We all have been (or still are) an adulterous woman…

Adultrous Woman

Numbers 5:11–31, This passages deals with a curious ritual involving wives suspected of adultery called the Law of Jealousies whereby the woman is hauled before the priest, her head is uncovered and, according to Jewish tradition, her dress is ripped open just above her breasts (b.Talmud Sota 7a). She then has the choice to drink a concoction of earth from the floor of the tabernacle mixed with the set-apart (kadosh) water from the bronze laver into which is dipped a piece of paper that contains the curses written on it. If she is guilty of the charges of adultery when she drinks the bitter waters, her belly shall swell and her thigh (Heb. yarek or side or loins,which are the seat of procreative power) shall rot as a result of a divine judgment. If she is guiltless, the bitter waters will have no effect on her. If she refuses to drink the bitter water and her husband still suspects her unfaithfulness, then he is free to divorce her, even though she has admitted no guilt. According to Jewish tradition, this legal procedure was carried out by Israel’s highest court in Jerusalem (Sota 7b).

Some biblical commentators see a parallel here between the adulterous woman and the trial and execution of Yeshua at the cross. After only a casual reflection on the issues, this may seem unlikely. But ponder this for a moment. Did YHVH liken his Continue reading


Don’t give up!

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Romans 2:7, Patient continuance in well doing. Scripture speaks of not becoming weary in well doing (Gal 6:9; 2 Thess 3:13). Yeshua in his Olivet Discourse (Matt 5–7) admonishing his disciples says, “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matt 24:13). The context of this remark is tribulation, betrayal of brethren, the deception of false prophets and false messiahs, wars and rumors of wars, sorrows, famines and pestilence. The saint is engaged in an uphill struggle in their battle against the world, the flesh and the devil (Jas 2:15), or as John states it, “the lusts of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life” (Jn. 2:16). These are the same three areas (body, soul, spirit, 1 Thess 5:23) in which Yeshua was tempted of Satan, the Adversary, in the wilderness (Matt 4:1–11), and in which Adam and Eve were tempted at the tree of knowledge when in describing the forbidden fruit Scripture records: “the tree was good for food [temptation of the flesh] and that it was pleasant/desirous to the eyes [lust of the eyes or temptation of the soul (i.e., the mind, will and emotions)] and a tree to be desired to make one wise [pride of life or temptation of the spirit](Gen 3:6). Enduring and overcoming the world, the flesh and the devil is a lifelong process. Paul echoing Yeshua’s remarks of Matthew 24:13 says in 2 Timothy 2:10, “Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Messiah Yeshua with eternal glory.” What these Scriptures show is that salvation is a process. One is saved upon belief in Yeshua, yet one must work out one’s own salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12) lest one fall away (Heb 6:5), or one’s faith become shipwrecked (1 Tim 1:19).

Patient continuance, enduring and overcoming involves warfare. Paul was well aware of this in his personal struggles in his ministry to advance the gospel of the kingdom of heaven.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through Elohim to the pulling down of strong holds;) casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of Elohim, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Messiah. (2 Cor 10:3–5)

Put on the whole armour of Elohim, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of Elohim, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of Elohim. (Eph 6:11–17)

The words overcome or overcomes occur 22 times in the Testimony of Yeshua and it is interesting to note that five of the seven churches of Asia Minor are admonished to overcome the result of which is great heavenly rewards (Rev. 2:7, 11, 26; 3:5, 12). The word overcome is the Greek word nikao meaning “conquer, prevail, get the victory.” This is the path to which believers are called. It will be the most difficult trek one will ever make, since all the powers of death, hell and Satan are arrayed against those born not of flesh and blood, but of the Spirit who are in this world, but not of it, who are sojourners and pilgrims passing through and who are citizens of a heavenly kingdom. Yet for those who overcome, endure to the end and continue patiently the rewards are more than humanly imaginable:

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which Elohim hath prepared for them that love him (1 Cor 2:9 ).


Overview of Romans — The Gospel, the Torah, & the Israelite Nation Reunited

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The following overview of Romans is a radical departure from what the mainstream church teaches. Read it and see if what I say doesn’t unite the truth of the Bible from beginning to end, instead of pitting one section of the Bible against the other, which is  the approach the church typically takes when presenting the teachings of Paul.


The Main Themes of Romans

This is perhaps the only book in the Bible that is organized systematically like a theological textbook from beginning to end with each point leading to the next. This is not how biblical books are typically arranged.

Romans 65290914

In this epistle, there are several main themes.

Pre-eminently, Elohim is the Just Judge of the universe to whom all are accountable (both Jews and Gentiles). This concept alone is huge, since most humans don’t want to believe they’re accountable to anyone except their own egos.

The Torah is Elohim’s standard of righteousness by which he will judge the deeds of all men (both Jews and Gentiles) fairly. If people can accept the fact that there is a supreme Being to whom they’re accountable for their actions, then it’s a short next logical step to accept that such a Being (Elohim) has laws that man must follow if he’s not to run afoul of that Being.

Next, Paul counters a religious system that purported to explain who that Being was and Continue reading


The Biblical Feasts and YHVH’s Plan of Salvation for Man

The Feasts Represent the Seven Steps of YHVH’s Plan of Salvation For Mankind 

Passover (Pesach): The first annual festival in YHVH’s glorious lineup in the steps of redemption is Pesach which occurs in the early spring of the year at the time of the rebirth of the creation after a long and dead winter season. Likewise, it was the time of the birth of the nation of Israel. The Children of Israel had been enslaved in Egypt for many years, but they could not extricate themselves from the death grip of Pharaoh, a picture of Satan, without some help from above. YHVH heard their cries of anguish, told them to sacrifice a lamb and smear the blood on the doors of their homes. This they did by faith. YHVH


extended his grace and mercy upon them, caused the angel of YHVH to pass over their homes so that they were delivered from the wages of their sins which is death. At the same time, the Egyptians received judgment unto death because they were not under the blood of the lamb. Israel was now free to leave Egypt. Spiritually one must leave the world (spiritual Egypt), a place of spiritual oppression and slavery, darkness and false religion. It is the realm or kingdom of Satan, the prince of death. One cannot leave the kingdom of darkness on one’s own strength. One cannot free oneself from slavery to the strong tyrants and masters of this world, the flesh or the devil. A greater power than these must deliver us from these slave masters who maintain humans in their death grip. Only by the blood of the Lamb of YHVH smeared on the door posts and lintels (our actions and thoughts) of our houses (our lives) will the death angel pass over us, for Yeshua the Lamb of YHVH defeated the enemy at the cross and defeated the death sentence or death grip of sin by resurrecting from the grave on the third day after his death (Col 2:12-15). The Israelites, by faith, trusted in the blood of the Lamb and by YHVH’s grace their sins were not credited to their account, but were forgiven causing the death angel to pass over. At that time they physically began to leave Egypt.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread (Hag HaMatzot): The Israelites left Egypt on the first day of this seven-day long festival. Leaving Egypt was a relatively simple process, but now began the process of “getting Egypt out of them.” Dying to self and overcoming all the sinful habits in our lives is a process. We cannot do this of our own efforts but need the redeeming work of Messiah. This is illustrated during this feast by YHVH’s command to remove all the physical leavening from our homes. Leavening is a type of sin and pride since yeast causes bread to rise and puff up. The sin of pride and hypocrisy leads one to believe that one is in a better spiritual state than one actually is. This is the state of spiritual Continue reading


Is “faith without works” opposed to “salvation by grace”?

James 2:20–24, Faith without works is dead. James here is referring to the works of faith, not the works of the law. No man can live a good enough life to be saved by his Torah-obedience — the works of the law (Rom 3:20, 28; Gal 2:16; 3:11).

Faith, however, in Elohim is more than just mental ascent—“a knowing in your heart.” It has to be backed up by action (and we’re not talking about the works of the law). For example, when Elohim told Abraham to leave Babylon or to sacrifice Isaac, he obeyed. Many were healed in Yeshua’s ministry because they had faith in the Master and backed that faith up with corresponding action, which was the evidence of their faith.

This faith-action continuum had nothing to do with Torah-obedience, but had everything to do with “putting your money where your mouth is” so to speak. This is what James is talking about here, and this in no wise contradicts the teachings of Paul who said that no man is justified by the works of the law.

When Paul declares in Ephesians 2:8–9, “For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of Elohim, not of works…,” he was correct and not opposed to James. What’s more, Paul goes on to say in verse 10, “For we are [Elohim’s] workmanship, created in Messiah Yeshua for good works…that we should walk in them.”

These good works (i.e., obedience to the Torah) are the fruits, evidence or proof of our salvation—the works that back up our faith. So, in summary, the Bible teaches that we need the works of faith to lead us to salvation, as well as the works of faith after we have received Elohim’s free gift of salvation as evidence that we are saved. This fact in no way contravenes the reality of salvation by grace through trusting belief in Yeshua the Messiah, which is apart from the works of the Torah-law.


New Video: Are Hebrew Roots Teachers Preaching “Another Gospel”?

As numerous people worldwide are exploring the Hebraic roots of the Christian faith including an emphasis on Torah-obedience, the question is being asked, “Are Hebrew roots teachers preaching “another gospel”? Surprisingly, the answer is both yes and no. In this video, we’ll discuss what the apostles of Yeshua taught compared to what some Hebrew roots advocates are preaching and define what “another gospel” means.


The First, Second and Third Day—Prophetic Significance

Leviticus 19:6–7, It shall be eaten. The terms first, second and third day are often significant prophetically (e.g. Hos 6:2; Gen 22:4; Luke 13:32; Exod 19:11, 15) referring to the salvific work of Messiah Yeshua that occurred at his first coming, and which will occur in the first, second and third millennia after his first coming. Day three would correspond with the beginning of year 7000—a date we must be very near. If Torah reveals that the peace offering was not accepted on the third day, what is this prophetically telling us? Leviticus 7:17–18 says of the same offering that the portion of the sacrifice which remains until the third day shall be burnt with fire, while 19:6–8 says that the person who eats the peace offering on the third day will “bear his iniquity” and “will be cut off from his people.” That is, the peace offering will be of no avail to that person and they will not have peace with their Redeemer.

Is a day coming when the door of opportunity for salvation will be shut (as was the case when the door of Noah’s ark was shut before Elohim brought judgment upon the earth by the flood, Gen 7:16), the period of grace that we are now in will end when the wrath of Elohim will be poured out upon the unregenerate (Rev 15–16) just prior to the return of Yeshua? Are you saved by the blood of Yeshua, the Lamb of YHVH? Have you repented of your sins (violation of YHVH’s Torah-laws [1 John 3:4]), and are you walking in a righteous and obedient relationship with your Heavenly Father through Yeshua the Messiah by the power of the Ruach Kodesh (Set-Apart Spirit)?

For he says, “I have heard you in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured you: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Cor 6:2)