Sukkot Series (4)—The Song of Solomon on Passion for Yeshua Our Bridegroom

This is the final video of Nathan’s 2023 Sukkot Series, and we end on a high note—in fact, there is none higher! It is all about our passionate love for Yeshua the Messiah—a love that will carry each of us … Continue reading

Sukkot Series (3b)—Marriage, Procreation & Family Prefigure the Family/Kingdom of Elohim

This video series presents an amazingly expansive view of the gospel message including explaining the mystery and higher purpose of marriage, sexual procreation, and family as the creative process by which YHVH is expanding his own glorified, spiritual family. The … Continue reading

Sukkot Series (3a) Marriage, Procreation & Family Prefigure the Family/Kingdom of God

This video series presents an amazingly expansive view of the gospel message including explaining the mystery and higher purpose of marriage, sexual procreation, and family as the creative process by which YHVH is expanding his own glorified, spiritual family. The … Continue reading

Sukkot Series (2)— Marriage, Procreation & Family Prefigure the Family/Kingdom of God

This video series presents an amazingly expansive view of the gospel message including explaining the mystery and higher purpose of marriage, sexual procreation, and family as the creative process by which YHVH is expanding his own glorified, spiritual family. The mainstream … Continue reading

Sukkot Series (1)—Marriage, Procreation & Family Prefigure the Family/Kingdom of Elohim

This video series presents an amazingly expansive view of the gospel message including explaining the mystery and higher purpose of marriage, sexual procreation, and family as the creative process by which YHVH is expanding his own glorified, spiritual family. The mainstream … Continue reading