Eight Things You Can Do Now that Donald Trump Will be President


Yehovah Elohim, the Creator of the universe, has granted the USA a reprieve from a well-deserved spiritual judgement by allowing Donald Trump to win the US presidency in a stunning and historical election upset over Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump IS NOT the answer to America’s problems. No human is. Only Yeshua the Messiah is. Period. Yet down through the ages, Yehovah has chosen to use human instruments to accomplish his purposes no matter how flawed they may be. The Bible records several notable examples of amazing flawed individuals and even a heathen leader that the Creator has used. Two examples of this were Samson the womanizer who helped liberate the Israelites from their wicked Philistine enemies, and Cyrus the heathen Persian king who sent the Jews back to the land of Israel to rebuild the temple. Beyond that, Moses, King David (he as also an adulterer) and Paul the apostle were all murderers. Also let’s not forget how the Almighty Creator used Balaam’s donkey to accomplish his purposes!

The choice in my mind was clear who to vote for. Admittedly, I never cared for Donald Trump from the time I read his best-selling book back in the 1980s, The Art of the Deal. This was because of his extreme arrogance and his womanizing. However, as the owner and operator of a business since I was twelve years old, I can’t but help but respect anyone who is a success in the business world. Most business fail in the first five years. Anyone who can make it, deserves credit and respect.

Beyond that, the choice was clear. I will be blunt here. This may offend some, but I don’t care. You can switch the channel if you don’t like it. It’s time wake up and get real. Our choice was between a woman who is a lying, megalomaniac, Jezebel witch and sexual deviant who was also a traitor to her country and totally sold out to the Babylon the Great New World Order and a very flawed and rather typical carnal man. That’s all.

America had a choice to make. It could continue down the road of leftist progressivism that has failed everywhere in the world where it has been tried. It could choose a leader Continue reading


Technical Problems…

For the rest of this week I’ll be without my computer. It’s in the shop for repairs.  I’m trying to do my blog with my I-Pad, but all of my thousands of pages of notes from which I draw articles for this blog are on my computer and a backup drive. So I’ll be somewhat challenged posting much until my computer comes back to me. I’ll do my best to do so using my I-Pad and backup drives, but we’ll see how it goes.

Love and blessings to everyone!



New Video: The Way

The Way Documentary

The Way is the story of countless believers around the world who’ve traded Easter ham for Passover lamb and Sunday church for Saturday Sabbath – all in an effort to live like the Savior.

They’re holding every church tradition up against scripture and cutting away anything that doesn’t conform. In the process, they encounter resistance from a religious system two millennia in the making, and for the first time, learn what it’s like to be a “peculiar people.”

To purchase the video or to download, go to https://www.thewaydoc.com/buy/


Yehovah sometimes chooses the lesser of two evils…Hmm!?!

La decisin correcta

This morning I was reading the Torah portion for the day and I came across this:

“Do not think in your heart, after Yehovah your Elohim has cast them out before you, saying, ‘Because of my righteousness Yehovah has brought me in to possess this land’; but it is because of the wickedness of these nations that Yehovah is driving them out from before you. It is not because of your righteousness or the uprightness of your heart that you go in to possess their land, but because of the wickedness of these nations that Yehovah your Elohim drives them out from before you, and that He may fulfill the word which Yehovah swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” (Deut 9:4–5)

YHVH chose the lesser of two evils when he chose the Israelites. His choice was between the more sinful pagans and the less sinful Israelites.

Let’s be real here. He made the same choice when he chose you and me!

Yes I get the fact that he chose the Israelites ultimately because he was bound to his covenant with Abraham, but let’s not forget one thing. After the golden calf incident, YHVH threatened to destroy all the Israelites and fulfill his promises through Moses’ seed. So he could have circumvented the majority of the sinful Israelites and still fulfilled his promises to Abraham through Moses’ offspring.

Bottom line. But for the grace of Elohim none of us stand a chance. When he extended a call to you and me to receive salvation, he made a choice between the lesser of two evils!

Now let’s kick this ball into a different arena.

When voting for elected officials, we will never have the perfect candidate. It will always be a vote for the lesser of evils until King Yesahu returns to this earth and sets up his world-ruling government at which time voting won’t even be an option. His government will be forcibly imposed on humanity and enforced with a rod of iron! But you hopefully get my point.

For this reason, I have no choice at this point but to vote for Donald Trump. If YHVH sometimes has to make the choice between the lesser of two evils, who am I to say that I’m better than the Creator by refusing to vote, while waiting for the perfect candidate? I wasn’t the perfect candidate, yet he “voted” for me?

(I can’t wait to see the comments that come about this post. There will probably be some doozies!)



Take a drink…refresh yourself!

Here are some pics I took of a mountain stream I camped next to this weekend.

In this crazy, perverted, upside down, Satanic, Elohim-hating world, feast your eyes on the beauty of YHVH’s creation. Take a drink from his streams of salvation, and let your cares and worries be washed in the water of his Word and may your mind and heart be restored in his river of life!

My tent is in the background.

My tent is in the background.

Mountain Stream 6

Mountain Stream 1

Mountain Stream 4


Maybe it would be good if Hillary became president—here’s why…

The article below shows how persecution against Christians in Egypt has been a good thing to wake up the Christian church there. Though it’s a little bit of a stretch, to compare America during a Hillary presidency with the current state of affairs in Egypt regarding Christian persecution, I don’t believe it’s a stretch to say that things would get worse for Christians in America if Hillary were elected president. This might be the very thing that is needed to wake up a sleeping, lukewarm church!

Middle Eastern Christian Woman Tells Americans Not to Pray for Persecution to End

Coptic Christians

Coptic Christians attend a church service during Holy Easter week in central Cairo, Egypt, April 17, 2014.

God’s plan for the Middle East is “working perfectly” even though the persecution of Middle Eastern Christians is seemingly getting worse by the day, a persecuted Christian woman told American churchgoers on Sunday.

The Christian woman, who is referred to by the pseudonym of “Maryam” for security purposes, was encouraged by a group of six pastors and ministry leaders from the United States to travel to America and share her family’s story of persecution and speak about the dedicated faith displayed by Christians in the Middle East.

This past Sunday, Maryam visited MeadowBrook Baptist Church in Gadsden, Alabama, and shared the story of how her father was sentenced to six months in jail after he complained to police about a Muslim man who was blocking the entrance to his store, threatening to kill him and disfigure his daughters with acid.

“I will let you and your sister be orphans,” Maryam said, recalling the Muslim man’s threats.

Although her father tried to file a complaint with police, he was sent away and told by authorities to forgive the Muslim man. But after Maryam’s father was physically assaulted, he went back to the police a second time and a case was finally filed. However, the Muslim man alleged that Maryam’s father had cut him.

Instead of the Muslim man being jailed for death threats and physical assault, he was set free while the judge sentenced Maryam’s father to prison.

As a whole, persecution and harassment are daily struggles for Middle Eastern Christians, Maryam said.

Maryam also spoke about a physical assault she suffered on her way to the airport to travel to the U.S. She said she was assaulted by Muslim men because she did not bow to strict fundamentalist standards and cover her hair.

“I was walking in the street and behind me there was three guys and they started to insult me and things like that. I just kept walking. They held these small stones and they started to throw it on me,” she said. “They shouted in a loud voice, ‘Cover your hair!’ That is what I am seeing. It’s daily life. Everyday we are facing situations and it is very hard.”



Although Christians in the west might view persecution as a bad thing, Maryam and many other Middle Eastern Christians view persecution as a necessity to help the Church continue to grow in a hostile part of the world.

“The persecution is getting worse and worse and worse,” Maryam said. “But on the other hand actually, what has encouraged me, encouraged my faith, encouraged my church, encouraged everybody Christian in [the region] is that is the Church is increasing.”

Maryam explained that while some radical Muslims are brutally killing and persecuting so called non-believers and claim to be acting in the name of Allah, many other Muslims in the Middle East are starting to open their eyes and ask serious questions about the religion they espouse.

“A lot of Muslim people now, they are so confused about what is going on now. A lot of them are asking, ‘Who is this God whose name is Allah, who orders people to slaughter?'” she said. “They are confused and they are asking and wondering now days about ISIS and about what is going on.”

“We are talking to them and asking them ‘Please, open your Quran and search what is written,'” Maryam continued.

Maryam said there are now over 1 million Christians in her country who are “Muslim background believers.” She said she knows of one priest who single-handedly has converted over 6,000 Muslims in the last five years.

“We are not afraid or worried that the persecution will increase. We are just feeling that this is God’s time,” Maryam said. “God is working perfectly now in the Middle East. Even with all these crazy stuff happening, God is really working now.”

“So, I want to encourage you that, of course, you need to pray for your brothers and sisters in the Middle East who are suffering for being Christians and for their faith, but I am asking you to pray a different prayer,” Maryam encouraged the Alabama churchgoers. “Don’t pray for the persecution to be stopped. … But pray for the Christians there, for their boldness, their encouragement, for their faith and that they can all be witnesses for God’s work and for God.”

MeadowBrook Senior Pastor Randy Gunter, who visited the region and met Maryam in April, told The Christian Post on Tuesday that he also met with a well-respected Christian leader named “Paul” during his trip.

Paul told Gunter that the experiences Christians have faced since 2011 have been “amazing.”

“Do not pray for the persecution to stop; that is to pray in the wrong direction of the Bible,” Gunter recalled Paul telling him. “What God has allowed us to go through in the last five years is amazing. He has allowed a great shaking.”

“We could see the shining face of Jesus in the midst of all the chaos,” Paul added. “Christians had hope, whereas the Muslims around us did not.”

 Gunter argued that many Christians in the West have the “wrong concepts about the persecuted Church.”

“Many view [persecution] as a destroying the Church, but historically and presently, God uses persecution to bring about the pure essence of hope and salvation within the Church,” Gunter wrote in an email to CP. “Many Muslims and others are coming to faith because they are witnessing the love, forgiveness and compassion of the Lord’s Church. Like all people, they long for hope. ”

Maryam will be speaking at eight different churches and venues in the U.S. over the next two weeks.

“Some people [in the U.S.] shared with me that ‘We are shy to speak to people about the Gospel or about Jesus because they might laugh at us,'” Maryam explained. “I was like, ‘Your brothers and sisters in [the Middle East], they want to evangelize but the law prevented that. But here it is allowed to speak about Jesus and sing songs. For us, it is not allowed. If we did something like that, we would be in jail.'”

“You have to be very awake because there is no time to waste,” Maryam stressed. “The persecution has penetrated the U.S. and penetrated Europe now.”