What was the first and original language?

Genesis 11:1, The whole earth…one language. That language was Hebrew. How do we know that? Because all the names of people before the confounding of the languages were Hebrew names with Hebrew meanings (e.g. Adam, Eve, Seth, Cain, Abel, Noah, etc.). The meanings of these names don’t correlate one hundred percent across the board to any other language except Hebrew.

Moreover, the linguistic science of Edenics shows evidence that all the languages of the world trace back to Hebrew (for proof, see the work of Isaac E. Mozeson in his book, The Word, The Dictionary That reveals the Hebrew Source of English).

Some scholars speculate that in ancient times there existed a language called Proto-Hebrew that was akin to but different from biblical Hebrew. This is pure speculation, since no examples of this language have ever been found. The Biblical record proves that Biblical Hebrew was the original language of creation.