALIF. LOCKER ROOM SUSPECT USED DISGUISE
Purdue University: Purdue police investigate report of man taking photographs in women’s restroom
The Mercury News: Sex offender wearing fake breasts, wig arrested for loitering in womens’ restroom
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Greensburg man who photographed cheerleaders to be tried Cross-dresser arrested in bath house
St. Petersburg Times: Cross-dressing man sentenced for battery


Science Confirms Life Begins at Conception


Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg

Human life begins in bright flash of light as a sperm meets an egg, scientists have shown for the first time, after capturing the astonishing ‘fireworks’ on film.

An explosion of tiny sparks erupts from the egg at the exact moment of conception.

Scientists had seen the phenomenon occur in other animals but it is the first time is has been also shown to happen in humans.

Not only is it an incredible spectacle, highlighting the very moment that a new life begins, the size of the flash can be used to determine the quality of the fertilised egg.

Researchers from Northwestern University, in Chicago, noticed that some of the eggs burn brighter than others, showing that they are more likely to produce a healthy baby.

Eggs flash as they meet sperm enzyme, capturing the moment that life begins
Eggs flash as they meet sperm enzyme, capturing the moment that life begins CREDIT:NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 

The discovery could help fertility doctors pick the best fertilised eggs to transfer during in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

“It was remarkable,” said Professor Teresa Woodruff, one of the study’s two senior authors and an expert in ovarian biology at Northwestern.

“We discovered the zinc spark just five years ago in the mouse, and to see the zinc radiate out in a burst from each human egg was breathtaking.

“This means if you can look at the zinc spark at the time of fertilization, you will know immediately which eggs are the good ones to transfer in in vitro fertilization.

“It’s a way of sorting egg quality in a way we’ve never been able to assess before. “All of biology starts at the time of fertilization, yet we know next to nothing about the events that occur in the human.”

A fluorescent flash captures the moment that sperm enzyme enters the egg
A fluorescent flash captures the moment that sperm enzyme enters the egg CREDIT:NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 

Currently around 50 per cent of fertilised eggs do not develop properly and experts believe that faulty genetic code could be responsible.

Some clinics take videos of the egg developing to try pick up problems early, while others check for genetic mutations, but that is an invasive procedure which can damage the tiny egg. Often it is just down to a clinician decided which eggs look the healthiest.

But the new findings could give and extra indication that an egg is flourishing. A video of nine human eggs coming into contact with sperm enzyme showed two flashed much brighter than the rest.

“This is an important discovery because it may give us a non-invasive and easily visible way to assess the health of an egg and eventually an embryo before implantation,” said co-author Dr Eve Feinberg, who took care of the patients who provided eggs for the basic science study and collaborated with the research team.

“There are no tools currently available that tell us if it’s a good quality egg. Often we don’t know whether the egg or embryo is truly viable until we see if a pregnancy ensues.

“That’s the reason this is so transformative. If we have the ability up front to see what is a good egg and what’s not, it will help us know which embryo to transfer, avoid a lot of heartache and achieve pregnancy much more quickly.”

The top right and bottom left egg flashed brighter showing they were healthier 
The top right and bottom left egg flashed brighter showing they were healthier CREDIT: NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 

The bright flash occurs because when sperm enters and egg it triggers calcium to increase which releases zinc from the egg. As the zinc shoots out, it binds to small molecules which emit a fluorescence which can be picked up my camera microscopes.

Over the last six years this team has shown that zinc controls the decision to grow and change into a completely new genetic organism.

In the experiment, scientists use sperm enzyme rather than actual sperm to show what happens at the moment of conception.

“These fluorescence microscopy studies establish that the zinc spark occurs in human egg biology, and that can be observed outside of the cell,” said Professor Tom O’Halloran, a co-senior author.

In a companion paper published in Scientific Reports on March 18, a zinc spark is shown at the precise time a sperm enters a mouse egg.

This discovery was made by Zhang, a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern.  Little is known about the events that occur at the time of fertilization, because it is difficult to capture the precise time of sperm entry.