For Most People, Big Government Has Replaced Elohim

My Experience at a Town Hall Meeting With Our Representative to the US Congress

Last night, my wife and I went to a town hall meeting of our state representative to the US Congress. This was my first time doing this. We had a question for him regarding a personal matter. He is a liberal Democrat; we didn’t vote for him, but he is our elected representative.

To our surprise, the room was packed with several hundred people. He was there for only one hour. Questions were answered on a lottery basis; each person had a ticket, which were then drawn. Only those people got to speak. Our ticket was not drawn. Afterwards, we were blessed to be able to talk with one of the Congressman’s aids who graciously promised to help us with our problem, for which we were most grateful.

Our representative was most polite and diplomatic when answering people’s questions. but clearly his paradigm and value system is different than ours. While we respect him, we don’t hold to his liberal views. Clearly, he doesn’t hold to a biblical worldview.

What amazed me was this. Nearly all the 20 or so people that were allowed to ask a question or to make a comment were of the same mindset: More government is the answer to their problems, not less government. Some of these problems are of their own making like the young lady who complained about the high cost of her college loans, which she and she alone signed for and is responsible for! Some of these problems are beyond man’s ability to control such as climate change. Some of these problems were caused by government intervention and regulation in the first place such as the high costs of medical care or college tuition. Some of these problems are caused by human nature such as big corporate greed, while others are caused by who knows what like alzheimer’s disease. I could go on and on. The bottom line was that, in the minds of these people, bigger government was the answer to every problem. Government was their savior. The state has taken the place of God!

Not only that, every time an opinion was expressed, each person in attendance had been a green or red piece of paper they could wave to express their opinion pro or con. Red was for disapproval, while green was for approval. Whenever a pro-big government opinion was expressed, a sea of green placards went up—enthusiastically waved. I was one of the few nay-sayers in the crowd.

I came away from that meeting feeling as if I were in an alien universe.

Because I have the light of Elohim’s word to guide me from within, I take responsibility for my own actions and don’t look to government for the answers to all of my problems. Because YHVH’s Word is a lamp unto my feet, I make the right decisions in the first place and eat the right food and live a clean lifestyle, so I don’t need government medical assistance or healthcare or financial assistance.  Because I follow the Bible’s admonitions and work hard six days a week to pay my bills, and because I tithe, I don’t need government welfare checks because my Elohim supplies all of my needs. HalleluYah! Because of the wisdom of the Bible, I don’t spent more than I can afford, I don’t covet what I can’t pay for, I’m content with and thankful for what I have. If I have needs, I pray to the Father in the name of Yeshua and he answers my prayers. I don’t have to put it on the charge card, or ask others to pay for it.

Unlike these other people, I was at this meeting because of a problem that is affecting me that was caused by government regulation and is costing me an extra $1000 per month. My problem has to do with so-called “affordable” government run healthcare. We were doing just fine with our  insurance coverage before the government got involved. Now we’re paying twice as much and getting much less the coverage. Thank you very much big government! I was doing just fine before you nosed into my business! Now, I’m seeking relief to get oppressive government off my back! I can manage my own life just fine without government meddling!

I took two things away from that meeting.

First, we’ve come a long way from the famous words of President John F. Kennedy back in the early 1960s, “Ask not what your government can do for you; ask rather what you can do for your government.” Have things changed since then! America has gone from a can-do, self-sufficient people, to a whining and sniveling bunch of cry babies looking to mommy to help them.

Second, the Bible says that a wise man builds his house on the rock. My rock is Yeshua the Messiah and the Word of Elohim, which is a light to guide me on the blessed path of truth in the darkness of this world. And YHVH supplies my needs and answers my prayers. If my main hope were in government to solve my problems, I’d be a most miserable person!

America has largely lost its moral and spiritual compass and is now a house built on sand! Will it stand when the storms come?


Some more good news: US Senate Chaplain Barry Black

I invite you to read Chaplain, Rear Admiral, Dr. Barry Black’s bio at Fascinating! BTW, he’s a Sabbath-keepper.
Also, please go the the CBN News link to this article and listen to the interview with Chaplain Black. Very encouraging!

Senate Chaplain in Awe of Senator Who’s Led 13 Heads of State to Christ


U.S. Senate Chaplin Barry Black is the spiritual leader for some of the most powerful people in America; he’s not only the pastor for 100 senators, he also ministers to about 600 others on Capitol Hill.

Black is the 62nd chaplain of the Senate and the former chief of chaplains for the U.S. Navy, so some might be surprised when he says there are lawmakers who “dwarf him spiritually.”

“We have one senator who has led 13 African heads of state to Jesus Christ,” he told CBN News.

“I mean I haven’t led a single African head of state to Jesus Christ and this senator has been able to do that. You have several ordained ministers in the Senate, Yale Divinity School, this kind of thing.  They bring their spirituality,” he said.

The nation’s pastor recently brought down the house at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., sparking cheers and inspiring thousands of audience members to jump to their feet.

During the speech he talked about Republican and Democrat lawmakers attending Bible studies together, holding hands and praying.

In an interview with CBN News about his new book, Nothing to Fear: Principles & Prayers to Help You Thrive in a Threatening World, he shared his thoughts on the reasons behind the political divide in the nation.

“I think it’s because we have any enemy,” he said.

“The devil is at working trying to divide us, but I’m so glad that in John 17 our Lord in His intercessory prayer, He could have asked the Father anything for believers; He said ‘Father make them one, as we are one,’ and if we’re united as people of faith, there’s absolutely nothing we can’t accomplish in His name.”

Black also mentioned that the legislative process is adversarial. But he described how the weekly Bible studies he hosts are attended by members of both parties, despite their political differences.

“The beauty of having 25 to 30 of them meeting at a prayer breakfast  each week, having them meet again at a Bible study each week is they interact with one another and from time to time, you’ll hear of the Gang of these are lawmakers from both sides who basically say enough is enough and they have sufficient spirituality to then become gadflies and ensure that the legislative branch functions as God intends for it to,” said Black.

He also said that the Church as a whole often underestimates the power of prayer.

“We don’t grasp the real power of prayer corporately because we are not exercising the privilege of prayer privately.  When we discover in our personal lives, our devotional lives, the power of prayer makes a difference. First Thessalonians 5:17 says pray without ceasing…that’s the only thing God has asked us to do continously and we don’t. We’re not exercising it,” he said.

“What happens when you start praying without ceasing, which means being constantly aware of the presence of God, is you see the power,” he concluded.

Black would not name the senator, but he went on to say that several lawmakers are very strong believers.


Some good news for a change in the news: Spiritual Awakening in the White House

Don’t know about you, but I’m to the point that I can hardly read the news any longer because of how much it sickens me.

Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere unprecedented horrors and wickedness here and abroad! It so offends this man of Elohim who has dedicated his life to lifting up biblical values and promoting Yeshua! This tidal wave of evil upon us and the forces of hell unleashed are almost too much for a sane and righteous mind and heart to cope with.

So here’s some good news for a change. It may not exactly be yours or my brand of biblical teaching, but, hey, it’s a start, it gives me great hope and reason to rejoice and I’m also reminded of Paul’s words:

Some indeed preach Messiah even from envy and strife, and some also from good will: The former preach Messiah from selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my chains; but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Messiah is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice. (Phil 1:15–18)

For all the naysayers out there who hate the Christian church, consider this: If our YHVH Elohim is powerful enough to use Balaam’s ass to speak his words, he can use anyone or anything!

Look, I’m not for or against any political leader or party. I am on the side of Yeshua and truth and righteousness as the Bible defines it. Had these Bible studies been going on in the Obama Whitehouse, I’d have been rejoicing even more!

Maybe the spiritual “revival” going on in the Whitehouse is why the left and so-called “progressives” (they’re anything but!) are trying so desperately hard to bring President Trump and his presidency down! Do you think?

I tend to think that behind the scenes there is a giant cosmic spiritual struggle going on between the forces of good and evil for the soul of this nation. The on-going controversies we read about daily in the news is merely the surface manifestation of this battle in the heavenlies. 

Keep praying for our leaders and keep doing spiritual warfare!!!

Now the good news:


Bible Studies at the White House: Who’s Inside This Spiritual Awakening?


WASHINGTON – A spiritual awakening is underway at the White House.

Some of the most powerful people in America have been gathering weekly to learn more about God’s Word, and this Trump Cabinet Bible study is making history.

They’ve been called the most evangelical Cabinet in history – men and women who don’t mince words when it comes to where they stand on God and the Bible.

Ralph Drollinger of Capitol Ministries told CBN News, “These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture.”

They’re all handpicked by President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

“I don’t think Donald Trump has figured out that he chained himself to the Apostle Paul,” Drollinger laughed.

Drollinger is a former NBA-playing giant of a man with an even bigger calling. He founded Capitol Ministries with the idea that if you change the hearts of lawmakers, then their Christian world view will guide them to make good policies.

He’s started Bible studies in 40 state capitols, a number of foreign capitols, teaches weekly studies in the U.S. House and Senate and now leads about a dozen members of President Trump’s Cabinet in weekly studies of the scriptures.

Health Secretary Tom Price, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Agriculture Secretary Sunny Perdue, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo are just a few of the regulars.

“It’s the best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life. They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned,” Drollinger said.

It’s groundbreaking since he doesn’t think a formal Bible study among executive Cabinet members has been done in at least 100 years.

America’s top cop, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, also attends the study.

“He’ll (Jeff Sessions) go out the same day I teach him something and I’ll see him do it on camera and I just think, ‘Wow, these guys are faithful, available and teachable and they’re at Bible study every week they’re in town,'” Drollinger said.

President Trump is invited to attend the Bible studies, too. Each week he receives a copy of Drollinger’s teaching.

And Vice President Pence is also planning to join the study as his schedule permits. He also serves as a sponsor.

In Pence, Drollinger sees many similarities to biblical figures like Joseph, Mordecai and Daniel – all men who rose to the number two position in governments at different times in history.

“Mike Pence has respect for the office. He dresses right – like it says Joseph cleaned himself up before he went to stand before the Pharaoh,” Drollinger told CBN News.

“Mike Pence has uncompromising biblical tenacity and he has a loving tone about him that’s not just a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal,” he continued. “And then fourthly, he brings real value to the head of the nation.”

Like others, Drollinger often compares President Trump to biblical strongman Samson.

“I just praise God for them,” he said. “And I praise God for Mike Pence, who I think with Donald Trump chose great people to lead our nation.”


Greetings from Oregon, the Hitlarian, Holocaust Capital of America!

I live in one of the most scenic states in America with our world class coastlines, glaciated mountains, river gorges, canyons, pristine forests and waterfalls unparalleled for beauty anywhere. My great-grandparents moved here in the late 1800s. My children are fifth generation Oregonians. But spiritually and morally, this place is a cesspool hell hole! How can humans take such a beautiful place that Elohim has so graciously given to us and then turn into the murder  capital of America? Legalized suicide and now forced baby killing? Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin and all of history’s other demoniacs would be proud!

That’s what’ll happen if our leftist bisexual governor signs a bill that has just passed both houses of our state legislature, which she has apparently promised to do, that will force insurance carriers to provide free abortions to their members including illegal aliens as the article below explains and allocates state tax dollars to help pay for  it.

If this happens, all I can say is mega-shame on all of these baby murderers and may the Creator’s judgment come upon them all!

Please join me  in praying that somehow at the eleventh hour, this bill does not get signed.


Now the article.

Oregon’s Radical, Grisly Abortion Law

From  the National Review at

by THE EDITORS July 13, 2017 4:00 AM

Once upon a time, Democrats wanted abortion to be “safe, legal, and rare.” Today, that mantra is “unregulated, on demand, and” — in the state of Oregon – “free.” Oregon is preparing to enact a law that would force all Oregon insurers to cover abortions, whatever the reason, at no cost to patients. House Bill 3391-B compels insurers, public or private, to provide a whole swathe of “reproductive services” free of cost and regardless of income, insurance type, citizenship status, or gender identity. Because the bill prohibits insurers from shifting costs to customers in the form of higher deductibles or co-pays, private insurers will be forced to eat the costs — or, more likely, to distribute them among their customers through higher premiums. Medicaid (read: Planned Parenthood) will receive an extra $10 million from the state to cover the procedures. Rammed through both chambers of the state legislature on party lines, the bill now awaits the signature of Democratic governor Kate Brown.

Both California and New York mandate a certain degree of abortion coverage, but Oregon’s is especially aggressive. The legislative language is almost entirely unqualified. It does not exclude grisly late-term abortions (which take place long after the fetus can survive outside the womb), nor does it prohibit sex-selective abortions. If a woman wants to kill her unborn daughter because she wanted a son, her insurer has no choice but to cover that.

Oregon may have one of the most liberal abortion regimes in the country — the state has no informed-consent laws, no waiting periods, and no parental-notification requirements for minors, and conducts virtually no supervision of abortion clinics — but even so, the new bill is radical. Almost every state accepts the consensus represented by the Hyde Amendment, the budget rider attached to federal spending that steers most taxpayer money away from funding abortion procedures: namely, that abortion is a uniquely sensitive issue, and no one should be coerced into supporting it against his or her conscience. Oregon’s bill is a middle finger to that longstanding consensus.

Indeed, its exemption language makes that clear. In order to qualify for an exemption from the mandate, an employer must be a nonprofit whose purpose is “the inculcation of religious values,” and it must primarily employ and serve people who share the employer’s religious tenets. This is, obviously, a standard that almost no religious employer meets. Oregon’s Democrats are, apparently, only interested in one type of evangelism.

Needless to say, this mandate will almost certainly increase the number of abortions in Oregon. Liberal abortion laws correlate with higher abortion rates, and whenever something is free, there is more of it.

But, in the end, this mandate isn’t just about Oregon. In 1994, Oregon voters passed the nation’s first measure approving physician-assisted suicide, which, after surviving several legal challenges, was implemented in 1997. Since then, five more states and the District of Columbia have legalized physician-assisted suicide. Oregon has a way of being at the leading edge of troubling trends involving life-and-death decisions, and this would be one more alarming precedent.

Governor Brown, who is likely to sign the bill, has called opposition to it “an attack on all Oregonians.” In reality, of course, precisely the opposite is true.


New Video: The Alaskan Frontier—Sitka to Little Port Walter (May 2107)

Enjoy amazing and inspiring video from my recent trip to Alaska.

Travel from Sitka, Alaska to Little Port Walter by float plane, then enjoy videos of deep sea sport fishing pulling in the big ones, a tour of king salmon fish hatchery, grizzly encounter while hiking in the mountains, graphic and colorful underwater video of marine life and stunning video of plants, animals, mountains, seashores, flowers and more. Soli Deo Gloria!


I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains…

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills/mountains, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from Yehovah, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. Yehovah is thy keeper: Yehovah is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. Yehovah shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. Yehovah shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. (Psalm 121:1–8)

Just returned from my first backpack trip of the season into the Cascade Mountains near Mount Hood that are about one-and-a-half hours from my house. Accompanying me were several of my boys. We hiked into a small mountain lake where we hung out swimming, having Bible studies, praying and hiking. I also taught them some wilderness survival and bushcraft skills.

I was up early every morning with my Bible in hand watching the sun come up over the hills shining on the lake and our camp. it’s always amazing how it’s easier to hear the voice of YHVH when we get away from the physical and spiritual noise of the city. The awesome splendor of his creation literally surrounds and envelops a person, so that all one can do is think about him and revel in the beauty of his nature and lift up one’s hands in quiet and reverent praise to the of the one who created it all! Soli deo gloria!!!

One evening around the campfire, Kaleb led us in a Bible study on Revelation 21. As a result of that, after a sunrise swim the next morning in the lake’s pristine waters, I then let the Ruach wash me in the water of the Word of Elohim, and I was blessed with some wonderful insightful revelations from that chapter, which I will share with you in the near future.

Please enjoy these photos.

Sunrise over the lake

Sunset over the lake

Jared, Kaleb and Ryan with Bibles in hand as we study the word of Elohim around the campfire

A panoramic view of our campsite at lake’s edge with Natan cooking dinner in our camp kitchen

I’m never happier than when I’m away from the city and up in Yehovah’s creation. My family has been trekking these same mountains for more than 100 years!

Natan dangling his feet over a vertical fifty foot cliff with Mount Hood in the background

May our love for Yeshua and his word burning be like hot coals! When I take my kids into the mountains, this is the passion I try to impart in them: love for YHVH’s creation and his Word!


Isaiah on the End Times New World Order Technocracy?!

I was sitting on my back deck on this bright, warm and sunny Shabbat morning reading my Bible, while watching the birds and listening to the wind in the trees when I read this passage in Isaiah. My ears perked up and flashing lights went off in my spirit man. Several hours later, this popped out of my spiritual incubator. Maybe this message will resonate with a few of you. The rest of you can go back to sleep. — Natan

Isaiah 25:7, The surface of the covering. This is a cryptic passage. What does it mean? Other translations render it as follows:

And on this mountain He will swallow up the covering which is over all peoples, Even the veil which is stretched over all nations. (NAS)

On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations. (NIV)

And swallowed up hath He in this mountain The face of the wrapping that is wrapped over all the peoples, And of the covering that is spread over all the nations. (YLT)

Before YHVH establishes his millennial kingdom on earth, he will have to remove something evil that has been covering the earth and its people like a veil. Is this referring to the web of lies that Satan and his Luciferian stooges on earth have woven to control the minds of earth’s inhabitants, so that they could accomplish their nefarious schemes to enslave the human population spiritually, economically and politically? Or could it refer to an electromagnetic web put in place by the global power elite or something similar that covers the earth to enslave the human population for its evil purposes of power and control? Maybe it’s both. Whatever it is, Yeshua will destroy it at his second coming.

The context of this passage is millennial. Chapter 24 prophesies of Elohim’s impending judgment on the whole earth followed by his reigning from Mount Zion in Jerusalem (v. 23). Chapter 25 continues the same prophecy. In verse nine, we read that, “We have waited for him, and he will save us…We will be glad and rejoice in his salvation [Heb. Yeshua].” This is speaking of the second coming of Yeshua and the establishment of his millennial kingdom on earth after having destroyed the end times Babylon the Great New World Continue reading