His Name Is to Be Remembered

Exodus 3:15, This is my name. Here Elohim states that YHVH is the name Moses was to use when referring to I AM THAT I AM. Both the former and latter are forms of the Hebrew verb hayah meaning “to be.” YHVH instructed that YHVH was to be his memorial name forever. In other words, humans were to use YHVH to remember him by. There is no indication here that it was YHVH’s intention that his name was to be forgotten or hidden through euphemisation. The word memorial is the Hebrew word zeker (Strong’s H2143) and means “remembrance, memory.”

burning bush

It must be noted here that we don’t refer to YHVH as I Am, for were we to do so it would be necessary to say “I Am,” and in all reality, we aren’t the I Am, but YHVH is the I Am. Just so there is no confusion when communicating YHVH’s name in every day speech, the Bible uses, not the Hebrew ehyeh meaning “I Am,” but the form of the verb which means “He Is.” In this way, every time we say his name we’re glorifying him, and not inadvertently glorifying ourselves.


Shabbat Shalom from the Ghost Forest on the Oregon Coast

 My wife Sandi and I are spending the weekend at the world class scenic Oregon Coast, which is about an hour-and-a-half drive from our home. Today, Shabbat, is our anniversary. Twenty-two years and four children ago, we were married on this day.

From one of my business clients, we have rented their beach home that overlooks the mighty Pacific Ocean.

As the sun was setting, from the picture window of the house, I saw some cool light patterns on the beach, so I quickly put on my boots and donned my heavy jacket and headed down to the edge of the ocean where I snapped this photo.

Interestingly, the stumps sticking up out of the sand are a story unto themselves. They are a unique geological feature that is known as the Neskowin Ghost Forest. You can Google this and read about it. In brief, these tree trunks aren’t driftwood or old pier pilings. Rather, they are the remnants of an old Sitka Spruce forest that 1700 years ago sat perched on a knoll just above the beach. Due to an earthquake, the bank slipped into the beach area and the trees were submerged under water and sand where they were preserved until about 15 years ago. At that time, some violent storms eroded the sand away from these old trees exposing them for the first time.

Some of these now barnacle-encrusted spruce trees were originally six feet in diameter. I found one stump on the beach that is still about five feet in diameter, which means it was hundreds of years old when it was buried 1700 years ago. This stump was probably already several hundred years old when Yeshua was born! Imagine this! Here’s a close up picture of this ancient wonder. I placed my hat next to it for size comparisons purposes.


I am continually in awe of the wonders of YHVH Elohim’s creation. It speaks silently, yet at the same time shouts loudly for those who have ears to hear, of the unfathomable greatness of our Creator.

This Sabbath, please join me in giving YHVH Yeshua, the Creator of all things, the praise He deserves for all that He has done, all that He is, and for the salvation He has given you and me!


YHVH—Memorial Name of God

Shabbat shalom to everyone from our family to yours! 

Here’s a  little Sabbath treat for everyone. Enjoy…

Exodus 3:14–15, I AM THAT I AM.The name YHVH is Elohim’s memorial name forever. It reflects that fact that he is; that he is undefinable in human terms, and that he has always existed. This is the name by which he is to be remembered (not forgotten as is the case with the ineffable name concept of the rabbinic Jews whereby the names of deity or forbidden to be used). Exodus 3:14 and 15 read as follows:

14 And Elohim said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM (EHYEH ASHER EHYEH YHVH RAT YHVH): and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM (EHYEH YHVH) hath sent me unto you. 15 And Elohim said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, YHVH the Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name [Heb. shem] for ever, and this is my memorial [Heb. zeker] unto all generations.


Here are some examples of how various Bible versions translate the name of YHVH:

  • I Am That I Am (KJV)
  • I Am Who I Am (NAS, NIV, NKJV
  • I Am That Which I Am (YLT)
  • I Shall Be As I Shall Be (The ArtScroll Stone Edition Tanach)
  • I Will Be What I Will Be (The Gutnick Edition Chumash, JPS)
  • I Will Be There Howsoever I Will Be There (The Schocken Bible)
  • I Am the Being (LXX, Brenton)

Exodus 3:15 states that YHVH is the name Moses was to use when referring to I AM THAT I AM. Both the former and latter are forms of the Hebrew verb hayah meaning “to be.” YHVH instructed that YHVH was to be his memorial name forever. In other words, humans were to use YHVH to remember him by. There is no indication here that it was YHVH’s intention that his name was to be forgotten or hidden through euphemisation. The word memorial is the Hebrew word zeker (Strong’s H2143) and means “remembrance, memory.”

It must be noted here that we don’t refer to YHVH as I Am, for were we to do so it would be necessary to say “I Am,” and in all reality, we aren’t the I Am, but YHVH is the I Am. Just so there is no confusion when communicating YHVH’s name in every day speech, the Bible uses, not the Hebrew ehyeh meaning “I Am,” but the form of the verb which means “He Is.” In this way, every time we say his name we’re glorifying him, and not inadvertantly glorifying ourselves.

In writing, I use the Hebrew letters yud, hey, vav, and hey (or in English YHVH). Why is this? Because there are many possible ways to pronounce YHVH when transliterating it into English, and I don’t want to offend anyone by not spelling it your favorite way. So I just use the consonants as found in the Scriptures.

However, for those who are curious, I pronounce YHVH as Yehovah, or Yehowah. Many say Yahweh. I used to also, until it become clear to me that Yehovah seemed more correct. This can become a matter of discussion and debate, but I don’t choose to go there. Study out the subject for yourself and do what you think is right. Just keep an open mind, and be gracious to others who are of a different opinion.

Blessings to you all!


YHVH: Elohim’s Memorial Name

Exodus 3:14–15, I AM THAT I AM. The name YHVH is Elohim’s memorial name forever. It reflects that fact that he is; that he is undefinable in human terms, and that he has always existed. This is the name by which he is to be remembered (not forgotten as is the case with the ineffable name concept of the rabbinic Jews whereby the names of deity or forbidden to be used).

14 And Elohim said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM (EHYEH ASHER EHYEH YHVH RAT YHVH): and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM (EHYEH YHVH) hath sent me unto you. 15 And Elohim said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, YHVH (YHVH) the Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name (shem) for ever, and this is my memorial (zeker) unto all generations.

Here are some examples of how other translations translate the name of YHVH:

  • I Am That I Am (KJV)
  • I Am Who I Am (NAS, NIV, NKJV
  • I Am That Which I Am (YLT)
  • I Shall Be As I Shall Be (The ArtScroll Stone Edition Tanach)
  • I Will Be What I Will Be (The Gutnick Edition Chumash, JPS)
  • I Will Be There Howsoever I Will Be There (The Schocken Bible)
  • I Am the Being (LXX, Brenton)

Verse 15 states that YHVH is the Moses was to use when referring to I AM THAT I AM. Both the former and latter are forms of the Hebrew verb hayah meaning “to be.” YHVH instructed that YHVH was to be his memorial name forever. In other words, humans were to use YHVH to remember him by. There is no indication here that it was YHVH’s intention that his name was to be forgotten or hidden through euphemisation. The word memorial is defined as follows:

Strong’s H2143 zeker; from 02142; TWOT – 551a; n m; KJV – remembrance 11, memorial 5, memory 5, remembered 1, scent 1; 23; memorial, remembrance, memory