The Shameful Truth Behind Gay Pride Month

What’s the Big Deal Abut Pride Month?

The rainbow flag, Pride Month, LGBTQ+, DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), Wokeism, CRT (critical race theory), the NWO (the new world order), ESG (environment, social, governance), gender pronouns and the list goes on and on of the terms that are now part of our current lingua franca whether we like it or not. Who is pushing this stuff on us anyway and why? It is definitely not Bible believing people. That in itself ought to give us a clue as to the source of it all! As I write this, it is the month of June. June used to be notable for being the beginning of summer. No longer. June is now about celebrating homosexuality and various expressions of sexual “freedom,” or biblically speaking, sexual deviancy. Pride month is now being celebrated and promoted from the White House all the way down to my local city hall.

It used to be that the role of government be it national or local was to build and maintain the highways and parks, protect our borders from alien invasions, defend us from enemies foreign and abroad, protect the civil liberties enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, make and enforce laws to protect the citizens, lock up criminals, and make sure that water flows from our faucets, and when the toilet flushes it goes away. Now, however, the government has taken on the mantle of social engineer, or stated another way, the State has assumed the role of God by being the creator, purveyor and enforcer of its own religion called Wokeism or whatever else you want to call its anti-biblical agendas. And what is the goal of this new religion and its sycophantic acolytes? It is to remake society into its own image of what it thinks people should be like, and that image is very different than the traditional and often biblical based values we have known for hundreds of years in our Western societies. The tenets of this new religion rabidly and militantly stands against nearly everything the Bible declares to be right and true. Face it, if you are a Bible believer, you are the target, and are in their gun sights! Like a vomit-inducing horror movie, the agenda of these new religious zealots, who virulently hate YHVH Elohim, the Bible, the Messiah and you, is coming to a theater near you if it hasn’t already. This is the spirit of antichrist!

This movie called, “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” or DEI for short, which is now being produced by Antichrist Inc., is being featured on the marquis of the ideological movie theater in my town. How is this, you ask. I live just south of one of the most liberal and libertine cities in the America, Portland, Oregon. Our state in general and Portland in particular, whose unofficial motto is “Keep Portland Weird” and who worships itself in the form of a goddess called Portlandia and whose giant statue adorns city hall, is a poster-child for Woke weirdness and leftist,  DEI antichrist ideologies. If it is antilogical lunacy, it passes muster with the majority of voters and politicians in this state whether it is euthanasia, the legalization of hard drugs, defunding the police, paying and enabling people to be homeless, criminalizing law-abiding gun owners, selling retail marijuana on every street corner, promoting full nudity in public places like downtown Portland’s annual naked bike ride, the state no longer requiring high school graduates to be able read and write because to do so is racists, or emptying the prisons of felonious criminals, and then refusing to prosecute criminals who attack the police. These are just a thimble full of crazy ideas that have taken root in the fertile ground in this Bible intolerant, God-hating state. Oregon definitely lacks tolerance, diversity, inclusiveness, equitability when it comes to biblical values or those who promote them!

So when I say that the religion of Wokeism and DEI has come to a theater near me, I am not speaking fantastically. This is because the middle to upper class suburban town in the outskirts of Portland in which I live has enthusiastically taken up the banner of DEI and Wokeism—nice sounding labels for sexual promiscuity, sexism, reverse racism and the persecution of people who hold to biblical values. I have checked it out and found that this attempt at social engineering is not in our city’s charter! Yet this does not stop my city’s political lemming leaders from marching in goose step with the ideological overlords and puppet masters of this new global religion. To wit, at tax payers’ expense, my city is now making bumper stickers with the city’s logo against the background of rainbow flag and encouraging its citizens to paste them their vehicles. What’s more, to make sure that their religion gets planted firmly in hearts and minds of local residents, the city is even sponsoring talks at our local library encouraging DEI and Woke ideologies. The city is then publishing articles in our city’s monthly newsletter promoting this new religion. Just this month, the city newsletter (a small newspaper), in celebrating “Pride Month”,  featured a giant rainbow flag in its masthead. All of this is going one while the roads go unpaved, dead and hazardous street trees remain uncut, weeds infest many of our city’s parks and flower beds and crime is on the rise. Can you see what’s wrong with this picture?

With regard to the rainbow that the homosexual agenda has hijacked as its identifying symbol, isn’t ironic that they would choose a symbol that YHVH Elohim used as a promise that he would not wipe the world clean again via a global flood because of its evil including sexual promiscuity and deviance? Is not the use of the rainbow to represent the homosexual et al agenda no more than an upraised and taunting fist in the face of the Almighty as if to say, “I dare you to bring judgment against us!” But I digress.

Now on to the real point of this piece. So June is Pride Month. Why pride? Pride in what? What is pride really all about? What is the opposite of pride that the moral degenerates are trying to cover up in themselves? What does the Bible have to say about pride? Let’s explore these a bit.

The Dictionary Definition of Pride

It is a fact that languages and word meanings evolve over time. This is a natural phenomenon. This reflects cultural trends of a society including its morals, values and ethics be they good or bad. Sadly and nowadays words like inclusive, gay and pride no longer mean what they used to. These words have been infused with colloquial meanings that reflect the values of a culture that is in moral and spiritual decline. In fact, for many of us, we have to be careful how we use these words in everyday speech for fear that people will think that we mean something other than their strict dictionary definition.

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15 years for burning a “gay” pride flag—The penalty DOES NOT fit the crime!

Here is another example a justice run amok by leftist, amoral God-haters including this particular so-called Christian church. Should the man have stolen the flag from the church? Maybe not. Yet the biblical Gideon did a similar thing when he tore down the pagan idols in his home town, and the Bible lauds him for his brave act of righteousness! And how about Yeshua overturning the money changers tables in the temple?

Really now! Sixteen years in prison for burning a homosexual pride flag? Does the penalty fit the crime? Who in a non-twisted and non-morally perverted mind would think so?

Moreover, what do you think the penalty would have been had this man burned a Christian flag, or an American flag? Well, now that’s different, isn’t it? This is freedom of speech, not hate speech!

Can you see the lunacy of the liberal left? They have turned truth, morality and anything that is good on its head, so that they now view good as evil, right as wrong and up as down. Moreover, they’re fascistically imposing their perverse, upside down values upon the rest of society through the leftist media and leftist judges and politicians. These are in-your-face signs of a society that is sliding downhill rapidly en route to hell!

Read this story and weep for our nation!

Iowa man who sets LGBTQ flag on fire gets over 15 years in prison

Register Staff Reports ( Published 9:53 a.m. CT Dec. 19, 2019 | Updated 9:42 p.m. CT Dec. 19, 2019

An Ames man was sentenced Wednesday to about 16 years in prison after he set fire to a church’s LGBTQ flag in June. 

Adolfo Martinez, 30, of Ames, was found guilty last month of third-degree arson in violation of individual rights — hate crime, third-degree harassment, and reckless use of fire as a habitual offender. 

He was arrested after stealing a pride banner hanging at Ames United Church of Christ, 217 6th St., and burning it early June 11 outside Dangerous Curves Gentleman’s Club, 111 5th St., police said.

Adolfo Martinez

Adolfo Martinez (Photo: Special to the Register)

Martinez admitted to police that he lit the banner on fire with lighter fluid and a lighter after stealing it from the church, according to court documents.

Story County Attorney Jessica Reynolds said the hate crime charges were added because Martinez is suspected of criminal mischief against someone’s property because of “what it represents as far as sexual orientation.”

He faced a maximum of five years in prison for the hate crime and arson charge and a maximum of a year and month for the other two charges, according to Iowa sentencing guidelines. Court records list him as a habitual offender, allowing him to be sentenced to a longer prison term.

The United Church of Christ is seen in Ames, Iowa. The banner above the doorway reads "God is still speaking." The banner was stolen and lit on fire on early Tuesday morning.

The United Church of Christ is seen in Ames, Iowa. The banner above the doorway reads “God is still speaking.” The banner was stolen and lit on fire on early Tuesday morning. (Photo: Special to the Register)


The Sin of Sodom and Gay Pride

Genesis 18:20, Their sin [Sodom and Gomorrah’s] is very grievous. What was the sin of Sodom? Genesis 19:5 gives us the answer. The men of Sodom were so morally perverted that Paul says of such a human condition in Romans 1:24–29,

Wherefore Elohim also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of Elohim into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this cause Elohim gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature, and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain Elohim in their knowledge, Elohim gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness …


Ezekiel 16:49–50 speaks of the symptoms of a society that has given itself over to a spirit of sodomy (homosexuality) because it has become abundantly wealthy, proud and obsessed with idleness (entertainment and pleasure). As a result it has become inwardly focused and self-absorbed, which leads to an obsession with self-gratification instead of helping the poor and needy.

It shouldn’t be hard to see parallels between Sodom’s society before it was judged and the moral and spiritual decline we see occurring in America and the rest of the western world. America, for example, has become obsessed with the concept of pride—especially since September 11, 2001. Notice, for example, the many car bumper stickers expressing the idea of national “pride” since 9/11? Not only that, our culture has also become obsessed with promoting “gay” (homosexual or sodomite) rights and agendas calling it “gay pride.” It’s Sodom all over again! This begs the question: Is America and the rest of the western world ripe for Elohim’s judgment?