To Circumcise or Not to Circumcise — That Is the Question

Romans 4:11, Sign of circumcision. Circumcision is a seal of righteousness not the cause of righteousness. Humans are perpetually endeavoring to mold religion into their own image in order to highlight their goodness and remove the focus off of YHVH’s terms and conditions for receiving his grace, love, imputed righteousness resulting ultimately in the glorification of man. This is humanism, the fundamental premise of which is the goodness of man resulting in the promotion or elevation of man (in his own eyes, at least) and the demotion of Elohim.


The religion of humanism originated in the Garden of Eden where the serpent (Satan), in the first lie, told man that he could attain immortal life not by having faith in and assiduously adhering to the word of Elohim, but by twisting or conforming the word of Elohim to suit man’s carnal passions. After Adam and Eve had succumbed to the alluring lies of the serpent, they attempted to make amends for their disobedience to YHVH’s word by covering themselves in their own works of self-righteousness. This they did when they fashioned an apron of fig leaves to cover the shame (the result of their disobeying YHVH’s word) of their (spiritual and physical) nakedness. These garments—a symbol of man’s self-righteousness based on his own “good works”—were made to conform to man’s body. In Hebraic thought, fig leaves are a metaphor for Torah (YHVH’s instructions in righteousness). Man’s first sin was to twist YHVH’s word and to rebel against that word or the instructions of YHVH (i.e., the Torah). His first religious and legalistic act was to attempt to atone for his own sins (by covering himself with fig leaves) through his own efforts. They attempted to conform the Word of Elohim to fit their own carnal passions. This scheme of man to save himself through his own works-based or humanistic attempts didn’t relieve man of his sin guilt nor redeem him from the wages or result of sin, which is death, then, and it doesn’t work now. Atonement of sins occurs only through the shedding of blood, which likely occurred when YHVH made animal skins (most likely from a lamb) for Adam and Eve to wear to replace the fig leaves they had made for themselves (Gen 3:21).

A Biblical Overview of the Subject of Circumcision 

The first question many will ask is whether redeemed believers should practice circumcision today or not. Continue reading


“Faith Without Works is Dead”—Is James Contradicting Paul?

James 2:20–24, Faith without works is dead. James here is referring to the works of faith, not the works of the law. No man can live a good enough life to be saved by his Torah-obedience—the works of the law (Rom 3:20, 28; Gal 2:16; 3:11).


However, faith in Elohim is more than just mental ascent—“a knowing in your heart.” It has to be backed up by action (and we’re not talking about the works of the law). For example, when Elohim told Abraham to leave Babylon or to sacrifice Isaac, he obeyed. Many were healed in Yeshua’s ministry because they had faith in the Master and backed that faith up with corresponding action, which was the evidence of their faith.

This faith-action continuum had nothing to do with Torah-obedience, but had everything to do with “putting your money where your mouth is” so to speak.

This is what James is talking about here, and this in no wise contradicts the teachings of Paul who said that no man is justified by the works of the law.  When Paul declares in Ephesians 2:8–9, “For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of Elohim, not of works…,” he was correct and not opposed to James.

What’s more, Paul goes on to say in verse 10, “For we are [Elohim’s] workmanship, created in Messiah Yeshua for good works…that we should walk in them.” These good works (i.e., obedience to the Torah) are the fruits, evidence or proof of our salvation—the works that back up our faith.

So, in summary, the Bible teaches that we need the works of faith to lead us to salvation, as well as the works of faith after we have received Elohim’s free gift of salvation as evidence that we are saved. This fact in no way contravenes the reality of salvation by grace through trusting belief in Yeshua the Messiah, which is apart from the works of the Torah-law.


New Video: The Gospel of Yeshua in the Sanctuary of the Tabernacle of Moses

In this video, Natan begins to decode the mysteries of the Tabernacle of Moses and shows how YHVH’s plan of salvation and the gospel message of Yeshua are encrypted within the tabernacle’s ceremonies and furnishings. The focus of this teaching is on the tabernacle sanctuary.

Learn how the following things point to Yeshua and relate to your spiritual journey to the New Jerusalem:

  • The door to the Tabernacle of Moses
  • The menorah
  • The table of showbread
  • The altar of incense
  • The veil
  • The ark of the covenant
  • The glory cloud

A free study guide is available at

Watch this video at


How the First Passover Perfectly Pictured Yeshua the Messiah

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Messiah, for it is the power of Elohim to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. (Rom 1:16)

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. (1 Cor 1:18)

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved [except the name of Yeshua the Messiah]. (Acts 4:12)

According to the laws of statistical probability, what are the chances of an event happening and then fifteen hundred years later another event occurring bearing an uncanny resemblance to the first one? Now suppose that not only did fifteen hundred years separate the two events, but that they occurred in two different countries several hundred miles apart, which in the ancient world considering the difficulties of travel and communications may as well have been halfway around the globe. Now suppose that the second event involved the death of a person, and that the events leading up to their death including the manner and timing of that death was beyond the control of the individual dying so that in no way could the person dying stage his death to mirror the first event. In fact, those killing the individual possessed no foreknowledge of the event that had occurred fifteen hundred years earlier. What are the chances of this occurring? Well beyond the laws of possibility!

Lamb sacrifice

This is not a fictional story! Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. The details of these two events are chronicled in the pages of the Bible. The first event occurred in ancient Egypt and is recorded in the Book of Exodus chapters eleven and twelve. There we find recorded the details of the children of Israel’s first Passover while they were yet slaves in the land of Egypt. A whole series of events led up to this first Passover, which culminated with each family’s ritual killing of a lamb, smearing its blood on the frame of their doors, roasting the lamb, and then eating it. Doing this insured that YHVH would pass over their homes leaving those inside alive. The firstborn of those whose homes did not have the blood on them were killed.

The second event involved a descendant of those ancient people who was born in a different land fifteen hundred years later. His name was Yeshua of Nazareth, a Jew, and viewed by many of his day as the long-awaited Messiah of Israel. One of the proofs of his Messiahship would be whether he would fulfill the many prophecies that had been foretold Continue reading


Yeshua in the Passover Lamb

A miraculous occurrence and a physical impossibility, 1500 years, two continents, and several hundred miles separated the Israelites’ first Passover in Egypt and Yeshua’s (Jesus’) death on the cross, yet the first Passover lamb perfectly foreshadowed Yeshua’s sacrificial death to take away our sins.
This video will either help you to find faith in Yeshua the Messiah, who has come to save you from your sins and to grant you eternal life, or it will substantially strengthen your existing faith.

Redemption: The Strong Arm of YHVH to Save His People (pt 1)

Exodus 6:6–8, I will. In this passage, YHVH reveals to Moses the seven steps of Israel’s redemption, which are actually promises of what YHVH will do for Israel.

Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, “I am YHVH, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage, and I will redeem [Strong’s H1350, ga’al meaning “to buy back, ransom for money”] you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments, and I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you an Elohim, and you shall know that I am YHVH your Elohim, which brings you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. And I will bring you in unto the land, concerning the which I did swear to give it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it you for an heritage: I am YHVH.” (Exod 6:6–8, emphasis added)


Here we find listed the seven steps of redemption YHVH lays out for Israel. YHVH uses his covenant name (YHVH) three times during the seven promises: at the beginning, middle and end. He wraps his covenant promises in his covenant name for emphasis.

YHVH is telling Moses (and us, too!!) to just believe him! Believe his Word; trust that he is who he says he is (which is what his covenant name implies: I am who I am, or I will be what I will be; i.e., I will be your All Sufficient One and will meet your every need … So just trust and believe!)

Redemption involves three things.

First, Continue reading


The Well of Well-Being

Genesis 26:1ff, At the well of Lachai-roi, Isaac was fruitful. There he met his wife while in communion with YHVH (24:62–64). Isaac also dwelt there for 20 years where he entreated YHVH because of Rebekah’s barrenness (25:21), and YHVH answered Isaac’s prayer and Rebekah gave birth to twins (25:22ff). But because of famine in the land, Isaac felt compelled to leave Canaan to seek relief in Egypt following the earlier footsteps of his father, Abraham.

Is it wise to rely on “Egypt” (a metaphor for the world) for our sustenance instead of trusting YHVH and believing that where he has planted us and blessed us is where we should stay?

While en route to Egypt YHVH, gracefully redirected Isaac away from Egypt instructing him rather to sojourn in Gerar (temporarily) where he would continue to bless him and his posterity (26:2–4). Isaac obeyed YHVH—more or less. Isaac ended up in Gerar located on the border between Canaan and Egypt and dwelt there a long time (not temporarily as YHVH had instructed him, 26:6,8).

Was he fully obeying YHVH or hedging his bet between faith and fear, between Canaan, the land of promise, and Egypt, the land of comfort for the flesh man? How often do we halt between two opinions and compromise between YHVH’s will and our own in matters where he has given us clear direction?

What happened in Gerar? (26:7) He sinned (lied) repeating the sin of his father (Gen 20:1–2).

Compromised obedience puts us in compromising situations where in order to “save our skin” we often have to compromise our values.

Though Isaac was out of YHVH’s will, YHVH was still faithful to keep the promises to Isaac he had made earlier (26:3–4). Isaac was blessed one hundred fold in his wealth (26:12–14).

Despite YHVH’s blessings, Isaac’s labors were not without difficulty and opposition from an enemy who was intent upon stealing his water wells, which were rightfully his (Gen 26:12–15). In the arid regions of the Holy Land, wells are essential for survival and prosperity.

Wells are a spiritual metaphor for salvation, life, abundance and truth—things the enemy is intent on killing for, stealing and destroying (in this light, consider Isa 12:3; 55:1–3; Ps 36:9; John 4:7–14; 7:37–39; 10:10).

Do you know Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) who is the well of salvation leading to eternal life—immortality?  Who will bring the waters of salvation to your thirsty soul? Who will heal the dry ground of your life and who will cause your spiritual desert to bloom like a rose? Who will turn your life into a river of life to all those around you? If you don’t know Yeshua, call out to him now!