Free Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread Educational Resources

Many of us are busily preparing our hearts and homes to celebrate the Passover which is immediately followed by the Feast of Unleavened Bread the next day. For those of us on the visible new moon/abib barley calendar, this year … Continue reading

Chag HaMatzot (The Feast of Unleavened Bread): An Overview (updated)

Chag HaMatzot or the Feast of Unleavened Bread is the second annual festival on YHVH’s biblical calendar, and occurs on the fifteenth day of the month of the Abib, which is the day immediately following Passover (or Pesach, Lev 23:5–8). … Continue reading

The Feast of Unleavened Bread—Insights from Nathan

The Feast of Unleavened Bread Is a Commemorative Ritual Passover going into the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread is the birthday of the nation of Israel. In ancient times, universal Israel came together in Jerusalem to celebrate … Continue reading

Chag Sameach (Joyous) Feast of Unleavened Bread!

Here are some free resources from Hoshana Rabbah to make your celebration of the biblical Feast of Unleavened Bread (Chag haMatzot) more meaningful: On the resurrection of Yeshua at the Messiah and First Fruits Day: On counting … Continue reading

Chag Sameach (Joyous) Feast of Unleavened Bread!

Free resources from Hoshana Rabbah to make your celebration of the biblical Feast of Unleavened Bread (Chag haMatzot) more meaningful: