Who are the two witnesses?

I am looking forward to the advent of the two witnesses on the earth who will issue a final warning to the people of this world to repent and turn to YHVH Elohim before the Almighty, Kadoah One of Israel pours out his wrath upon the earth.

For more than three years, these two divinely-mandated mouthpieces will preach the gospel unhindered and with divine, miraculous power. Their enemies will not be able to stop them!

Move aside leftest, propagandistic secular humanistic government-media new world order complex! The Creator of the universe will have the final word before he passes judgment on your Antichrist wickedness!

Revelation 11:3–14, My two witnesses. There is much speculation as to who these two witnesses may be. Moses and Elijah seem to be the chief contenders for these two spots in the eyes of most people. However, we might be do well to consider also Moses and Aaron. 

YHVH Elohim used Moses and Aaron as his proxy to warn Pharaoh and Egypt before bringing his severe and final judgments upon that nation that would end up destroying it. Moses was in the place of Elohim, while Aaron was his prophet (Exod 7:1). 

Whoever the two witnesses will be, in the end times, history will likely repeat itself. YHVH will raise up the two witnesses of Revelation 11 who will, like Moses and Aaron, warn the world to repent just before YHVH pours out his final judgments that will bring down the Babylon the Great new world order system. This will result in redeemed Israel (or the Israel of Elohim, Gal 6:16) being completely set free from the spiritual “Egypt” of this world setting in motion the final redemption or second exodus of the scattered tribes of Israel back to the land of their inheritance, where they will join their brother Judah who has, to one degree or another, already returned.

Revelation 11:3, Sackcloth. Greek word sakkos meaning “a receptacle for holding or carrying various things, as money, food, etc.; a course cloth, a dark course stuff made especially from the hair of animals; a garment of the like material, and clinging to the person like a sack, which was wont to be worn (or drawn over the tunic instead of the cloak or mantle) by mourners, penitents, suppliants and also by those who like the Hebrew prophets, lead an austere life.”